
试卷更新日期:2021-02-03 类型:期末考试

一、Read and write. (共7分)

  • 1. 认真读一读,根据图片提示,选出与句中划线部分发音一致的单词填空,使句意通顺、完整。

    rainbow   cow   window   books   beef    count   flowers

    (1)、There are some good  in my room.

    (2)、I need some  now.

    (3)、Let's paint a .

    (4)、Wow! The  is so big.

    (5)、How many houses do you see? Let's .

    (6)、There is a yellow .

    (7)、I'd like to eat some .

二、Look, read and write. 看图读句,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

三、Read and choose. 认真读句,选择填空,只填字母标号即可。(10分)

  • 7. is very          . I don't like it.
    A、sweet B、hot C、cool
  • 8. Can you play           football, Yan Lihong?
    A、a B、the C、/
  • 9. They often do homework and read books after school. So they are          .
    A、clever B、kind C、hard-working
  • 10. Danny: Mum, I'm thirsty.


    A、I'd like some water. B、Please have some water. C、Have some hamburgers, please.
  • 11. Amy: Can you sing Chinese songs, Jim?

    Jim:           But I can do Chinese kung fu.

    A、No, I can't. B、Yes, I can. C、No, I'm not.

四、Look, read and choose. (10分)

  • 12. 看图读一读,选择合适的单词补全短文。

    A. above   B. behind   C. beside   D. between   E. in front of

    Look! There are some flowers  John's house. They are beautiful.

    There is a tree  John's house. Can you see a bike? It's  the two houses. And there is a kite  the bike. John's house is  Mike's house.

五、Read and order. 用阿拉伯数字为句子重新排序,组成一段通顺的对话。一个答案已给出。(5分)

  • 13. 用阿拉伯数字为句子重新排序,组成一段通顺的对话。一个答案已给出。

        1    Hello, Amy! Welcome to my home. This is my living room.

    Cool! The pictures and plants are good. Your father and mother are great!

    Hi, Li Mei. Wow, there are so many pictures in the living room.

    Thanks! And there are many plants, too.

    Yes, these pictures are my father's. He can draw pictures well. Have some water, please.

    They are my mother's plants. She grows many plants.

六、Read and judge. (10分)

  • 14. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    My name is Chen Hong. I live in a small village. There aren't many people. It's quiet. There are no tall buildings. But there are many stone (石头) houses. It's cool in summer and warm in winter. There is a river behind my stone house. It's clean. We can see many fish in it. My favourite food is fish.

    There is a hill near my village. There are many trees on it. We can see many animals. I often climb the hill on the weekend with my friends. I love my hometown (家乡).

    (1)、Chen Hong lives in a big city.
    (2)、There is a river behind Chen Hong's stone house.
    (3)、The river is not clean.
    (4)、Fish is Chen Hong's favourite food.
    (5)、Chen Hong and her friends often climb the hill on the weekend.

七、Composition. 看图读故事,按要求改写。(5分)

  • 15. 要求:1)用自己的话复述绘本故事,题目自拟,开头已给出。


    A snake is hungry. He sees a rat.