人教版(PEP) 五年级上册 Unit 3 What would you like? Part B同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-09-07 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 选出不同类的一项。

     A. fish         B. hot dog         C. fresh

     A. delicious      B. salad           C. hot

     A. milk         B. sweet           C. water

     A. lunch        B. bread            C. hamburger

     A. healthy       B. fresh             C. sandwich


  • 2. 写出下列汉语的英语翻译。










  • 3. — What's your favourite food?

    — ________.

    A、Chicken B、Juice C、Milk
  • 4. — What would you like for dinner?

    — ______


    A、It's great. B、I have some rice. C、I'd like some fish.
  • 5. Rabbits like carrots because carrots are _______.     

    A、hot B、sweet C、big
  • 6. Apples are my favourite ______.     

    A、drink B、fruit C、food
  • 7. Grandpa likes vegetables _____ carrots.     

    A、but not B、not but C、or


  • 8. 读句子,排顺序,组成完整对话。

    (  ) That sounds nice. What's your favourite food?

    (  ) I like potatoes and chicken best.

    ( 1 ) What do you have for lunch on Sunday?

    (  ) They are delicious and healthy.

    (  ) Why?

    (  ) We have potatoes, chicken and tomatoes.

    正确的顺序:()—()—(1)—()— ()—(


  • 9. 根据要求完成句子。

    (1)、food, what, is, favourite, your (?)(连词成句)

    (2)、Are vegetables your favourite food? (作肯定回答)

    (3)、My favourite drink is milk. (对划线部分提问) 

    (4)、fresh,is, the, and, healthy, salad (.)(连词成句)

    (5)、What fruits are sweet? (按实际情况回答)