新目标(Go for it)版英语七年级上学期期末试卷

试卷更新日期:2016-08-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. My name ____ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei ____ my friends.

    A、is; are B、is; is C、are; is D、is; am
  • 2. My cousin is a student in ________________.

    A、class 4, grade 7 B、Class 4, Grade 7 C、grade 7, class 4 D、Grade 7, Class 4
  • 3. Mrs. Tang teaches ______English. And they like _________ very much.

    A、their;  she B、their;  her C、them;  she D、them, her
  • 4. Everyone in my class            TV.

    A、like watching B、likes watching C、likes watches D、like to watch
  • 5. —What's your phone number?

    —Sorry, I don't have a _______.

    A、pen B、telephone C、pencil case D、ID card
  • 6. -____, are you Ben?   

    -No, I'm not. I'm Peter.

    A、How are you B、Hi C、Excuse me D、Thanks
  • 7. —          

    — His name is Mike。

    A、How are you? B、What's his name? C、What's your name? D、What's this?
  • 8. - Where are my ______?

    - ______on the desk.

    A、key; It's B、keys; It's C、keys ; They're D、keys; They
  • 9. - Let's play tennis.

    - _________.

    A、Yes, I do B、No, I don't. C、That sounds good D、I have fun
  • 10. He usually watches TV          Saturday evening.

    A、on B、in C、at D、for
  • 11. -Does Helen like__________?

    -Yes. She likes eating apples, pears and bananas.

    A、vegetables B、sports C、fruit D、clothes
  • 12. ______does Sandy usually do ________Thanksgiving Day?

    A、What; for B、How; in C、What; in D、How; on
  • 13. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars.

    A、It's B、There are C、They're D、Their is
  • 14. I'm ________ years old and it's my _______ birthday today.

    A、fifteen, fifteen B、fifteen, fifteenth C、fifteenth, fifteen D、fifteenth, fifteenth
  • 15. -Today(今天)is Alan's birthday.

    -Oh, Really? ____________, Alan!

    A、Happy birthday B、Happy New Year C、Thank you D、You're right
  • 16. ___________ October 1st, we have an art festival.

    A、In B、On C、With D、At
  • 17. -My favourite subject is English. But I don't like Math.  

    -I like English ___________ and I don't like Math ___________.

    A、too; too B、either; either C、too; either D、either; too
  • 18. -Who is that young man ____?

    -He's Jack, my brother.

    A、in blue B、on blue C、in the blue D、on the blue
  • 19. You can buy socks _______ girls _______ only five dollars each.

    A、to; to B、for; to C、for; for D、to; for
  • 20. Grace doesn't like math because she thinks it is ________.

    A、difficult B、fun C、useful D、interesting


  • 21. 完形填空

        Ann is a girl. 1 from Chicago, the USA. She's twelve. She 2 a round face and a small mouth. Her eyes  3 very big. He 4 blue very much. Blue T-shirt and skirt are 5  favorite clothes. She's  6 blue every day. She's very cool. Now, she's a high school student in Hong Kong. She's in 7. Her telephone number is 72585069. JiangShan is her good friend. She's 8. She's from Beijing. She's eleven. She's a high school student 9, but she's in a different class. Her telephone number is 6325625. Her 10 is in Beijing now. Beijing is very beautiful.

    A、She  B、Her    C、She's D、Her's
    A、have  B、don't have C、haves D、has
    A、is      B、are   C、am  D、isn't
    A、is like  B、like is  C、like D、likes
    A、her B、his C、she's D、her's
    A、to B、from  C、in D、a
    A、Class Two, Grade Seven B、Two Class, Seven Class C、Grade Seven, Class Two  D、class Two, grade Seven
    A、China  B、China's    C、Chinese's  D、Chinese
    A、to  B、too C、one  D、well
    A、family  B、families  C、pants  D、friends


  • 22.       Mary is an English girl, but shelives(居住) in China.She is six. Her mother says to her, "You are six now, Mary, you are going to school.I think it is very good. It's a nice school."

          "Is it a Chinese school?" Mary asks.

          "Yes, it is." Her mother says.

          It is September(九月) and the new school year begins. Marygoes to school every day. She likes her lessons(功课) and her classmates(同学)very much.Her classmates like her, too. Mary can speak a little Chinese. She likes China.She likes the people of China and Chinese food very much. 

