人教版(PEP)英语六年级下Unit 3 同步基础检测

试卷更新日期:2016-07-29 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 读一读,译一译。

    (1)fell off …    
    (2)hurt my foot   
    (3)Labour Day

    (4)lots of       
    (5)go to Turpan   


  • 2. 用合适的问句,补全对话。

    A: You didn't come to school.?

    B: I fell off my bike and hurtmy foot.

    A: Oh dear! ?

    B: Yes, I'm OK. Thanks.

    A: ?

    B: Sure! You can see my photos from theLabour Day holiday.

  • 3. 用合适的问句,补全对话。

    A: ?

    B: Yes, I did. In Turpan I saw lots of grapes and atelots of mutton kebabs. They were delicious.

    A: ?

    B: My parents and my uncle.


  • 4. 写出下列动词的过去式

    do         fall    hurt     happen

    see        eat     am/ is     are

四、 指出句子中的错误并改正


  • 8. 翻译下列短语或句子。






  • 9. 选择恰当的句子抄写在相应横线上。

    A. We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldn't eat them.

    B. I road a horse.

    C. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.

    D. It looks like a mule!

    E. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. 

    Amy: What happened?


    Amy: That's too bad! Are you all right?

    John: I'm OK now.

    Amy: Where did you go?

    John: Mt.Tianshan, Xinjiang. Look, it's very small!

    Amy: Oh, yes. Did you go toTurpan?

    John: Yes, we did. They won't be ready till August.


  • 10. 写出下列动词的过去式。

    fall    ride  see

    hurt    can can't


  • 11. 根据对话内容,补全短文,每空词数不限。

        John went to Mt. Tianshan over the holiday. He a horse. And the horse a mule. He also went to Turpan. He saw there. But they won't be ready till August. Unluckily, John and hurt his foot last Saturday. But he's OK now.


  • 12. 选择恰当的句子抄写在相应横线上,并圈出括号中恰当的单词。

    A. How did you go there?

    B. Where did you go over the winter holiday?

    C. What did you do there?

    D. Can I see your pictures sometime?

    E. Did you like it?


    Amy: My family and I  (go /went) to Sanya.

    Yifan: Really?

    Amy: Yes, it  (is/was) so warm.

    Sarah: Hainan is far from here.

    Amy: We went there by plane.

    Yifan: How (was / were) the beach?

    Amy: It wasbeautiful. I  (take/took) lots of pictures, and I also  (go swimming /went swimming).

    Sarah: Sounds great!

    Amy: Sure.


  • 13. 根据对话内容,补全短文,每空词数不限。

    Amy and her family over the winter holiday.Hainan is their home, so they went there . Sanya is a good place to visit. The weather is . The is beautiful. Amy took lotsof pictures there. She in the sea, too.


  • 14. 阅读表格,回答问题。

    Friday,April 23

        Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun! We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food.

    In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn't feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and Iwanted to make her happy. We dressed up and made a funny play. Robin played the part of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him andlicked him. Of course, Robin didn't like it. We laughed and laughed.

        It was a bad day but also a good day!




    Dad, Mum, Yifan, and


                          What did they do?

    In the morning

    for three people

    ②took pictures of

    In the afternoon

    ①Mum ate some bad fruit and .

    ②stayed in the hotel

    ③dressed up and

    ④Robin the part of a dog.

    It was a day but also a day!

    (2)、What was the date?

    (3)、What was the weather like?

    (4)、Why did they stay in the hotel in the afternoon

    (5)、How was that day?


  • 15. 阅读下面的歌谣,圈出括号中恰当的单词。

    Where did you go on your holiday,holiday, holiday?

    Did you  (swim / swimming)? Did you shop?

    What did you do?

    I went  (swim /swimming) in the sea, in thesea, in the sea.

    I went shopping near the sea.

    I  (buy / bought) a gift for you.

    Where did you go on your holiday,holiday, holiday?

    Did you run? Did you jump?

    What did you do?

    I  (ride /rode) a bike in the park, inthe park, in the park.

    I  (don't/didn't) see a big round stone.

    And ouch, I hurt my foot!

  • 16. 根据歌谣内容,补全对话。


    B: I went to the sea.

    A: What did you do there?


    A: Did you shop?

    B: I bought a gift for you.

    A: Thank you.

    B: What did you do on your holiday?

    A: in the park.

    B: Did you have a good time?

    A: No! I and hurt my foot!