仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian'anmen Square 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-10-23 类型:同步测试


二、 单项选择。

  • 11. We are going _____ a spring field trip.  
    A、to B、on C、for D、in
  • 12. We are looking forward to _____ on the field.  
    A、camp B、camped C、camping D、camps
  • 13. We'd better _____ drink dirty water when we camp on the field.  
    A、not to B、to not C、don't D、not
  • 14. Shenzhen is in the _____ part of China.  
    A、south B、southern C、southeast D、southwest
  • 15. Would you help me plan some _____ adventures in Dalian?       
    A、excite B、to excite C、excited D、exciting
  • 16. Darren was surprised         the huge stone animals lining the passage.
    A、in B、on C、at D、about
  • 17. I'll ring you up         I get to Beijing.
    A、when B、as soon as C、while D、until
  • 18. When he got home, his family        supper.
    A、were having B、had C、are having D、have
  • 19. They surveyed the area        the tomb faced south.
    A、make sure B、making sure C、to make sure D、makes sure
  • 20. My grandpa always sleeps         his eyes open.
    A、when B、with C、but D、and

三、 根据情景对话,从方框中选出正确的选项补全对话。

  • 21. 根据情景对话,从方框中选出正确的选项补全对话

    A:Hey, Kangkang. I've got great news.


    A: Yes, my friend Darren from San Francisco is coming to visit me.

    B: That's fantastic!

    A: Would you help me plan some exciting adventures in Beijing?

    B: We can explore the graves(墓穴,坟墓) of ancient Chinese emperors.


    A: I'm looking forward to meeting him.

    B: That would be very interesting.

    C: It's a good idea.

    D: You sound very excited.

    E: I'd like you to meet him.

    F: How about taking him to the Ming Tombs?

    G: What can I do for you.

四、 完形填空。

  • 22. 完形填空

         Early one morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of potatoes on her head to the market. She hoped to1them to the people from town.

         The mountain road was narrow and the old woman was walking 2, because she did not want to have 3and lose her potatoes.

         Suddenly she 4 a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner.

         It passed her and went very fast 5the hill. The old woman had to jump to one side of the 6 so quickly that the basket of potatoes nearly fell into the valley.

         She looked up and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was 7 on without even 8 round to see whether the old woman was all right. The old woman began to shout,“Come back, young man! You dropped something!”

         When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off .

         Then he turned and began to 9the bicycle back up to the hill.“What is it?”he asked,“What did I drop?”“Little boy,”the old noman answered, “you dropped your 10.”

    A、send B、give C、sell D、take
    A、careful B、carefully C、politely D、quiet
    A、a match B、a rest C、an accident D、a talk
    A、hit B、made C、found D、heard
    A、down B、up C、to D、over
    A、road B、street C、town D、hill
    A、driving B、riding C、running D、walking
    A、saw B、watched C、looking D、found
    A、carry B、catch C、push D、give
    A、fruit B、potatoes C、manners D、bicycle


  • 23. 任务型阅读,根据上下文,选择正确的句子将短文补充完整。

        Mr. White lived in the country. One day, he bought a second-class train ticket and went to London to buy something. All the seats in the second-class carriages had been taken when Mr. White got on the train.

        Half an hour later,  So he went into one of them and took an empty seat. The other four men seemed to be rich people because they all wore fine clothes. But just before the train started, a different kind of person jumped in and sat down. It was clear that he was very poor.

        Everyone in the carriage looked unhappy with the young man. Mr. White thought that he would not be the only person to pay more. If so, he was wrong. For when the train had traveled an hour, the door opened and the ticket-collector came into the carriage. Of course, Mr. White had to pay more money for his ticket. But to his great surprise, one by one each of the four men held out a second-class ticket.  He was the only man who had the first-class ticket in the carriage.

    A. Only the young man sat there quietly.

    B. He was a young man in old and dirty clothes.

    C. Maybe the young man hoped that the ticket-collector would never come.

    D. he found that there were some empty seats in the first-class carriages.

    E. He had to stand up all the way.

六、 写作。

  • 24. 假设上星期你和家人到长城旅游,谈谈你去之前,到之后及回家后的感受。要求:字数50—60字左右。开头已给:

        Last week, my father, mother and I visited the Great Wall,