仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you. 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-10-23 类型:同步测试


  • 1. I have some ___ news to tell you.
    A、excite B、exciting C、excited  
  • 2. He has got a chair to sit ___, but nobody to talk ___.         
    A、on, to B、/, with C、on, /     
  • 3. For our spring field trip, we will go on ___ visit to Mount Tai.              
    A、a 8-day B、a 8-days C、an 8-day
  • 4. — Could you tell me ___ Mount Tai is from here?

    — Thousands of miles away.

    A、how far B、how long C、how away  
  • 5. Computers are becoming more and more popular, but some still ___ too much.  
    A、pay B、spend C、cost
  • 6. — Shall we go there on foot? — It's too far ___. You'd better take a bus.
    A、to walking B、for walking C、at walk     
  • 7. — Do you have a big library? — No, we don't, at least, not ___ yours.
    A、bigger as B、as big as C、as big than    
  • 8. The man ___ glasses always sells the bad books ___ the station.                
    A、with, at B、with, in C、of, at       
  • 9. — ___ will you stay in Beijing? — About tow weeks.
    A、When B、How long C、how many days    
  • 10. Spring is the best time ___ trees.             
    A、planting B、to plant C、for plant  
  • 11. How long does it take ___ to Tai'an by bus?           
    A、to go B、go C、went     
  • 12. — Could you tell me ___ it costs to fly to Beijing? — ¥500 one-way.
    A、how long B、how many C、how much     
  • 13. The girl came into the classroom, ___ an English song.           
    A、sing B、singing C、sang    
  • 14. They all looked ___ at the teacher when he told them the good news.            
    A、sadly B、happily C、carefully    
  • 15. Maths is not easy to learn, ___ we must work harder.              
    A、but B、or C、so     
  • 16. The text was ___ difficult ___ none of us could understand it.            
    A、so, that B、very, that C、too, that    
  • 17. My teacher was _____ angry that she couldn't say a word.      
    A、too B、very C、so  
  • 18. We must make the earth a happy home __both human beings and animals.
    A、for B、with C、by    
  • 19. I will learn English, no matter how much it ___.                 
    A、costs B、takes C、spends     
  • 20. — You look so ___, what happened? — I've got a birthday present.
    A、sad B、happy C、tired  
  • 21. The students like to go _____ a trip _____ spring.   
    A、on; on B、in; on C、on; in
  • 22. Let's _____ when the train leaves!   
    A、look at B、find out C、find  
  • 23. It's a popular ____ to raise fund in Canadian schools.     
    A、sport B、game C、activity  
  • 24. Li Ping hardly hurt his feet in the accident, _____?      
    A、did he B、does he C、didn't he
  • 25. — Thank you for telling me your telephone number. —_____     
    A、You're welcome. B、That's right. C、It's hard to say.    


  • 26. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子。
    (1)、The farmers are busy harvesting the crops in the f.
    (2)、“Are you the driver of this v, sir? "asked the policeman.
    (3)、It is a good activity to r money for the poor children .
    (4)、The airplane l at the airport on time yesterday.
    (5)、I'd like to b some train tickets, please.
  • 27. 用方框中所给词的填空,不必要进行词形变化。

    early,   travelling ,   take,   clearly,    raising

    (1)、I'm sure by train must be cheap.
    (2)、Lucy gets up as as her sister every morning.
    (3)、Can the students in the back row see the blackboard ?
    (4)、You'd better not a bus to Beijing.
    (5)、In our country, most people are ready to do fund for the poor children.


  • 28. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。

    A. Business people are very busy, you know.

    B. But I would rather live in one place.

    C. In that way I can travel.

    D. But I'm always thinking “busy” is better than '“free”.

    E. Maybe I'll be a businessman.

    Tom: What are you going to do after leaving school?

    Bill: I'm thinking about becoming a plane driver.

    Tom: So you like traveling, don't you?

    Bill: Of course, I do. I like to visit different places, make different friends and know different things.

    Tom: That sounds good.

    Bill: What do you want to be in the future?

    Tom: I like to go into business and make money.


    Tom: You're right.

    Bill: Yes, I agree with you.


  • 29. 完形填空

        We live in computer age (时代). People1 scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 2couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 3people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 4. But they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people 5have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work 6than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 7people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to   8. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to   9. Computers can also remember what you   10them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?

    A、like B、as C、with
    A、students B、scientists C、computers
    A、few B、a few C、little  
    A、cheap B、cheaper C、more expensive  
    A、even B、still C、already  
    A、fast B、faster C、slow  
    A、help B、make C、stop  
    A、write B、play C、study  
    A、sing B、study C、dance
    A、put in B、put on C、put into

五、 阅读理解

  • 30. 阅读理解

    Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer because water makes them feel cool. If you swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. These years, more than ten people died in this city while they were enjoying in the water and most of them were students. But some people are still not careful in swimming. They often think they swim so well that nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming, don't forget that better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they were not good at swimming. So don't get into water when you are alone. If there is a “No swimming” sign, don't get into water, either. If you remember all this, swimming will be safer.

    (1)、Swimming is a very safe sport.
    (2)、We shouldn't swim in some wrong places.
    (3)、Only students died in water.
    (4)、If you are good at swimming, you will not die in water.
    (5)、If we often practice swimming, we will be safer.
  • 31. 阅读理解

        In China, many people like watching TV. Watching TV is one of the must important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer(close adv.接近地) to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before — because of TV.  

        What's going on (发生) in the other countries? How do people love in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's life in the deepest part of the sea?

        If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions. just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading of listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and much easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.

        TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.

    (1)、Some people say the world is smaller than before because               .
    A、TV makes the earth smaller and smaller B、all people like to watch TV C、watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day D、TV brings the outside world closer to people
    (2)、We can                when we watch TV.
    A、go to live in the other countries B、answer TV many questions C、get a lot of information D、ask TV some questions
    (3)、People learn better through TV than radio because           .
    A、TV sets are bigger than radios B、people can not only hear but also watch C、without TV people can't open their eyes D、it's easier to turn on TV than to turn on the radio
    (4)、The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds' means          .
    A、our minds can not only be opened by TV B、something is wrong with our minds C、we can learn more with TV than without TV D、TV is new to us
    (5)、This article has told us        .
    A、it's good to watch TV B、not to watch TV any more C、students shouldn't watch TV at any time D、to stop reading to watch TV


  • 32. 写作要求:我喜欢英语,我想在10年以后当位英语老师。我要尽可能教好我的学生。我要尽量用英语讲课。我要努力使我的课讲得生动有趣。另外,我们都喜欢听老师讲故事,所以我要经常给学生讲英语故事,使他们对英语感兴趣,从而能提高他们的听力。我相信我能成为一个好老师的。词数:70左右