
试卷更新日期:2021-02-03 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. After supper, Bob continued working.
    A、stopped B、carried C、went on
  • 2. The washed clothes will soon dry up in the wind.
    A、fly away B、get wet C、lose water
  • 3. When my TV is connected to the Internet, I can get the latest information from the world.
    A、takes part in B、joins C、joins in
  • 4. —Can I ask you a question?

    —Wait a moment. I'm coming.

    A、a long time B、a short time C、at once
  • 5. He made a foolish mistake.
    A、harmful B、silly C、dangerous


  • 6. I washed a lot of clothes. Who can_____________?
    A、tidy up them B、tidy them up C、tidy it up D、tidy up it
  • 7. A sandwich is_____________ meat, vegetables and bread.
    A、made by B、made up of C、made up D、made in
  • 8. —When and where is the movie_____________?

    —Tomorrow night at Shenzhen Movie Theatre (剧场). Would you like to watch it_____________ me?

    A、in; with B、on; with C、in; to D、on; to
  • 9. We all should remember _____________water.
    A、to waste B、wasting C、not wasting D、not to waste
  • 10. The peaceful music in the CD made the students ___________ relaxed.

    A、feel B、feels C、felt D、to feel
  • 11. —You can use_____________ the garden for flowers, and the rest of it for vegetables.

    —Yes, you are right. I can finish doing these things at_____________ the day.

    A、all of; the end of B、all of; the beginning of C、part of; the end of D、part of; the beginning of
  • 12. My cousin is always busy with his work. He has _____________time to read newspapers.
    A、little B、few C、a little D、a few
  • 13. With the help of the new technology, you            e-mail your friends by mobile phone.

    A、can B、must C、need D、should
  • 14. I agree with him_____________. Some of his points are right.
    A、in the way B、on the way C、in a way D、on his way
  • 15. —What can I do for you?

     —I'd like two_____________.

    A、packet of tea B、packets of apple C、packets of tea D、packet of teas


  • 16. 语法选择

        It was a hot summer evening. Kevin and his brother Alan were1soccer in the backyard. After a while, they decided to drink some orange juice and watch TV in the house. Suddenly the TV was2. Alan tried to turn it back on, but3happened. They soon realized that there was no electricity (电). What could they do? Kevin suggested going outside to do some star4. Without streetlights, the stars were bright and5to see. Lying on the grass, they saw different kinds of stars6they even saw the planet Mars. Kevin and Alan had never realized7fantastic the night sky could be.

        After watching the stars for an hour, the boys8the house. It was very dark except for9candles that their parents had lighted. The family spent the night playing cards and telling stories by candle light. Kevin and Alan had never thought of having such a night10electricity like that before. They really enjoyed watching stars.

    A、play B、played C、playing D、plays
    A、on B、off C、in D、to
    A、everything B、anything C、nothing D、something
    A、watches B、watching C、watch D、watched
    A、easy B、easier C、easiest D、easily
    A、or B、and C、but D、for
    A、what B、how C、which D、when
    A、went into B、went over C、went up D、went for
    A、a few B、few C、a little D、little
    A、without B、with C、throughout D、of


  • 17. 阅读理解

        Water is so important to people that we can't live without it. Water is the source of life. If there is not enough water, our life will be difficult to go on. For example, it has little rain in some places. Farmers there don't have enough water for growing rice and vegetables. So people in the city may not get enough food.

        There's much water on the Earth, but most of it is salty ocean water. In fact, most of the water in the world is not fit to drink. Groundwater is fresh and drinkable, but it is very easy to be polluted. At the same time, it is not easy to clean up dirty or salty water. So it is very important to save water. Here are the things we can do in our daily lives.

        Don't leave the water running when we brush our teeth.

        Take a shower instead of a bath, because taking a bath uses much more water than a shower—about twice as much. What's more, we can take shorter showers.

        We can clean the floor with the water used for washing vegetables.

    (1)、What does the word "source" in the first paragraph mean in Chinese?
    A、发生 B、来源 C、资料 D、动力
    (2)、Most of the water in the world is_______________.
    A、fresh and drinkable B、ocean water and not drinkable C、under the ground D、dirty or salty water
    (3)、To save water, we should ________.
    A、drink less water B、take a bath every day C、take shorter showers D、clean the floor without water
    (4)、If we use 50 litres to take a shower, we will use about__________ litres water to take a bath.
    A、60 B、80 C、90 D、100
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE about the article?
    A、Most of the water in the world is drinkable. B、Only a small part of the water in the world is drinkable. C、Groundwater is fresh but salty. D、It is easy to clean up ocean water.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Battery is used in families and machines. The chemicals inside it produce electricity. It's quite convenient for humans' lives. Now an old battery is getting a makeover (改造) and can give electric cars more energy to run. The nickel-iron (镍铁) battery was created over 100 years ago and now scientists in Harvard University have improved it to give off energy quickly. This can help electric cars run faster. What's more, this kind of battery is less harmful than the common (平常) ones. This new kind of battery hasn't been used in daily lives, but people are all interested in it. Scientists say they are working hard to put it into market as soon as possible. They believe that the battery will make another great change for people's lives.

