外研版(一起)六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 练习题1

试卷更新日期:2021-03-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Where is Kate?

    —She _____ to England.

    A、has been B、has gone C、will be D、will go
  • 2. What ____ he_____ when his mother opened the door?
    A、did, do B、had, done C、will, do D、was, doing
  • 3. —How long _____the man_____?

     —For 4 years.

    A、has, died B、did, die C、was, died D、has, been dead
  • 4. She told us that she ________ our factory the next day.
    A、had visited B、was visited C、would visit D、will visit
  • 5. We _____ not go to the cinema if it _______this afternoon.
    A、will, will snow B、will, snows C、do, snows D、do, will snow
  • 6. Mr. Lee said he _____ never _____to Japan.
    A、has, gone B、has, been C、had, gone D、had, been
  • 7. The earth _____ around the sun all the year.
    A、has moved B、moved C、moves D、will move
  • 8. He _______ his bike, he has to walk to school.
    A、lost B、loses C、has lost D、had lost
  • 9. I was late for the meeting. When I reached there, all the people____.
    A、had left B、has been left C、has left D、had been away
  • 10. Two years has passed since I ______you the first time.
    A、meet B、have met C、met D、had met
  • 11. I ________in Beijing for half a year now.
    A、was B、have come C、had come D、have been
  • 12. When we _______the railway station, the train _____for 5 minutes.
    A、got to, had been away B、reached, had left C、arrived, has been away D、arrived at, has left
  • 13. —_____ we go and see Liu Ming tomorrow?

    —Good idea! He _____be very pleased.

    A、Will, will B、Shall, will C、Shall, shall D、Will, shall
  • 14. The story _______in London in1940.
    A、happened B、has happened C、happens D、was happening
  • 15. Look, the birds ______ towards the south. They _____ to the south every year.
    A、are flying, flies B、fly, are flying C、are flying, fly D、were flying, flew
  • 16. How long have you ____the book?
    A、bought B、borrowed C、keep D、had
  • 17. I have _____the USA for two months.
    A、been to B、gone to C、been in D、went
  • 18. We _______ millions of trees on the hills in a few years' time.
    A、have planted B、planted C、will plant D、plant
  • 19. They _______ a film this evening.
    A、see B、are seeing C、shall see D、are going to see
  • 20. My brother ________a League member for three years.
    A、has been B、has become C、has joined D、was
  • 21. He knew Beijing very well because he ______there many times.
    A、had been B、went C、has been D、was 
  • 22. His uncle _____the Army two years ago.
    A、joins B、joined C、has joined D、has been in
  • 23. He ____ there already.
    A、arrives B、arrived C、has arrived D、has been
  • 24. Please ______ to me as soon as you ________ there.
    A、write, get B、wrote, got C、writing, get D、write, will get
  • 25. He _____ some friends and he often ______ them during his stay in Tokyo.
    A、has, visits B、has, visited C、had, visited D、had, visits
  • 26. How often _____you ____to the park when you were in Tianjin?
    A、do, go B、did, go C、will, go D、have, gone
  • 27. What do you________ do tomorrow?
    A、want to B、going to C、go to D、like to
  • 28. The students _____ on a farm for ten days. Then they ____ to a factory. Though they _____ back at school, they still remembered those farmers and workers.
    A、have stayed, went, were B、had stayed, go, are C、have stayed, go, have been D、had stayed, went, were
  • 29. It ______ Thursday tomorrow.
    A、is going to be B、will going to be C、will D、will be
  • 30. I _______ him since we last met in 1998.
    A、don't see B、haven't seen C、didn't see D、have seen
  • 31. My mother often _________ clothes last summer.
    A、wash B、washes C、washed D、is washing
  • 32. He _______ always late for school when he was young.
    A、is B、was C、will be D、were
  • 33. He usually _____to school by bus.
    A、go B、went C、goes D、will go
  • 34. Last summer I went to Beijing and ______ there for one month.
    A、have stayed B、stays C、stay D、had stayed
  • 35. Last night, my father _____ reading the book for about 2 hours.
    A、keeps B、had kept C、kept D、has kept
  • 36. Do you know that sound ________ much more slowly than light.
    A、go B、went C、goes D、will go
  • 37. As soon as he __________ home, he will have a bath.
    A、get B、will get C、gets D、is getting
  • 38. He fell asleep while he __________ a book.
    A、read B、was reading C、is reading D、had read
  • 39. Look, someone ______a picture on the blackboard. How beautiful it looks!
    A、draws B、is drawing C、has drawn D、drew
  • 40. Look at the empty room. All the guests_________.
    A、are leaving B、left C、have left D、will leave