
试卷更新日期:2021-03-29 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 完形填空

        Not long ago, I arrived at a meeting earlier. So I walked into a room, and there I saw some volunteers were busy with handouts (手册) of the meeting. I went over and asked if I could1. Seeing I was lame (瘸腿的) , one of the ladies2said "Oh, no, thank you" and offered me a chair to just sit while they3.

        Then,4volunteer came into the room, saw me5there doing nothing and said, "Hey, young man, come over there. There's work to do, and you can help." He put two chairs together, placed two stacks (摞) of handouts and6me, "OK, the left piece goes on top of the right one."

        "Fine, I can do that," I said. And just like that, I was now happy to be part of the7.

        This member of the group saw that my disability did not mean an inability (无能) to help. Later, I8him and asked why he invited me to help. "Well, I considered we'd finish more quickly with more9. Of course you can," he10.

        The kind lady11my offer of help, but I know that she didn't mean to offend (冒犯) me. Too often, people with disabilities are left out of a social group because of their12but not because of their inability.

        It's important for all of us to feel part of a group. And when we are13, we feel that we are accepted, respected and considered as a full and14member of a group. It sends a15that says,

        "To us, your abilities are more important than your disability."

    A、enter B、read C、leave D、help
    A、rudely B、politely C、loudly D、coldly
    A、worked B、rested C、chatted D、laughed
    A、any B、other C、another D、the other
    A、crying B、lying C、speaking D、sitting
    A、showed B、moved C、treated D、controlled
    A、meeting B、family C、group D、community
    A、thanked B、introduced C、guided D、punished
    A、heads B、handouts C、legs D、hands
    A、talked B、replied C、thought D、remembered
    A、wanted B、refused C、accepted D、considered
    A、ability B、disability C、wisdom D、honesty
    A、mentioned B、rewarded C、encouraged D、included
    A、secret B、different C、equal D、simple
    A、message B、gift C、decision D、suggestion


  • 2. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

        A new study found that people's lives are made shorter in North China. It showed the life expectancy (平均寿命)had been cut down by 5.5 years there. Scientists think that it is because of the heavy air pollution. It is really the truth. Our country has already done something. However, it doesn't seem to work so well.

        "Air pollution is bad for people's health. The harm is much more serious than we can imagine, said Chen Yuyu of Beijing University, one scientist of this study.

        There was serious smog and haze in Beijing in November 2016. The sky was gray and the air smelt strange. Heavy haze covered the city. Highways were closed and planes couldn't take off on time. People couldn't see things clearly even within 15 meters in some places. Some primary schools were closed for several days.

        We should all fight against air pollution and think of good methods to solve the problem. People should be encouraged to take buses, ride bicycles or walk instead of driving cars. The factories that pollute air heavily should be closed.

        "It might be expensive to improve our environment, but we must do it. Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves," Li Hongbin, another scientist, said.

    (1)、Why do people's lives become shorter in North China according to the scientists?
    A、Because the air is heavily polluted. B、Because it's too cold in winter there. C、Because there are too many cars there. D、Because it's too dry there.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "truth" mean?
    A、Fact B、Trick C、Method D、Idea
    (3)、What's the function (功能)of the third paragraph?
    A、To show different ideas of the scientists. B、To use an example to show the serious air pollution. C、To show what we should do to protect the environment. D、To give us some advice about living in Beijing.
    (4)、What can we NOT know from the passage?
    A、Air pollution is more harmful than we can imagine. B、Serious smog and haze can make traffic stop. C、Improving the environment is so expensive that we can't do it. D、People should change their ways of going out.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Air pollution in North China is caused by waste gas. B、To save the environment, we should do something more. C、The temperature becomes higher and higher in North China. D、How air pollution in North China has.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Knowing the eye contact

    ◆If a person doesn't want to contact, there may be something he doesn't want you to know.

    ◆People who are looking for a piece of memory often look up. People who make up (编造) something often look down.

    Knowing the looks on their faces

    ◆A person with a true smile smiles with his or her mouth and eyes.

    ◆A person with an untrue smile does not smile with the eyes.

    Knowing body language about hands and feet

    ◆Hands in pockets may mean the person is keeping distance.

    ◆Feet pointing towards the door of the house may mean the person really wants to leave.

    Using body language to help you

    If you want someone to like you, do as the following:

    ◆Keep eye contact to show you are interested (But don't look at someone for too long!).

    ◆Do the similar action, postures and gestures as the other person. This will make him more re­laxed.

    Other body language

    ◆If the other person's voice goes up or down, he or she is most likely interested.

    ◆A bored person looks everywhere, looks at the time often and does the same action such as drumming the table with finger.

    (1)、When a person doesn't want to make eye contact with you, what is he doing?
    A、He is trying something. B、He is hiding something. C、He is cheering himself up. D、He is giving up himself.
    (2)、Which of the following is a real smile according to the passage?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (3)、Which of the following can show your brother doesn't want to be close to you?
    A、Laughing with you. B、Looking down. C、Putting his hands in pockets. D、Keeping eye contact.
    (4)、When a person is drumming the table with his fingers, how does he feel?
    A、Bored and impatient. B、Relaxed. C、Angry. D、Enjoyable.
    (5)、Which is NOT mentioned about body language in the passage?
    A、Facial expression. B、Eye contact. C、Feet gesture. D、Shaking hands.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Volunteers needed for a community maintenance shop (维修店)

        Are you thinking about helping others? Are you good at talking with people? Come and join us.

    Length of working time:

    From 10amto4 pm next weekend.

    Volunteers must:

    *Have finished high school education.

    *Be between eighteen and twenty-four years old.

    *Speak English and Chinese well.

    *Be friendly and patient.

