牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 7 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2021-02-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 判断下列各组画线部分的发音是否相同。
    (1)、pear      bear    near
    (2)、where    there    here
    (3)、hear      near    learn
    (4)、air       chair    hare


  • 2. Mr. Brown is reading a play then he will act it___________.
    A、with B、about C、out
  • 3. It's time for our teacher and parents     .
    A、talk B、talking C、to talk
  • 4. The Open Day is           30th April.(    )

    A、on B、in C、at
  • 5. The children sing           their parents.(    )

    A、to B、at C、for
  • 6.         is on 1st June.
    A、Children's Day B、May Day C、Women's Day



  • 12. 阅读理解

        Mr. Li lives in a small city. Bad traffic is a big problem there. There are too many cars but there are not enough roads. Buses are the only kind of public transport(公共交通). There isn't a subway. There are traffic jams (交通堵塞) all the time. Most people don't like driving. One day, Mr. Li is going to have an important meeting. He gets on a very crowded (拥挤的) bus. There are lots of cars on the road so the bus is moving very slowly. Mr. Li is very late. When he gets to the meeting room, there is no one there. The meeting is over!

    (1)、What problem does Mr. Li's city have?
    A、The city is very small. B、There are too many buses. C、There are not enough roads.
    (2)、How do people travel if they do not walk or drive?
    A、By subway. B、By bus. C、By taxi.
    (3)、Why don't many people like driving?
    A、Because there are traffic jams all the time. B、Because there isn't a subway. C、Because buses are the only kind of public transport.
    (4)、Why is the bus going very slowly?
    A、Because there is something wrong with the bus. B、Because the driver don't want to drive fast. C、Because there are lots of cars on the road.
    (5)、Which sentence is NOT true?
    A、Mr. Li gets to the meeting room on time. B、Mr. Li is late for the meeting. C、Mr. Li missed the meeting.


  • 13. 看图片,用所给的词汇写成小短文。

    First→Next→Then→After that→Finally

        On Sunday ……