
试卷更新日期:2021-02-19 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. This winter vacation, Cindy will go to France which is _____European country.
    A、a B、an C、the
  • 2. — Jack, may I use your phone?

    — Sorry, it doesn't work. You can ask Mary for____.

    A、it B、his C、hers
  • 3. — Who cleaned the classroom?

    — It ______be Mary. She took out the rubbish just now.

    A、must B、can't C、might not
  • 4. — Who is the _____one, Lucy or Lily?

    — Lucy.

    A、tall B、taller C、tallest
  • 5. Great changes ______in Macao since its return to China.
    A、take place B、have taken place C、took place
  • 6. It is raining heavily. The sports meeting ______if it keeps raining
    A、puts off B、was put off C、will be put off
  • 7. I _____walk to school, but now I like riding a bike. It's more convenient.
    A、used to B、was used to C、didn't use to
  • 8. My people, My country is a great movie _____almost every Chinese loves.
    A、who B、that C、what
  • 9. — Could you please tell me______?

    — Sure. The bookstore closes at 1.00 p. m today.

    A、where I can buy a dictionary B、how I can get to the bookstore C、if I can buy a dictionary in the bookstore now
  • 10. Students are not supposed to enter the teachers' office_____.
    A、unless they are allowed to B、if they want to ask questions C、when they are asked to come in

二、补全对话。(共1小题,每小题10分 计10分)

  • 11. 根据对话内容,从下边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。

    A: What are you going to do this weekend?

    B:. Have you got any good advice?

    A: How about shopping with me? I hear that a shopping center is having a big sale.

    B: Emm, but I don't want to stay indoors.

    A: Then let's go to the Wangjiang Park. We can take some nice photos there.

    B: That's a good idea.

    A: But how are we going there?

    B: Let me see.

    A: OK.

    B: Let's make it early. How about 10:00 a. m.

    A: OK. See you then.

    B: See you.

    A: The air isn't fresh.

    B: I haven't got any ideas.

    C. I am going to bring my camera.

    D. We can take the No.  19 bus there.

    E. When are we going to meet at the bus stop?


  • 12. 阅读下面一篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Tom and Sam were twin brothers. They were totally1 — except for their appearance. Tom had no friends,2 for Sam, the world was full of friends. Tom was mean, but Sam was not.

        As their father got old, he wanted to divide his money into halves for his sons. However, Tom disagreed. He argued that whoever was smarter and stronger should get more money. Their father decided to organize a3between the two. The two sons had to walk as long as they could and return home before sunset. Whoever covered the longer distance(距离) would get more money. Sam walked as usual, but Tom started to run at once. At noon, Sam decided to4so that he could reach home on time.

        But Tom, to5more money, did not go back home. He decided to return as evening fell. Unluckily, he wasn't even halfway home by the time the moon rose.

    A、the same B、outgoing C、different
    A、therefore B、while C、so
    A、competition B、party C、game
    A、return B、eat C、run
    A、spend B、manage C、get
  • 13. 阅读下面一篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        I was eleven years old standing outside in just my underwear while I watched the house that I grew up in rapidly burn to the ground, A few minutes1I had been in a deep sleep in my nice, warm bed when a shout woke me up. Jenny's2 was just next to mine and my brother's. A fire3there and woke her up.4 her, my older brother began to take action. While I stumbled(跌跌撞撞). in the5 and darkness, he ran from room to room quickly waking everyone in the house. The house, however, was over 50 years old and made of wood. Before we could do anything the fire took it down.

        I stood there shaking while the fire burnt my books, clothes and toys. I watched6while my Mom cried and my Dad shouted. I wondered what was going to happen to us now that we had lost all of our things. As I looked around, though, 1 realized something for the first time: The things that7are not things but our life. Everything that was important had survived(幸免于). the fire. Our lives would continue.

        I still think of that fire in the8. It helped me to become who I am today. It showed me for the very first time what is truly9in life. It helped me to learn10love is far more important than the things we own. Love others. Help everyone. Let the love inside of you make this world a warmer place. Let your soul shine brightly.

