
试卷更新日期:2021-03-10 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. 在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        There once was an oldman named Sai Weng who lived with his son in a village. They both enjoyedriding horses and lived1 life on feeding horses.

        Then one day, Sai Wenglost2 ofhis most prized horses. After hearing about this, some of the old man's friendsand neighbors came to comfort him. "How unlucky it is3 that horse!" they said.

        However, the old man4 smiled and said "Maybe".

    Aftera while, the lost horse returned, bringing back5 it another beautiful horse from theneighboring country. His friends and neighbors said "What luck for you tohave6 acouple of nice horses."

        However, once againthe old man said "Maybe."

        Oneday, his son fell from the new horse and broke his leg while he7 on it. The doctor said, "Bad luck thatyour son's legs8 inthe accident."

        But the old man wasstill said "Maybe."

        A year later, allable-bodied men in the village were called on to join the army. Later theyfought in a war9 killed many soldiers. However, because of thebroken legs, Sai Weng's son was not chosen to join the army and was thus(因此) spared from10.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、another B、some C、any D、one
    A、lose B、lost C、losing D、to lose
    A、simple B、simply C、more simple D、more simply
    A、on B、for C、with D、between
    A、so B、such C、quite D、very
    A、rode B、is riding C、was riding D、have ridden
    A、broke B、have broken C、is broken D、were broken
    A、that B、whose C、who D、what
    A、die B、died C、dead D、death


  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

        One sunny Sundaymorning Harry was having breakfast with his Grandpa. Little Harry talked abouthis1 the night before that he was the captain of apirate(海盗) ship looking for losttreasure. Grandpa said to little Harry, "You can never find the losttreasure2 without a map. There were a lot of dangers atsea for pirates in3 oftreasure."

        So little Harry andhis Grandpa4 all that sunny afternoon making a map to findthe lost treasure. Just when they finished the map, Harry's mum came and tookhim home.

        The next day Harry'sGrandpa decided to start5 Harry's amazing pirate ship from his dream.Grandpa found an old car steering wheel(方向盘)and an old bell that were used to hang on the door of the shed(库房). Laying out plenty of "rubbish" from his shed afterhours' work, he had a(n)6 look in his eyes. With the decision to7 his grandson's dream, the old man made aneffort to build the ship within the next few weekdays.

        Saturday morning wasthe day of the big8 for little Harry. Seeing the ship, LittleHarry climbed up into it9. "Youare really a hero! Thank you, grandfather!"10 he felt tired, the old man was proud, "Gofor your treasure! Captain Harry!" What a joyful moment they had!

    A、chance B、dream C、secret D、research
    A、quietly B、directly C、easily D、exactly
    A、search B、honor C、memory D、praise
    A、cost B、took C、wasted D、spent
    A、sailing B、building C、moving D、leaving
    A、satisfied B、angry C、stupid D、crazy
    A、cancel B、change C、achieve D、spread
    A、surprise B、party C、heart D、journey
    A、at least B、at last C、at once D、at the same time
    A、Yet B、Since C、Unless D、Although

三、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

  • 3. 阅读理解

    (1)、The donations are made to help _________.
    A、people without medical supplies B、poor people in a community C、community hospitals and schools D、medical workers at a hospital
    (2)、Doctors and nurses at Riverside Community Hospital are reusing face masks ________.
    A、because they want to save money for the hospital B、because their face masks can be used again and again C、because the hospital is running out of medical supplies D、because they want to care for patients with COVID-19
    (3)、Donations will be turned down if they _________.
    A、do not fit the standards of the hospital B、are too expensive for healthcare workers C、do not include medical alcohol and masks D、are not checked by the community hospital
    (4)、If you want to know more information about donation, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.
    A、get in touch with Kim Smith B、visit Kim Smith in person C、send a mail to D、call 87433333 or 82210181
    (5)、You can see this passage _______.
    A、in a school textbook B、in a medical report  C、in a local newspaper D、in a science research paper
  • 4. 阅读理解

        In 2019, Alipay Ant Forest was awarded(奖励) the United Nation's highest environmental honor – the "UN Champions of the Earth" award – for encouraging over half a billion people to take action in their daily lives to live greener lifestyles and help protect the environment with digital(数码) technology.

        Ant Forest is an app-based game that is sweeping across China. The users of the game get green energy points for choosing low-carbon(低碳) activities like taking a bus or using less plastic. Once players have gotten enough green energy, they can plant a virtual(虚拟的) tree in Ant Forest. For every tree planted in the virtual game, a real tree is planted by Ant Forest in China's countryside. Ant Forest says 100 million real trees have been planted so far, covering a total area of 933 square kilometers — almost the size of 130,000 soccer fields.

        In order to make it possible for more than 500 million users to watch their trees growing, Ant Forest works with GaGo Group to monitor trees using satellites(卫星). Two satellites took pictures of the desert areas before and after the tree planting to show users how their everyday actions have made a difference.

