牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语四年级下册Module 3 Unit 7 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2021-02-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音
    (1)、no       not       go
    (2)、office    off        half
    (3)、have     wash      face
    (4)、get       seven    eleven


  • 2. We have breakfast at half         seven.
    A、past B、at C、to
  • 3. My mother       at eight o'clock.

    A、starts to work B、start work C、starts work
  • 4. He usually ______ up early. (  )
    A、gets B、get C、getting
  • 5.          does Lily have lunch?
    A、What B、Time C、What time
  • 6. Take ______the coat.(   )
    A、of B、on C、off


  • 7. 选出合适的词语填空,使句子意思完整。

    does...brush;    do...get;    does… go;    has… quarter;    washes...at

    (1)、— What time Lily to school?   

    — At half past seven.

    (2)、— What time Mary her teeth?  

    — At twenty past six.

    (3)、— What time you up?  

    — I get up at eight.

    (4)、Kitty her face seven.
    (5)、Bobby dinner at a to six.


  • 8. 阅读理解

    Yao Ming is thirty-eight years old. He is from Shanghai. He is 226 centimeters (厘米) tall. He likes playing basketball very much. He is a basketball star. He joins the star team. He is in the NBA star team. He is one of the tallest men in the NBA. In 1998 Yao Ming joined the Chinese National team. In the year of 2000 Yao Ming joined the All-Star team of Asia (亚洲全明星队). Yao Ming now plays in the Houston Toyota Center (休斯敦丰田中心)。Yao Ming loves meat and his favourite colour is blue. He is a good man and he loves China and we all like him. He is my idol (偶像). I am a basketball fun.

    (1)、Yao Ming is the tallest man in the NBA.
    (2)、Yao Ming joined the Chinese National team in 1998.
    (3)、In 2000, Yao Ming joined the All-Star team of Asia.
    (4)、Yao Ming likes blue. And he doesn't like eating meat.
    (5)、Yao Ming is a ______________________ star.
    A、football B、basketball C、volleyball
    (6)、Yao Ming is ______________________ years old.
    A、28 B、38 C、48.
    (7)、NBA is the ______________________.
    A、team B、star team C、basketball
    (8)、I am a ______________________ fun.
    A、basketball B、film C、football
    (9)、Yao Ming joined the Chinese National team ______________________.
    A、in 1998 B、in 2000 C、in 2017
    (10)、Now Yao Ming is in the ______________________.
    A、NBA B、the All-Star team of Asia C、Houston Toyota Center


  • 9. 请根据图意,用不同的句式,写出3句以上完整而有意义的句子。