    A、later B、earlier C、sooner
    A、living room B、bedroom C、diningroom
    A、gave out B、went out C、brokeout
    A、Understanding B、Seeing C、Hearing
    A、smoke B、cloud C、noise
    A、helplessly B、uselessly C、carelessly
    A、fail B、matter C、go
    A、morning B、afternoon C、night
    A、important B、convenient C、patient
    A、what B、how C、that


  • 14. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。

        Basketball is widely loved in China. You can find people playing basketball almost everywhere, from cities to the countryside, from schools to factories. Here is a look at how the sport has developed in this country.

        The sport was introduced to China by American missionaries(传教士)in 1895, just four years after its invention in Springfield, Massachusetts. Soon, it was very popular in the country. Even during the Second World War, basketball was still loved by the soldiers during their free time because of its need for teamwork and hard work.

        In the years following Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up, Chinese basketball began to see a fast growth thanks to the USA's National Basketball Association, or NBA. Under the direction of NBA official David Stern in 1987, the NBA began giving away free recorded games to CCTV Two years later, that agreement changed into a live— broadcasting deal. In 1995, the Chinese Basketball Association (or CBA) was founded. The CBA is now a choice for many American and European players who miss the chance to the NBA, something that was unimaginable 20 years ago.

        Today, more than 300 million people in China play basketball, and China's CBA has grown to include 20 men's teams. Basketball has become a part of everyday life and entertainment in China.

    (1)、Basketball was invented in 1891.
    (2)、The soldier loved this game because they had free time during the World War.
    (3)、Chinese basketball has been developing very fast since Chinese people could watch NBA games.
    (4)、European basketball players tried to play basketball in the CBA in 1995.
    (5)、The passage is mainly about how the CBA has developed in China.

五、阅读理解(共 10小题,每小题10分:计20分)

  • 15. 阅读下面一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

        Do you use the apps in your smartphone everyday? We know smartphone apps have many useful functions(功能). Here are two apps.

        Warning: Earthquake is coming!

        A new app called EAS(Earthquake Alert System) gives users all the first— hand information about earthquakes around the world. It also provides a guide for self— rescue(自救)in case an earthquake happens near you.

    But the best part of the app is that you can turn on its alarm system(警报系统) before you go to sleep. If an earthquake happens during the night, you'll be woken up by your phone and have a chance to get to safety

    You can buy this app on Apple's app store for only 2 yuan per month, which seems a small price to pay to protect your life. But It's a pity that it can't be used on Android phones, such as Samsung phones and Huawei phones.

        Snail Sleep — gives you a better sleep!

        Snail Sleep — An app that improves your sleep, spends the night with you and helps you develop a good sleeping habit. It records your sleep information and gives a report to help you learn more about your sleep.

        The smart alarm clock wakes you up at your light sleep. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, Snail Sleep can play soft sleep music to help you relax and bring you a good sleep. It will stop once you fall asleep.

        In the morning, the soft , cheerful music will make it easy for you to get up.

        This app will help you learn more about your sleep habits by recording your sleep talks and snores.

    (1)、The app EAS can be used on    smartphones.
    A、Huawei B、Samsung C、iPhone
    (2)、How much does the app EAS cost if you want to use the app for a year?
    A、2 yuan B、12 yuan C、24 yuan
    (3)、When an earthquake happens near you,      .
    A、your phone will find a safe place for you B、the app EAS will guide you to save yourself C、all the smarphone Users can get the first-hand information
    (4)、Snail Sleep won't stop playing music until        .
    A、you fall asleep B、you are at a light sleep C、you find it hard to fall asleep
    (5)、What can we learn from this passages?
    A、The app EAS can stop the earthquake. B、The smartphone apps can make our daily life easier and less boring. C、Both apps EAS and Snail Sleep can help you learn more about your sleep.
  • 16. 阅读下面一篇短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案.

        A picture is worth a thousand words, but it can't always tell the whole story. The sailor in the classical photo VJ Day in Times Square, George Mendonsa, died last month at age 95.

        On Aug 14, 1945, Japan surrendered to the United States, ending World War II. American photojournalist Alfred Eisenstaedt took his camera to the streets of New York. In Times Square, people were celebrating the victory everywhere.

        "I saw a sailor running along the street taking hold of any and every girl he met. Whether she was a grandmother, heavy, thin, old, didn't make a difference" Eisenstaedt said.

        He then took the photo, which later became one of the most famous photos in history. But Eisenstaedt forgot to ask for the pair's names!

