牛津深圳版英语七年级上册Unit 6 Travelling aroundAsia单元测试.

试卷更新日期:2016-07-21 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. There is______ “s” and _______ “i” in the word “suit'.

    A、a;an B、a;a C、an;an D、an;a
  • 2. ________ is my brother. Do you like to play with ________, Tom?  

    A、She; her B、He; his C、She; hers D、He; him
  • 3. I'll give the book to him if he _______ here next Sunday.  

    A、will come B、comes C、is coming D、came
  • 4. —Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?

    —Sorry, I don't know. When he ______ back, I'll tell you.

    A、comes B、will come C、come D、may come  
  • 5. Hobo doesn't know _______ .

    A、when to do B、what to do C、how to do D、where to do
  • 6. There are some flowers on _______ side of the road.

    A、each B、every C、both D、all
  • 7. That bag is too ________ .Who can help me carry it?

    A、long B、interesting  C、heavy       D、light
  • 8. The students in our class want to _______ some money and _______ it _______ the children in the poor areas.

    A、raise;donate; to B、raise for;donate;to  C、donate;raise;for D、donate to;raise;for
  • 9. If you_____ away from the junk food, you will be in good health.

    A、stay B、will stay C、stays
  • 10. Studying in groups is necessary ______you want to do well in school.

    A、if B、until C、unless D、though
  • 11. If more trees _______ planted, our city will be more beautiful.

    A、were B、are C、will be
  • 12. —This term I want to be the top student in my class.  

    — ______.

    A、Congratulations B、Never mind  C、Of course D、Good luck to you
  • 13. I have a trip      the city.

    A、to B、from C、at D、in
  • 14. — You look very pretty today.    

    — _______.

    A、Oh, I don't B、Thank you C、The same to you D、No, I'm not
  • 15. If you put red and yellow together, you can get ________.

    A、green B、blue C、orange D、brown


  • 16. 完形填空

          Jenny, from Germany, spent sometime traveling in India. While she was there, she stayed with her Indian friend, Leela. However, there was a language barrier (障碍) for her there. It was very 1 for her to communicate in the new environment, which was very different from 2 of her own country.

         One day, together with Leela, Jenny went to  3 an orphanage (孤儿院). All the children there were very young. At first, Jenny was not sure if she could have a way to communicate with them. She went over to the children 4 and sat beside them. After some time, one of the children 5 her. She felt a little relaxed and smiled back. Then she went close to the child. She slowly put her arm around the child and started 6 a song in German. The child kept smiling and started repeating the words after her. The words that came from the little mouth were different from those that Jenny sang, but the rhythm (节奏) was the same. Jenny sang a little more and the child followed her again. Wanting to join in the 7 , another child went up to Jenny and started singing the rhythm. Then more children joined. They 8 many smiles together.

          From the other side of the hall, Leela was smiling and watching them. Noticing  Leela's 9 on her, Jenny had an exciting feeling from her heart:“See, I don't have any language barriers here. We 10 speak and communicate!”At that moment, she understood: we're all simply human, and we have the ability to connect with each other.

    A、nice            B、dangerous    C、difficult     D、easy
    A、these    B、those     C、this                D、that
    A、show  B、visit C、build  D、improve
    A、slowly            B、early    C、hardly         D、easily
    A、looked at  B、laughed at C、shouted at    D、smiled at
    A、singing             B、writing    C、saying  D、playing
    A、club   B、talk    C、fun   D、dance
    A、forgot                                   B、remembered C、shared   D、missed
    A、hands   B、eyes    C、influence      D、question
    A、can        B、must    C、need      D、should


  • 17. 阅读短文,下列问题

    Dear Liz,

        My stay in Thailand has certainly been the experience of my life.

    Life is busy and exciting. Bangkok is just like any other big city with a population of 10 million and heavy traffic. I'm very lucky because my host family is in a nice quiet area outside the city. There are Mr. and Mrs. Phairat,their son Sanan, who is 18,the daughter Chinda, who is 16, and Grandpa and Grandma.

        I go to an international school with Sanan and Chinda. The school teaches about 70 percent in English, and 30 percent in Thai. I've learned some spoken language, but Thai writing is very difficult. The cooking lesson is my favourite. I'm learning all about Thai food and culture. People don't use chopsticks here, but spoons and forks. When I come back, I'm going to cook you a real Thai meal.

        Last weekend we visited some temples. We also drove to Pattaya beach near Bangkok. I thought it was great, but Sanan and Chinda say that next month they're taking me to Phuket Island, where the beaches are even more beautiful. The month after next, we're going to travel to Mr. Phairat's hometown in the north of Thailand. The Phairats own land there, and they have two elephants. I'm going to ride those elephants—and even wash them. Sanan and Chinda say it's really fun.

    I'm amazed by everything in this country, especially by the elephants. Elephants are an important part of Thai culture and way of life.They have been a traditional symbol (象征) of Thailandfor many years in times of war and peace. In the seventh century, a Thai king trained 20,000 elephants for battle. I'll tell you all about my Thai boxing(拳击)lessons next time I write.



    (1)、How many family members are there in Mandy's host family?

    A、4. B、5. C、6. D、7.
    (2)、Mandy writes in her letter that the ____________ lesson is her favourite.

    A、Thai speaking B、boxing C、Thai writing D、cooking
    (3)、Next month, Mandy is going to visit ____________.

    A、Pattaya beach B、Phuket Island C、Mr. Phairat's hometown D、Bangkok
    (4)、From the letter we know that Mandy is  when she stays in Thailand.

    A、bored B、quiet C、excited D、proud
    (5)、What is the possible subject of the letter?

    A、Study trip in Thailand B、Food culture in Thailand C、Elephant riding in Thailand D、International schools in Thailand
  • 18. 阅读短文,下列问题

        Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important.There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges,tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate. It's not good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate. It's not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don't be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

    (1)、Which is right?________

    A、Everybody is healthy. B、We want to be healthy. C、We are important.
    (2)、What are healthy foods? _______

    A、Fruits and vegetables. B、Bananas, apples and chocolate. C、Fruits and chocolate.
    (3)、Why are healthy foods good for you? _______

    A、They make you happy. B、They make you grow strong. C、They make you grow and make you strong and happy.
    (4)、“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是):______

    A、The doctor goes away when he sees an apple. B、The doctor runs away when you give him an apple. C、You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.
    (5)、What keeps you healthy? ________

    A、Fruits and vegetables. B、Healthy food. C、Healthy food and sports.


  • 19. 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余项。

    A: Can you tell me your holiday plan?

    B: Sure.Daniel and I want to go to Hawaii very much.

    A: Hawaii? Go abroad?   

    B: Yes. I always want to travel to a foreign country.


    B: Because its beaches are very famous.

    A: Is that all?

    B: Of course not.

    A: Did you buy the air tickets?  

    B: No, we didn't.So I don't have free time.

    A: Maybe I can help you.

    B: Oh.Thank you all the same.

    A. Why do you want to go to Hawaii (夏威夷)?

    B. How long are you going to stay in Hawaii?

    C. I have to study for the maths exam.

    D. We also want to learn something about American culture.

    E. I asked my father to buy it for us.

    F. Do you like going abroad?


  • 20. 写作
