
试卷更新日期:2021-04-02 类型:期末考试


  • 1. The young man was given an award for his services to ________ disabled.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. You would be surprised ________ the sound quality of records played on decent equipment.
    A、at B、to C、from D、on
  • 3. In old times the messages were relayed from one place to________.
    A、other B、others C、the other D、another
  • 4. The notebook isn't________. I think it belongs to Peter.
    A、me B、my C、mine D、myself
  • 5. The earlier I leave home, ________ the journey is, because the buses aren't so crowded.
    A、easy B、easier C、the easier D、the easiest
  • 6. It is ________ to go to a country town and have delicious, authentic Greek food.
    A、lovely B、safely C、luckily D、happily
  • 7. ________ afraid. I won't let these dogs bite you!
    A、Not B、Don't C、Not be D、Don't be
  • 8. I'll take care of the puppy, and you don't have to remind me ________ things for him.
    A、do B、to do C、doing D、to doing
  • 9. I ________ my desk, but now it's in a mess again.
    A、tidy B、tidied C、have tidied D、will tidy
  • 10. Since the story ________ in pictures, reading it together is a lot more fun than you ever imagined.
    A、tells B、be told C、is told D、is telling
  • 11. You can choose a popular cartoon character, ________ you can make up your own one.
    A、and B、or C、so D、but
  • 12. The two suspects have________ murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.
    A、decided B、refused C、aimed D、denied
  • 13. The two computer program ________recognize your emotions based on how you type.
    A、can B、should C、must D、need
  • 14. The owner of the missing vase immediately informed the police ________ they could look for it.
    A、because B、although C、unless D、so that
  • 15. People don't always need ________. Sometimes all they need is an ear to listen.
    A、opinion B、advice C、hug D、tear


  • 16. 用单词的正确形式完成短文

    A. major    B. process    C. produce    D. invention    E. as well as

    Chinese animation has a history of over 80 years, starting with the "Wan Brothers" who started to Chinese cartoon films in the 1920s in many kinds of categories, such as puppet, paper-cut and so on.

    Ink-wash animation is a  part of it. When it first appeared in the 1960s, it was a breakthrough in the form of expression and aesthetic (美学的)conception in animated area. Two ink-wash films called "Tadpoles Searching for Mother" and "Cowherd's Flute," with Te Wei as art director and Qian Jiajun as technical director developed a high reputation both at home and abroad.

    The former received the Best Animated Film Prize at the First Hundred Flower Awardswinning five international prizes, while "Cowherd's Flute" was awarded the Golden Prize at the Odense International Fairy Tale Film Festival in Denmark. People called ink-wash animation the "fifth Chinese".

  • 17. 用单词的正确形式完成短文

    A. roles    B. amazing    C. amusing    D. exploring    E. influenced

    But even before the birth of Tadpoles Searching for Mother, another Chinese animated feature film called Uproar in Heaven had started  a connection between Chinese traditional painting and animation. The two-hour- long film mixed five different colors in its  , which included the Monkey King and the Jade Emperor. It was considered an ideal combination of Disney-style films and Chinese traditional arts.

    Japanese Cartoonist Osamu Tezuka, the "Godfather of Anime" said he was greatly  by Chinese ink- wash animation. Another Japanese anime artist also commented, saying. "It is unbelievable that ink-wash pictures could move like films. It's !"


  • 18. The thing to do is to give the stray dogs food and shelter. (one)
  • 19. His were well written but his delivery was hopeless. (speech)
  • 20. It's a new story full of, adventure and heroic characters. (act)
  • 21. The yard's doors usually have weak locks and you can open them . (easy)
  • 22. So what's going on, you sound on the phone? (worry)
  • 23. A lot of people think that happiness is about being rich, but I . (agree)
  • 24. They tried to the police into thinking they had left the country, but failed. (foolish)
  • 25. Rita found on a desert island, in a room with no doors or windows. (she)


  • 26. She needs to work on her interview skills.(改为否定句)

    She to work on her interview skills.

  • 27. A couple stole a vase worth about $300,000 yesterday.(改为被动语态)

    A vase worth about $300,000 by a couple yesterday.

