
试卷更新日期:2021-03-05 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 英汉互译
    (2)、have a good time
    (4)、a dentist
    (6)、take medicine


  • 2. 按要求写单词
    (5)、do not(缩写形式)


  • 3. 找出不同类的单词。
    A、bike B、show C、train
    A、how B、why C、because
    A、him B、me C、she
    A、sad B、visit C、happy
    A、city B、pick C、let


  • 4. —        are you happy today?

           I can play football with my friends.

    A、Why, Because B、What, So C、What, Because
  • 5. —       coat is this?

    —It's my brother's.

    A、Who's B、Whose C、Who
  • 6. —What are you       ?

    —I am       the housework.

    A、do; doing B、do; do C、doing; doing
  • 7. Please       , Liu Tao.
    A、try on them B、tries them on C、try them on
  • 8. — Is the park far       the zoo?

    —Yes, it is. It's        the supermarket.

    A、to, to B、from, near C、for, on
  • 9. You can't       them, because they're bad       us.
    A、eats; to B、eat; for C、eat; to
  • 10. Su Hai lives       Moon Street. I live       Sunshine Town.
    A、in; on B、on; on C、on; in
  • 11. It's so hot today.      your coat.
    A、Put on B、Take off C、Try on
  • 12. In the UK, we ask "Where's the      ?"
    A、mushrooms B、restroom C、toilet
  • 13. 下面划线部分发音与其他两项不同的是:
    A、dress B、drink C、trees



  • 19. 从B栏找出A栏相应的答句。

                      A                                                          B

    ⑴Where is your home?       A. I feel hungry.

    ⑵How do you feel?             B. All right.

    ⑶What's wrong with him?  C. It's on Moon Street.

    ⑷What is she doing?           D. He has a headache.

    ⑸Let's take the metro.         E. She is making the bed.

七、 按要求完成内容。(1×13+2=15)

  • 20. —你是如何来学校的?


    —How you come to school?

    —I to school  .

  • 21. The students are growing grapes in the garden. (划线部分提问)

      the students  in the garden?

  • 22. Mike's father works in a factory. (改为现在进行时)

    Mike's father  in a factory.

  • 23. She has some new clothes and shoes. (改否定句)

    She    new clothesshoes.

  • 24. bike,  wants, Bobby, his, to, show ( . )(连词成句)


  • 25. 判断正误

    The queen(皇后) does not like Snow White(白雪公主). She asks a man to kill(杀死) her. The man leaves Snow White in the forest. Then, Snow White meets seven little men. The queen hears about that and goes to the forest with a poisonous(有毒的) apple. Snow White eats the apple and dies(死). A prince comes. He takes Snow White home. On the way home, Snow White wakes up.

    (1)、The queen doesn't like Snow White very much.
    (2)、Snow White meets seventeen little men.
    (3)、Snow White doesn't eat the apple.
    (4)、Snow White wakes up finally.
    (5)、The apple is poisonous.
  • 26. 阅读并选出正确选项。

    Hello, my name is David. My parents and I live in Shanghai now. My father teaches Maths and my mother teaches English in a primary school. We live at a new house. It's near my parents' school, so they always go to school on foot.

    I have many Chinese friends. We play games on Saturdays. I often visit my good friend Zhang Li by bus on Sundays. I teach him English and he teaches me Chinese.

    (1)、David's father teaches       and his mother teaches       .
    A、English; Maths B、Maths; English C、English; PE
    (2)、David's new house is       his parents' school.
    A、near B、in front of C、far from
    (3)、David's parents go to school       .
    A、by bike B、by school bus C、on foot
    (4)、David and his Chinese friends         on Saturdays.
    A、play football B、play basketball C、play games
    (5)、David often visits Zhang Li       .
    A、by bus B、by plane C、by taxi


  • 27. 同学们,你欢迎我到你们家做客吗?可是我找不到去你家的路,你能告诉我?请用英语告诉我:How do I get to your home? 不少于50个单词。