牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级下册Module 3 Sport and health Unit 6 Caring for your health 第4课时同步习题

试卷更新日期:2021-03-19 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —What's wrong with you, Mike?

    —Oh, Mum. I have sore eyes. I feel t.

  • 2. Beautiful scenery will help you r.
  • 3. If one holds a p attitude toward failure, he will overcome difficulties to win victory.
  • 4. I think true f is a combination of physical, mental and emotional activities.



  • 9. I have got toothache, so I must go to a (n)__________.
    A、singer B、farmer C、actor D、dentist
  • 10. —Are you thirsty?

    —Yes, please give us _______.

    A、three bottle water B、three bottle of water C、three bottles of water D、three bottles of waters
  • 11. The blind man walked across the street _________the help of a boy.
    A、by B、at C、in D、with
  • 12. He made a quick_________ from his illness and was soon back at work.
    A、enemy B、eyesight C、concert D、recovery


  • 13. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成短文。

    at a time a 20-minute walk be happy do better in every day

    Three good habits that help improve your memory

    Dear teachers and students.

        I'm Amy.

        Do you want to have a better memory? Many people would say yes. But how?

    First, exercise . When you exercise your body, you also exercise your brain. Your brain gets more oxygen when you exercise, like .

    Second, don't eat too much . Have a good diet. This will help your brain become healthier.

        Third, . If you're happy, your mind will become livelier and your memory will become sharper.

        If you have these habits, your memory will improve. You'll your studies and in your life. Thank you for listening.


  • 14. 阅读理解

        We're sitting too much and it's dangerous. Most Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more you sit, the weaker your body will be. Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day—anywhere, even at the workplace—to improve your health.

        Park a few blocks away from the office each morning and walk to work.

        This allows you to start off your mornings actively and be ready to take on the work. If you take the bus, get off one stop earlier to take some light exercise before 8 a.m.

        Get up and move around the office once every 60~90 minutes.

        When you're busy with work, it's easy to forget the time. Set the alarm to remind you to get up and take a walk around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle or go to the bathroom.

        Ask questions and discuss questions face to face.

        Go to your co-workers' office to discuss questions face to face, rather than send an email every time you have a question. This gives you a good excuse to move.

        Use your lunch break to move around outside.

        So many Americans today work during their lunch break. When possible, take advantage of this time to walk outside and enjoy the nice weather. Fresh air can make you keep a clear mind.

    (1)、Every morning, we can park a few blocks away from the office to __________.
    A、take some light exercise B、find a good place to park C、save some money D、take a walk in the park
    (2)、What can we do when we get up to walk around the office?
    A、To play games with our co-workers. B、To fill up the water bottle. C、To enjoy the nice weather. D、To walk to work.
    (3)、Which sentence is RIGHT according to the passage?
    A、We should discuss questions face to face during lunch break. B、We should send an email every time we have a question. C、Few Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day. D、We should move our bodies every 60~90 minutes during the work.
    (4)、The article mainly tells us during the work.
    A、ways to be more active B、it's dangerous to sit too much C、the importance of taking exercise D、ways to get along with co-workers


  • 15. 现在,中学生在校内能保证一定时间的运动量,但在校外普遍缺少运动甚至不运动。请就此现象写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:






    参考词汇:be short of缺少

        Many students are short of exercise in their spare time now.