仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section B 课后巩固训练

试卷更新日期:2017-10-23 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Did you get a ticket ____ Love Me Once More, Mom yesterday?

    —No, I didn't. Now I still can't get one.

    A、to B、about C、with D、of
  • 2. English is very ____, so we feel ____ to learn it.
    A、boring; interested B、interesting; interested C、interesting; bored D、bored; boring
  • 3. —You look so ____. What's wrong?

    —I didn't pass the English exam.

    A、happy B、sad C、pleasant D、smart
  • 4. —How do you like the dish?

    —It ____ nice and ____ delicious.

    A、look; tastes B、tastes; smells      C、looks; eats D、smells; tastes


  • 5. 昨天那首歌听起来怎么样?

    did the song yesterday?

  • 6. 这个笑话很无聊,至少我觉得无聊。

    This joke is very . I feel at least.

  • 7. 他没有尽力,所以我并不为他惋惜。

    He didn't do his best, so I didn't him.

  • 8. 卡通电影《熊出没》既搞笑又有趣,许多儿童都爱看。

    The cartoon movie, Xiongchumo, is , and many children like to watch it.

  • 9. 他们计划下次去叔叔家度周末。

    They plan to spend the weekend at their uncle's home .


  • 10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

    get, smell, seem, look, feel, go, sound, become, taste, turn

    (1)、Mr. Brown got the ticket to The Sound of Music at last, so he very happy.
    (2)、There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It rainy outside now.
    (3)、Listen! The music from the radio quite beautiful.
    (4)、Lin Tao didn't pass the exam, so his parents angry with him.
    (5)、The gas (气体) in the paper factory too terrible.
    (6)、How nice the food is! It must good.
    (7)、The old man lives alone, but he doesn't lonely.
    (8)、When she heard the bad news, her face pale (苍白).
    (9)、The milk easily sour (酸的) in hot weather.
    (10)、—Is your grandpa better now?

    —No. He is worse.


  • 11. 任务型阅读

    An exciting action film about the police in America. It is also a great love story. Jack, a policeman, falls in love with a girl he saves.

    A group of students go on holiday and stay in a beautiful old house. They do not have a good time because they meet some strange animals. It is a very exciting film.

    A funny cartoon about a little Japanese girl and her pet. She gets on a bus in Tokyo and it takes her to many different countries.

    A big animal from another planet (星球) comes to the Earth. Everyone is very interested. Why? Find out when you watch this film. It's the best action (动作) film this year!

    A cartoon from America. A brave girl goes to fight in a war and has some interesting adventures (冒险)! Don't miss it.

    An interesting story about an English King, William. He is only three years old, but he is the king of the country!


    A. A Surprising Holiday

    B. Space Dragon (龙).

    C. King William

    D. The Adventures of Bonnie

    E. Ko Ko and Her Dog

    F. Save America