  • 28. "Is Mr. Jones behind bars?" asked Pansy.(改为间接引语)

    Pansy asked Mr. Jones behind bars.


  • 29. Frame sizes are varied to make the strip more interesting.(对划线部分提问)

    frame sizes varied?


  • 30. I started to notice a tall dark figure watching me.(保持句意基本不变)

    I suddenly becamea tall dark figure watching me.

  • 31. I won't talk to her if she doesn't apologize to me.(保持句意基本不变)

    I won't talk to her she to me.

  • 32. the chance, to meet and chat, small shops, for people, offer(连词成句)


  • 33. 阅读理解

    D=Detective Ken, W=Wilson

    D: So, Wilson. What do you believe happened here?

    W: It's simple, isn't it? A thief climbed in through the window and stole the painting!

    D: Maybe. Or maybe that's just what somebody wants us to think.

    W: What do you mean, Ken?

    D: Well, let's look at the evidence. Starting at the window. Now, look outside. What can you see?

    W: A flower bed with some roses.

    D: Exactly. A flower bed. And the ground—is it dry or wet?

    W: It must be quite wet—we've had a lot of rain recently.

    D: But there are no footprints in the flower bed! How is it possible that the thief walks across the flower bed to the window without leaving footprints?

    W: Er…no.

    D: It isn't! It isn't possible, Wilson! What we're dealing with here is … a set up! Somebody has arranged the room to look as if a burglary has taken place. Look at the coffee table. What do you notice?

    W: It's got a footstool on top.

    D: Why has it got a footstool on top?

    W: Because the thief wanted to climb up…

    D: There was no thief, Wilson! But look how carefully the footstool was put on top of the coffee table. There isn't a scratch! A thief wouldn't be so careful.

    W: No, I see what you mean.

    D: Who would be so careful, Wilson? Think about it!

    W: Er…it's…I suppose…

    D: The owner of the table! He wouldn't want to damage it, would he?

    W: No, no. He wouldn't want to…

    D: So the owner of the table—the owner of Riverford Manor—has arranged everything in this room to look like a Burglary. But the burglary didn't happen.

    W: So, where's the oil painting?

    D: That's what we need to find out! And I think ________.

    (1)、The conversation probably takes place________.
    A、at a police station B、at an art museum C、at a rose garden D、at Riverford Manor
    (2)、What is the possible relationship between Detective Ken and Wilson?
    A、Interviewer and interviewee. B、Detective and suspect. C、Detective and assistant. D、Detective and case reporter.
    (3)、Which of the following is an important clue Detective Ken and Wilson found?
    A、Mud on the outside wall. B、Footprints in the flower bed. C、An open window. D、An unscratched coffee table.
    (4)、Wilson is a person who________.
    A、jumps to conclusions B、pays attention to details C、is good at reasoning D、refuses to change his mind
    (5)、Detective Ken concludes that the case might be a________.
    A、theft B、burglary C、set up D、murder
    (6)、What best fits the blank?
    A、we can arrest the servants of the manor B、we should question the owner of the manor C、we can write a report to end the case D、we should look for more clues in the manor


  • 34. 完形填空

    Shawn and his class were working on a new assignment. They were writing persuasive(劝说的)articles. When Shawn first learned about the assignment, he was1. Shawn disliked writing articles, and he wasn't sure how to go about planning and writing a powerful article that would persuade someone to do something. So he asked Mr. Matthews for extra help planning his article.

    Mr. Matthews suggested that Shawn begin by selecting a2 that was important to him. Shawn wanted to be on the football team, so he decided to write a paper explaining why he should be on the team.3, Mr. Matthews suggested that Shawn list the strongest and best reasons that would persuade people. When Shawn had listed his reasons, he was ready to start writing.

    Shawn began with his main point—that he should be allowed to be on the football team.

    Then, he explained why he should be on the team, using the reasons he had listed. After that, he wrote the4 -end of the paper. After Shawn had his draft (草稿) finished, he was ready to revise what he had written.