        Since then, many have come to Eisenstaedt to say they are the pair in the photo. One book, The Kissing Sailor, describes every detail of the photo, as well as interviews with all the people in the background of the photo. The authors stated that Greta Zimmer Friedman, a nurse, was the woman pictured.

        Mendonsa described what happened that day. According to him, he and his friends were in a theater at the time. People rushed in, shouting that the war was over. They then ran out and joined the street celebration in Times Square.

        Although it was quite sudden, Friedman, who died in 2016, said she didn't mind the kiss. "It was just somebody really celebrating …it wasn't a romantic (浪漫的) event. It was just … thank God, the war is over. "

    (1)、The kissing pair in the photo were      .
    A、George and Alfred B、Mendonsa and Friedman C、Friedman and Eisenstaedt
    (2)、What is TRUE about the pair in the picture?
    A、They didn't know each other at all. B、The man fell in love with the woman. C、The man was asking the girl for marriage.
    (3)、The sailor would celebrate the victory by kissing        he met.
    A、any beauty B、any grandmother C、any female
    (4)、What happened after the picture got its fame?
    A、Eisenstaedt wrote a book about it. B、People in it were all interviewed. C、Mendonsa tried to find the woman.
    (5)、What would be the best title for the passage?
    A、A sailor's kissing makes history. B、Who were the pair in the picture? C、A great way to celebrate the victory.


  • 17. With the help of GPS, you can find the pof a place easily.
  • 18. Only when children's mistakes are punished, will they learn to behave c.
  • 19. The movie Better Days r the real problems of teenagers' school life.
  • 20. Six times he failed, but he still wanted to make his e for the last time.
  • 21. All the students love Mr. Smith because his classes are the lof all the teachers' at school.


  • 22. 在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确,每空一词(含缩写词)。

    A: Hey, Jason, what's up? You look so serious.

    B: It's the news about Godfrey Gao.

    A: You mean the Canadian— born actor who died from heart arrest during the  of filming the sports reality show Chase Me on Wednesday?

    B: Yes, his death has made people shocked and they also doubted whether the first— aid rescuing services were provided in time and in a way when the accident happened.

    A: People think it's the mistake of Zhejiang TV station.

    B: The news says Chase Me has already been asked to. Another TV show has taken its place.  Many people started to think about what's behind the of reality TV shows these years. You know people are getting crazy about them. There is a hotonline about the dark side of reality TV shows like Chase Me.

    A: The dark side? I only know Chase Me gets two teamseach other in different challenges.

    B: Yeah, you are right. But this is what I just read in Weibo. It says the competitors who are usually singers, actors and models have to not only compete like sportsmen but also challenge themselves mentally (脑力地). The activities would put them at a great of getting hurt.

    A: Well, it's not hard for me to understand that the TV stations want higher television viewing rating(收视率),so they just find all the ways to the strange taste of the audience(观众). But I wonder why the famous people want to join these shows.

    B: That's because the reality TV shows offer them an easy way to get more social and become more popular.

    A: I think the TV stations should provide us with something positive.

    B: Probably this is what Gao's event exactly reminds us.


  • 23. 从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次).

    cause comfortable control especial fool fun include introduce it provide reason solve

    Around the world, artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly become a part of our everyday lives. One of the biggest implementations (实施) is facial recognition (FR) technology.

    After enabling people to make payments, FR has now been put to use in the subway of Zhengzhou, Henan province.in September, FR is available to passenger who link their online payment systems to the smartphone app of the subway. China Daily reports that other cities in China,Beijing, are testing a similar system.

    It's not hard to set why FR technology could help speed up security checks meaningfully. Yuan Xiaoqin, a park manager in Hangzhou, told China Central Television the reason the park changedentry system: "Facial recognition can help a visitor enter the park in two or three seconds. Fingerprint information sometimes isn't sensitive (灵敏的),in cases of being hurt or when the fingers are too dry to be recognized. " Before, the park used a fingerprint entry system.

    However, the use of facial recognition some problems about security hidden danger so far.

    Many people feel using facial recognition. They doubt the necessity of using facial details and worry the information could be let out. Their worries are . In August, a face— changing app called Zao allowed users to imitate (模仿) famous stars from films and TV through the use of facial recognition.as it was, users worried that the app was collecting a large amount of personal information.

