仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2 I'm feeling better now Section B 随堂练习

试卷更新日期:2017-10-23 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Liu Qian is my favorite. I often talk my friends his magic performs.
  • 2. —Michael, did you meet your Chinese friend Shangxia the age of twelve?

    —Yes. the way, he is a Japanese, not a Chinese.

  • 3. Susan is Guangdong. She isn't used the food here.
  • 4. —Jim, let me help you your Chinese.

    —Oh, it's very nice you. Thank you.

  • 5. Jane is so sad because she failed the maths exam again.


  • 6. The little boy can't find her mom, but he seems ____.
    A、to be worried B、not to be worried      C、worried D、not worrying
  • 7. The exciting news makes them ____.
    A、to jump up B、cheer up C、jumping up D、to cheer up
  • 8. —____ have a picnic with us?

    —Sounds great.

    A、Why don't B、Why not you      C、Why no D、Why don't you
  • 9. —The weather is getting worse.

    —Yes. It seems ____ later.

    A、is raining B、to rain C、be fine D、be rainy
  • 10. —Would you like to go shopping with me?

    —____. Let's go.

    A、Yes, please B、No, thanks C、Yes, I'd love to D、Sorry



  • 16. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    Anna: Hi, Dennis! Anything wrong?

    Dennis: I was angry with my parents.


    Dennis: My parents are very strict with me. They don't let me play ball games after school.


    Dennis: I told them again and again, but they wouldn't listen to me.

    Anna: There! There!  But don't be angry with them.

    Dennis: What should I do?

    Anna: Talk with them or write to them.

    Dermis: I hope so.  Thank you very much.

    Anna: You're welcome.

    A. Why didn't you tell them about it?

    B. What seems to be the problem?

    C. I will have a try.

    D. Maybe they will understand you.

    E. It'll be OK.