    (1)、Mary lives in __________.

    A、England B、France C、Canada D、China
    (2)、Mary studies in _________.

    A、a French school B、a Chinese school C、a Japanese school D、an English school
    (3)、Mary likes her _______ and _________.

    A、school, class B、lessons, classmates C、students, lessons D、teacher, school
    (4)、Mary can speak a little__________.

    A、Chinese B、English C、Japanese D、French
    (5)、She likes_______ and _________.

    A、Chinese, Chinese people B、China, China food C、Chinese food, Chinese people D、the students of China, the food of China
  • 23.     May 10th is Meg's birthday. She gets agift. It is a new coat from her sister. The coat is very beautiful and she feels very happy.

    One day, Meg finds that a button(纽扣) of her coat is lost. She looks forthe button everywhere, but she can't find it. The next day, she doesn't wear that coat to school and feels sad all day. After school, she goes to the clothes shops and wants to buy that kind of clothes. But she feels disappointed.

        Meg tells her sister about that, her sister says, “We can change all the buttons. Then the buttons will be the same.” The coat is beautiful again and Meg feels happy again.

    (1)、Meg's sister buys         for her on her birthday.

    A、some buttons B、a new coat C、a new bike D、some flowers
    (2)、How does Meg feel when she doesn't wear that coat?

    A、She feels happy. B、She feels sad. C、She feels excited. D、She feels bored.
    (3)、What does Meg's sister do at the end of the story?

    A、She changes all the buttons of the coat. B、She buys another coat again. C、She buys a button in the clothes store. D、She goes to the clothes store and changes the coat.
    (4)、Where does the underline word “disappointed' mean in Chinese?

    A、兴奋的 B、失望的 C、难过的 D、高兴的
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?

    A、A lost button B、A lost coat C、A kind sister D、A clothes store
  • 24.


    Your red notebook is in the lost and found case.


    Found: Backpack

       Is this your backpack? It's black and white. My name is Tony Green. Phone 236-0731.


    My school ID card. Its number is 2007712. My name is Mary Brown. Please call 695-6385.

    (1)、Mary's school ID card number is___________

    A、236-0731 B、695-6385 C、2007712 D、2007722
    (2)、The backpack is            .

    A、green    B、white C、black and white  D、black
    (3)、Tony's ______ is 236-0731.

    A、phone number  B、E-mail address C、telephone   D、Phone
    (4)、Tony's  last(最后的) name is _______

    A、Brown      B、Green  C、Mike D、Tony
    (5)、Cindy's _______ is in the lost and found case.

    A、school ID  card  B、backpack C、notebook  D、phone
  • 25. 阅读理解

        Today is Saturday. It is Children's Day, I get up very early. I go to school at about six. Our school is very cleanand beautiful. Birds in the trees sing all the time. Every student wears awhite coat. Girls wears beautiful skirts. We sing and dance, run and jump. Welook like happy birds.

        Our party begins at half past seven.First, we listen to our teachers, and then the programme(节目) begins. Many people sing together onthe stage(舞台) . They singand dance very well. All the teachers and students like watching and listeningto them. After the party we play games in the classroom. All of us enjoy theday very much.

    (1)、What day is it today?

    (2)、When does the party begin?

    (3)、What do the children do after theparty?

    (4)、Do the children have a good time?

    (5)、What does the school look like?


  • 26. 根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示填写单词

    (1)、Yao Ming is a good b player(运动员).

    (2)、Please take (我们) to your school.

    (3)、I want two p of socks.

    (4)、Sonia is a girl. She is her mother's d 

    (5)、These are your (钥匙) .


  • 27. 句型转换

    (1)、I am Jack. (改为一般疑问句)


    (2)、They are from Cuba. (改为否定句)

    They from Cuba.

    (3)、Is this abus?(改为复数)


    (4)、I am in Class Two, Grade Seven. (对划线部分提问)

    are you in?

    (5)、My friend is twelve years old.(对划线部分提问)

    is your friend?


  • 28. 写作



    Lin Tao




    tall, round face, big nose, big eyes, small mouth




    No.7 Junior High School, Beijing

    Favorite animals and food

    cats, dogs, rice, chicken

    Dear Julia,

        My name is Lin Tao. I want to make pen-friends with you.……