    Shawn read the paper to himself and to his parents. His mom and dad suggested ways and ideas that he could revise the paper to make his arguments stronger. Then, Shawn read the paper again. This time, he5  a few ideas himself. After the revision was finished, it was time to edit.

    Shawn read the paper6  to be certain that he had spelled everything the way it should be spelled. He also checked his paper for grammatical mistakes.

    The paper was written well enough that Mr. Matthews gave him a very good grade. The football coach read Shawn's paper, too, and was so convinced by Shawn's reasons that he permitted Shawn to work with the team!

    A、relaxed B、unhappy C、confident D、embarrassed
    A、hobby B、team C、topic D、character
    A、Next B、In addition C、However D、As a result
    A、plots B、details C、title D、conclusion
    A、reported B、thought of C、arranged D、focused on
    A、aloud B、properly C、carefully D、immediately


  • 35. 单词填空

    Unless you are one of those rare people with an excellent memory, you probably have trouble remembering the names of people you have just met. This problem can be frustrating (令人沮丧的) and embarrassing. F, there are a number of ways you can overcome this human weakness.

    Before examining the methods to help remember people's names, let's look at the reasons why we are so f in the first place. Researchers think it's due to a lack of motivation. People are better at remembering things that they want too learn. To put it simply, you're just not that i. Another reason is that putting a new face to a name is more complicated than we think, which leads to another problem. We usually don't make the effort to mnew names immediately. Not only that, but when meeting someone new, we may be thinking about other things and not be paying enough attention.

    All of this means that we need to take measures to avoid the embarrassment of forgetting a person's name. One good method is to say a person's name when you gthem and also repeat it silently to yourself a few times. This type of repetition is essential for learning any type of skill. Using a memory method, such as lindividual names with something else, also helps. For example, if someone's name is Ben and he is tall, you can label him (to yourself, of course)"Big Ben." In addition, focusing on people and listening more closely when you meet them will assist you in recalling their names. Although forgetting name isn't a matter of life or death, it's uncomfortable. Putting these t into practice will help you better avoid this social discomfort.


  • 36. 回答问题

    Asa child, Alain Robert was afraid of heights. One day, when he was 12, hereturned home from school. At the front door of his building, he looked for hiskeys. He didn't have them. It was 3:30, and his parents worked until 6:00 p.m.Robert looked at his apartment on the eighth floor. He saw an open window. Heclosed his eyes and pictured himself climbing the building. When he opened hiseyes, he told himself, "I can do it." A quarter of an hour later, hewas in his house, and his fear of heights was gone.

    Today,Robert (known as the French Spideman) still climbs buildings. In 2004, heclimbed Taipei 101(the tallest building in the world at the time), and in 2011he climbed the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai. To reach the top of a building, Robertusually uses only his hands and special shoes. To climb the Burj Khalifa Tower,though, he was made to wear safety ropes.

    Robertclimbs as a hobby. He also does it to make money for charity (for children andthe homeless). Climbing is his passion. Although many climbing accidents haveleft him seriously disabled, he has become one of the best solo climbers in theworld. Alain says in an interview, "We set ourselves limits, but we areall strong enough to aim higher, to achieve our goals. All we have to do isfind such strength within ourselves."

    WhenRobert climbs, he wants to send a message to people. If you have adream—something you really want to do—it can become real. But you must be braveand keep trying. If something bad happens, don't give up. Close your eyes andtell yourself, "I can do it."

    (1)、AlainRobert is afraid of heights, isn't he?
    (2)、Howdid Robert enter his apartment on the eighth floor one day?
    (3)、Whatdid Robert use when he climbed the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai?
    (4)、Robertclimbs for two reasons. What are they?
    (5)、Ifyou're afraid of doing something, what is Robert's advice?
    (6)、Whatdo you think makes Alain Robert become one of the best solo climbers in theworld?


  • 37. Write at least 60 words on the given situation.(根据以下情境写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格。)

    法国"蜘蛛人"阿兰.罗伯特的经历告诉我们, 战胜恐惧也可以是一种勇敢。你对勇敢的理解是如何的呢?请以"The time I was brave(那次我很勇敢)" 为题,根据自身的经历谈谈你对勇敢的理解。