    Sometimes people can refuse the app if they don't want their facial information disclosed, but sometimes people don't have a choice. Once this information is let out, it's hard to take useful actions. There is no law in China the use and collection of facial information. App operators, public service and government departments should be more careful in preventing use of the technology disorderly.


  • 24. 补全短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。

        As my family and I drive to my grandmother's house, my dad point out all the houses he lived in as a kid.  I count 12, probably missing one or two along the way.

        At 16, my dad had to drop out of high school to support his mom, sisters and brothers. One time, he came home from school to find an empty house and a notice that his family would have to move out of the house. We start to understand why he has no pictures of his younger self.  His dad spent all his money on gambling (赌博). There is no anger in my dad's words.

        His little sister would cry at birthday parties because she could never have one of her own at home.My brothers and I have had one every year. We couldn't imagine it any other way.

         We've heard it so much that sometimes we roll our eyes (翻白眼),but his words now are still in my head, and I find new meanings every time I recall them: "There's nothing you can't do if you stay in school and work hard. " I wonder how differently my father's life could have turned out if he'd had just one person saying those words to him.

        My dad works 16 hours a day He's gone just as I'm falling asleep. He works hard so we can have a good home and do the things he never could.

        For 18 years, my dad has always told me this, but now it's my turn: I am so proud of you, Dad.

    A. However, his dad lost everything he had.

    B. He tells us to work hard and stay in school.

    C. He tells my brothers and me stories of when he was at our age.

    D. We threw my dad his first birthday party when he was at least 40.

    E. It makes me think the world is at my hands and nothing is impossible

    F. Instead, there is a sense of longing (渴望)as he recalls the very little time with his father.

  • 25. 完成表格,阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。

        Have you noticed that many of the clothes on the high street look the same these days? So how do young people manage to express their own style? We interviewed some people in different parts of the UK.

        "Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their personality through clothes.  They like to add some accessories(配件)on their clothes. Punks added zippers and safety pins(别针),and skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers. You don't need money— you need be imaginative. "said Alexi, an art student.

        Printing your own T-shirt is the easiest and most common way to customize(定制) clothes. You don't have to make a T-shirt. You can buy a cheap one and add some pictures of your choice.

        "I used to make customized, colorful T-shirts for my friends using cloth paints.  They looked a bit messy but sort of col. A couple of years ago, my mate Simon made one with a picture of Spider-Man. He still wears it in fact. It looks great," said John, 25.

    Everyone knows that students don't have a lot of money. That doesn't have to be a problem if you have the ability to have new and exciting ideas.

        "I used to make clothes sometimes when I was a student. Once I found a pair of trousers in a shop that I really liked, but I couldn't afford them. I drew a picture of it in a notebook, then I bought some cloth in the same color and copied the trousers using my mum's sewing machine (缝纫机). I loved it when people didn't believe I had made them myself," said Corrine, 31.

        Second— hand or "vintage" clothes are very popular among young people. They consider them as a symbol of fashion.

        "Sometimes a little change of my own old clothes makes a difference, because I know that they will fit and they'll look good. I like to go shopping in second— hand shops for jackets, trousers and dresses. You can be sure you will always have something original (原始的) as well as cheap. " said Helen, 26.

    Purpose: to wearing the same clothes on the streets

    Customizing clothes



    adding accessories

    ●Punks add zippers and safety pins.

    ●Skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers

    printing some pictures

     cloth paints to make customized, colorful T— shirts.

    making by themselves

    Makeclothes they like but can't afford on their own.

     old clothes

    ●Second— hand or "vintage" clothes are very popular.

    ●A small change of their own old clothes makes a difference.

    Conclusion: can help young people to express themselves with customized clothes.


  • 26. 假如你是李阳,将在今年寒假到美国参加为期一个月的Study Tour活动,美方提供了两个家庭供你选择居住,请阅读以下信息,根据两个家庭提供的居住条件和要求,分析利弊,给出你最终的决定,并给对方联系人Mr. Black写封电子邮件回复。

    The Smiths        The Whites

    a middle— aged couple who know about China well

    ● a junior school boy and girl

    ●a house with a garden, a little far from New York

    ●$220 per month

    ●Wanted: A kid who can live independently


    ●an old couple who know little about China

    ●no children but two dogs

    ●a flat, in the center of New York

    ●$320 per month

    ●Wanted: A kid who can speak English well



