外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级下册Module 4 测试卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2021-02-22 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词(   )
    A、photo B、phone C、fall
  • 2. 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词(   )
    A、bored B、birthday C、Sunday
  • 3. 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词(   )
    A、broken B、balloon C、brown
  • 4. 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词(   )
    A、careful B、carry C、can't
  • 5. 听录音,选出句中你所听到的单词(   )
    A、has B、have C、help




  • 12. 听录音,判断下列句子正误。
    (1)、Betty is ten years old.
    (2)、Betty's parents are going to have a birthday party for her.
    (3)、Betty's mother is cleaning the room.
    (4)、The party will begin at six o'clock in the evening.
    (5)、Betty's friends are coming to the party.


  • 13. 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、sit B、down C、stand
    A、buying B、everything C、falling
    A、apple B、orange C、stairs
    A、mess B、me C、them
    A、kite B、balloon C、fly


  • 14. 选词填空,完成句子。

    trying  falling  carry  balloon  to

    (1)、Oh no! My is broken.
    (2)、The girl is too thin. She can't the heavy basket.
    (3)、The man is to get off the train.
    (4)、I am going have a birthday partytomorrow.
    (5)、My books are down the stairs.


  • 15. There are too many things. I can't carry ________.
    A、all them B、them all C、all it
  • 16. My kite is ________. I can't fly it.
    A、well B、broken C、good
  • 17. The cola is falling. The oranges are falling too. ________ a mess!
    A、What B、How C、Where
  • 18. There are so many people in the bus. I can't get ________ the bus.
    A、on B、of C、out
  • 19. Look ________ that panda. Oh, it's a panda kite.
    A、at B、in C、to
  • 20. I am putting my hands on my head and eating an apple.

    I ________ do it. Can you help me?

    A、can B、don't C、can't
  • 21. My oranges ______ falling. Can you pick them up for me?
    A、is B、are C、am
  • 22. Look! The boy ________ to the blackboard.
    A、are walking B、is walking C、going to walk
  • 23. It's windy tomorrow. We can ________ a kite in the park.
    A、fly B、clean C、flying
  • 24. ________ and help me.
    A、Coming B、Come C、Comes



  • 30. 小明打算过马路,你想提醒他小心点,你可以说:
    A、You're right! B、Be careful!
  • 31. 你想知道妈妈在做什么,你可以这样问爸爸:
    A、What is Mum doing? B、Where is Mum?
  • 32. 当你遇到困难需要帮助时,你会对朋友或家人说:
    A、Can I help you? B、Who can help me?
  • 33. 当别人向你求助而你不能帮助他(她)时,你会说:
    A、That's OK. B、Sorry, I can't.
  • 34. 你看到弟弟的房间很凌乱,你可以说:
    A、What a mess! B、What a nice room!


  • 35. 从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。

    A. Thank you, Amy.

    B. What are you doing?

    C. I'm washing the fruit.

    D. Can you open the door?

    E. Amy, where are you?

    Ms Smart is washing clothes. The bell is ringing.

    Ms Smart: Sam, the bell is ringing. Please open the door.

    Sam: Sorry, I can't.

    Ms Smart:

    Amy: I'm in the bedroom.

    Ms Smart:

    Amy: I'm reading a book.

    Ms Smart: The bell is ringing.

    Amy: Yes, I can.

    Ms Smart:


  • 36. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    It's Tuesday tomorrow. It's Children's Day. Zhuangzhuang's class is going to have a Children's Day party in the classroom.

    Everyone is busy now. Zhuangzhuang is making some cards for his friends. Yuanyuan is drawing some pictures on the blackboard.

    She is drawing some flowers and balloons. They are very beautiful. Chengcheng is cleaning the classroom. Caicai is buying some things for the party. Lulu is helping him. Their teacher, Ms Smart is coming. She is making a big cake for the party. She is going to sing an English song at the party. They are going to have a lovely time.

    (1)、It's ________ tomorrow.
    A、Mid-Autumn Day B、Children's Day C、Teachers' Day
    (2)、Zhuangzhuang's class is going to have a party ________.
    A、in the classroom B、at Ms Smart's home C、at his home
    (3)、Yuanyuan is ________ .
    A、making some cards B、drawing some pictures C、buying some things
    (4)、________ is cleaning the classroom.
    A、Chengcheng B、Caicai C、Ms Smart
    (5)、Ms Smart is going to ________ at the party.
    A、make a cake B、play the flute C、sing an English song  


  • 37. 假设教师节快要到了,你和你的同学们打算为你们的老师准备一个派对,请根据下面的提示词,描述你们所做的准备工作。


    参考词汇:Teachers' Day, have a party, make a card, draw, buy, carry, have a lovely time…

    It's Friday tomorrow.