牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 4 Unit 10同步练习

试卷更新日期:2021-02-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —What did Edison do?


    A、He invented a lot of things. B、He was a great inventor. C、He invents many things.
  • 2. There are many _____________ in China.
    A、inventors B、invention C、inventing
  • 3.

    (    )

    A、People can travel from one·place to another very fast with it. B、People can swim with it. C、People can do homework with it.
  • 4.

    (    )


    A、I'm going to invent something. B、I'm going to the UK by plane. C、I'm going to draw a picture at home.
  • 5. People can travel from one place           another.(    )

    A、by B、to C、in



  • 11. 猜一猜。给下列描述选择相应的图片。

    A. B. C.

    D. E. F.

    (1)、We can watch wonderful programmes on it.
    (2)、It can take photos. It can give calls or messages to your friends or your parents.
    (3)、It's fast. It can fly in the sky. We can take it to far places.
    (4)、It can give out light. We use it at night.
    (5)、It can take beautiful photos with a long lense(镜头)
    (6)、It runs fast on the road. We can drive it to many places.


  • 12. 阅读理解

        A computer can do more than one thing at a time. A modern computer uses windows. It has more than one window open at a time. You can do a different thing on each window.

        In the future, computers will get smaller and work faster. There are already computers that you can hold in your hand. Mobile phones have computers in them and you can use them to send e-mails on the internet. Keyboards will disappear from computers. In the future, you will be able to talk to a computer. It will understand your voice and do what you tell it to do.

        Computer will get cheaper and will be used more widely than they are used today.

    (1)、The computer is very useful.
    (2)、You can do different things on different windows.
    (3)、In the future, computers will be bigger.
    (4)、People can send e-mails by mobile phone in the future.
    (5)、You can't talk to a computer in the future.


  • 13. 根据课文的启发,写一写你将来想要发明的对人们有好处的东西,可以大胆的想象和发挥。(标题自拟)