        Alipay Ant Forest shows how technology can change our world. Internet connects the virtual world with the real world. This has been easily accepted by the Chinese youth. Alipay Ant Forest's popularity shows that the public is ready to take action to protect our living environment. Many Chinese net users said that they were so proud that they had made a contribution to the greening of the world through online games.

    (1)、The "UN Champions of the Earth" award is given to people or groups _______.
    A、that own a lot of forests B、that change people's lifestyles C、that improve digital technology D、that help protect the environment
    (2)、Ant Forest users _______.
    A、plant many real trees B、know much about technology C、choose a green lifestyle D、go to the countryside often
    (3)、The growth of the trees is shown to Ant Forest users to let them know ________.
    A、whether they are cheated B、that they are playing an important role C、how much the tree planting costs D、where the real trees have been planted
    (4)、The underlined word "contribution" means _______ in Chinese.
    A、贡献 B、收益 C、倡议 D、设想
    (5)、Which is the best title of the passage?
    A、Users Plant Forests for Ants B、Ant Forest Has Many Young Users C、Online Game Virtual Forests D、Online Game Helps Make China Greener
  • 5. 左右两栏分别是学生的选课意向以及课程简介,请将二者进行匹配。

    Paul wants to know more about world famous directors and their directing style and to learn something from them.

    Helen has played some characters in a few movies. She wants to be more successful.

    Bill finds it boring to learn English. He hopes to improve his English language skills in an interesting way.

    Jack has many thoughts after watching movies. He wants a course which helps him express his ideas properly.

    Sally wants to become a good film photographer in the future. She hopes to take a course on photographing skills of movies.

    A. Movie Appreciation (欣赏)

    This course aims to develop the students' interest in the English language and Western culture through cinema.

    B. Movie Making

    The course teaches filmmaking skills to anyone interested in creating short films, from planning to photographing. You will discover how to get your movie running. 

    C. History of the Movies

    It is a course which gives us a detailed (详细的) introduction to the development of the film industry.

    D. Works of Famous Directors

    The course introduces to the students some famous Hollywood directors, their works and comments on their works.

    E. Movie Comments

    The course is a study of how to write movie comments(评论) through some nice examples. The students can enjoy many films as well.

    F. Characters and Performing Art

    The course analyzes (分析) excellent performances of some actors and actresses in some movies. It helps you become an excellent performer.

    G. Photography of movies

    It is a course which analyses the photography of some successful movies. This course is to help those who want to become film photographers.


  • 6. 请用适当的词完成下面这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        "Put one foot in front of the other, smile and just keep on rolling."

    — Kobe Bryant, 2008.

        Kobe Bryant was famous as  basketball player, but his achievements stand far outside the basketball world. He  an Oscar for his short film, "Dear Basketball", in 2018. It was based on a poem he wrote announcing his retirement(宣布退役) from the NBA.

        Bryant said the idea to make it into a film was from his , Gianna, who told him, "Dad, you always tell us to go after  dreams, so man up." And she was right. He called the Oscar a  meaningful achievement than winning an NBA title(称号)."To be honest, I feel better than winning a championship," Bryant said  he was interviewed by some reporters.

        Kobe  considered as one of the greatest NBA players of all time. As a child, he worked really hard to make his basketball dream come . He is a super star that hundreds of thousands of basketball fans look up to. However, to all fans' sorrow(悲痛), he and Gianna were killed in a helicopter crash  January 28, 2020. It is a huge loss for not only his family  also the basketball world. Kobe Bryant will live in the hearts of his fans forever and Mamba Mentality(曼巴精神) will keep encouraging them. 


  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成问题卡。

        Australia has always had bushfires, but this year it's had an early and huge start to the bushfire season. Several bushfires that were already huge have joined together to cover an area of nearly 2,000 square miles.

        It's hard to find enough fire fighters and equipment to deal with all the fires. This week, the government began to get the army involved(参与) in the fire-fighting.

        Though thousands of fire fighters have been working to fight the fires, some fires are simply too large to be controlled. Winds have helped spread the fires. And dry weather conditions have made it harder to find the water needed.

        Recent fires have trapped(困住) some people in cities and towns along the coast. On Wednesday, around 4,000 people were forced to the beach by a big bushfire and trapped there until the wind direction changed.

        Tourists have been told to leave a 112-mile-long stretch(地带) of coast in New South Wales. Fire fighters warn that visitors leave the area before Saturday, when conditions are expected to get worse.

        However, leaving won't be easy, since many roads are closed and many gas stations are running low on fuel(燃料). What would help the most at this point is rain. An expert said, "It was nature which started the fires and it will be nature that stops these fires."

    (1)、Who did the government ask to fight against the fire this week?
    (2)、What made it harder to find the water to put out the fires?
    (3)、How many people were trapped at the beach on Wednesday?
    (4)、Why was it not easy to leave the area?
    (5)、If there is a heavy rain, will it be helpful with the situation?


  • 8. 根据要求完成短文写作。








    2)语句连贯,词数80个左右。 作文的开头已经给出,不必抄写在试卷上,也不计入总词数。

        Bushfires can break out at any time of a year.