    (1)、Battery produces electricity through___________.
    A、chemicals inside B、wires C、cables inside D、power station
    (2)、The new kind of battery can be used in____________.
    A、all the family machines B、electric motorbikes C、electric cars D、robots in factories
    (3)、When was the nickel-iron battery created?
    A、Less than 100 years ago. B、More than 100 years ago. C、Less than 50 years ago. D、50 years ago.
    (4)、Which of the following about the new battery is NOT mentioned (提到) in the article?
    A、Give off energy quickly. B、Make less pollution. C、Make cars run faster. D、Cheaper than others.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、People can get the new kind of battery in shops now. B、Scientists have improved the nickel-iron battery into a better one. C、Electric cars can only use the new kind of battery. D、People are not interested in this new kind of battery.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Why is clean water so important to poor countries? A recent report shows that about 80 percent of diseases. in poor countries are brought by polluted water and the dirty environment. In those countries, women and girls spend several hours collecting water, but often polluted, far away from their families. The polluted water is bad for their health. Therefore, there is a great need for people in poor countries to get clean water to improve their health.

        Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari, a 12-year-old girl in Niger. She learned about the importance of hand washing when the school first got clean water three years ago. That evening, she told her father, “You shouldn't eat with me unless you clean your hands.” Her father was very angry and shouted at her, "It's not up to you to tell me what to do!" Stunned (目瞪口呆的) , Hadjara sat quietly. But she knew she was right. In protest, Hadjara didn't eat dinner that night. After her father asked Hadjara's head teacher, he understood the importance of hand washing and his daughter's intention (目的). The girl really wanted her family to live longer and healthier lives.

        For people in developing countries, clean water can change many things, especially improve their health. So, from now on, let's avoid wasting water and take action to save water, which is important to people all over the world.

    (1)、According to the recent report, polluted water and the dirty environment can bring___________.
    A、longer life B、less food C、more diseases D、larger population
    (2)、The most important point to improve people's health in poor countries is___________.
    A、to get clean water B、to exercise often C、to collect more water D、to plant more trees
    (3)、What can we infer (推断) from Paragraph 2?
    A、Hadjara laughed at her father's foolishness. B、Hadjara was still using dirty water to wash hands at school. C、Hadjara's father understood his daughter's love and care for him later. D、Hadjara didn't eat dinner that night because she thought the food was dirty.
    (4)、The underlined word “protest” in this passage means__________.
    A、打击 B、保护 C、节约 D、抗议
    (5)、The purpose of the writer is to ____________.
    A、teach people how to wash hands B、call on people all over the world to save water C、show poor countries plenty of clean water D、tell people not to go to the poor countries



  • 25. 我们学校有很多校规。

    We have in our school.

  • 26. 你的鞋有点脏了。

    Your shoes are dirty.

  • 27. 他关掉电视,去睡觉了。

    He the TV and went to bed.

  • 28. 莉莉不可能在教室。我刚刚在图书馆看见她了。

    Lily in the classroom. I just saw her in the library.

  • 29. 我经常用洗衣机洗衣服。

    I often wash clothes the .


  • 30. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空

    more than   square kilometer   other place   come from   as a result

        Shenzhen's fast development has made it become China's most crowded city! There are about 13 million people living on its area of 1,997. On each square kilometer averagely (平均地) live 6,510 people. It is about 4,560that in Guangzhou. Besides, Shenzhen owns 2 million local vehicles, and about 300,000 vehicles fromalso run on the local roads every day. The total length of the city's road is about 6,000 kilometers. It means each resident only owns about 0.46 m of road!, the city. is facing serious environmental and resource (能源) problems. One of the problems is water shortage. The amount of fresh water for each person of the city is only 25% of the country's average. What's more, most of the water drunk by Shenzhen peopleother areas.


  • 31. 阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。

        Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier. While nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water, we are short of drinking water.

        How can we avoid (避免) a serious water shortage? Then, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Lastly, we should discover ways to reuse water. But people's need for water is increasing day by day. We still don't have enough water. What else can we do?

        There is plenty of water in the sea. But we need to take the salt away from the sea water. If scientists can find cheaper ways to do it, we can solve the problem of the shortage of water.

    A. First, we should save water and not waste it.

    B. This is very expensive.

    C. Scientists have got some achievements in this field.

    D. The sea seems to have the best answer.

    E. This is because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water.


  • 32. 假如你叫李华,是学校环保小组的一员,请按表格内容写一封信,呼吁大家行动起来保护环境。




    1. 刷牙时,不要让水龙头一直开着;

    2. 离开时记得关灯;

    3. 回收一些废旧的物品,如纸张、瓶子等;

    4. 种植树木,使空气清新;

    5. 补充1~2点建议。


    Dear classmates,

    I am Li Hua, a member of the environmental group. 

        Let's work together. Our environment will be better and better.


    Li Hua