    What you need to do:

    ⒈Invite visitors to choose one from the following items:

    *The fixer does the repair and the visitor watches.

    *The fixer and the visitor do the repair together.

    *The visitor does the repair and the fixer helps.

    ⒉Give out posters to invite more people to join in the fixing competition next month.

    What you can get as a volunteer:

    If you are willing to help us, you can get a free volunteer shirt. Also, every volunteer will get a free ticket to the national park. We offer free lunch.

    Categories (种类) include:

    Furniture, garden tools, clothing, electronics, book and paper repair and bicycles.

    If you are interested, you can call us at 732-3694 or email us at repaircafe@163.com. Please contact us on Sunday, April 5, at1:00pm- 5:00 pm.

    (1)、What's the purpose of the poster?
    A、To describe the free community maintenance shop. B、To introduce different kinds of old things. C、To find volunteers for the community maintenance shop. D、To show the new environment of a mainte­nance shop.
    (2)、How long should the volunteers in the maintenance shop work?
    A、For 12 hours. B、For 10 hours. C、For 6 hours. D、For 5 hours.
    (3)、Who can be a volunteer in the mainte­nance shop?
    A、Cindy — She is 14 and is a middle school student. B、Eric — He is studying in Grade Three in a high school. C、Mike — He is friendly but can't speak English. D、Lucy — She is 20 and can speak English and Chinese.
    (4)、Which of the following CANNOT the fixers fix?
    A、A worn shirt. B、An old novel. C、A spaceship. D、A broken table.
    (5)、What can we get from the passage?
    A、Anyone in the maintenance shop can get a free shirt. B、The volunteers should teach the visitors how to fix things. C、You have two ways to contact the maintenance shop. D、You can contact the shop on the morning of April 5.
  • 5. 阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。

        Do you use hand gestures when you talk? Do you open your mouth and eyes wide when you are surprised?How important can it be?

        Body language does not use words.

        According to American scientist Edward T. Hall, in a conversation between two people, 65 per cent of communication is body language. In some cases you even express yourself without words. For example, your friend asks you to join him in a picnic; you give him an "OK" gesture to say: "Yes, sounds great!"You may do things unconsciously (无意识地) like touching your face while telling a lie.

        In different cultures, the same body language means different things. In the USA, making eye contact with someone means you are interested in what the person is saying.

        Sometimes, different body language expresses the same meaning. Take "hello" for example. French people kiss cheeks (脸颊) to say hello. Japanese people bow (鞠躬). Maoris (毛利人) in New Zealand, however, touch noses as greeting.

        What are you trying to say?

        Understanding this language helps you to communicate better with others.

    A. Body language is important for teenagers.

    B. Sometimes, your words say one thing, but your body language says another.

    C. While in some Asian countries, it is rude to look into a person's eyes during a conversation.

    D. These are examples of body language.

    E. It uses the movement or position of your body to show certain meanings.

  • 6. 配对阅读。左栏是五个人对二手商品的需求,右栏是跳蚤市场上在售的产品。请将二者进行匹配。

    Jane is a science fiction lover. She loves Liu Cixin and has read Wandering Earth. She is usually free for book shopping after work.

    Mrs. White is a full-time housewife and enjoys making food. She doesn't want to spend too much money on a new bread maker.

    Tony is always busy with work. Now he has 3 days off and wants to stay at home watching movies. He would like to buy some DVDs.

    After the terrible storm last night, some furniture(家具) in Mr. Young's house was broken. He would like some tools to fix it up.

    The Greens don't have too much money to pay for their kids' new clothes. What's more, they don't even have time to buy clothes.

    A. Clothes for children! My son has been 3 years old. We are going to clear out his used clothes while some are still new. Come to my home to find more that are suitable for you child.

    B. Children keep growing and their clothes will not fit them soon. It is a waste. If you need nice clothes at good prices, come to 256 Park Road. I can also send them to your house so that you can try them on at home.

    C. Crazy about films? More than 200 DVDs of different kinds of movies for you to choose, yet there are still some new movies. Call me at 0548-8666. Enjoy your own "Movie Days".

    D. Learning to fix some broken things can be very interesting. You can feel satisfied if something needs to be fixed up. My tool box may be you good helper. Call me at 8613-3322.

    E. Can you imagine traveling in the space? Do you feel interested in the life on other planets? You can enjoy all of them from the works of the most famous writers, Liu Cixin. Get to me by wechat: sciencemad. Make a plan to share opinions.

    F. Proper furniture makes your house more beautiful. We have sofas, chairs, dinner tables and so on. They are at least 95% new with good prices. We will move them to your home for free. Come and have a look to choose your favorite ones.

    G. I have had this bread maker for only one month and have used it five times or so. You can pick it up any time from 10 am to 3 pm on weekdays at 58 High Street.


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个恰当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

        Two weeks ago, an accident happened near our school. A man (lose) control of his car and hurt a seven-year-old girl. The (teach) were very worried, so they sent her to nearest hospital right away.

        Her father then went to the hospital and stayed with her. Her mother couldn't go to the hospital she needed to look after her little son. It made her worried, so she asked the voluntary organization some help. As a volunteer, after I learned about her problem, I offered (help) her. I took care of her son for a few days. Although it was difficult for me to do it, I tried (I) best. I always hugged (拥抱) the boy to make him feel better.

        (luck), the girl's surgery (手术) was successful. Some days later, she came back home. I was happy that the mom trusted (信任) me to be with her son and that I was able to help her.

        If everyone spends a little more time (give) a helping hand to others in need, the world will be much (beauty) in the future.


  • 8. 每个人喜欢的卡通人物(cartoon character)各不相同,请你以“My favourite cartoon character”为题及下列提示写一篇短文,描述你喜欢的卡通人物及原因。要求:80词左右。





    My favourite cartoon character