
试卷更新日期:2021-02-03 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday.

    —OK, I will. And I hope we can go to Shanghai.

    A、have a trip B、enjoy ourselves C、become rich
  • 2. —Kate, you always forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

    —Sorry. I won't do that again.

    A、don't remember B、don't understand C、don't know
  • 3. —When I go on holiday by myself, I will do something different.

    —Don't you feel lonely?

    A、enjoy myself B、with others C、on my own
  • 4. Suddenly another creature appeared next to me in the water.
    A、woke up B、arrived at C、showed up
  • 5. —What does the word "bottom" mean?

    —It means the lowest part of something.

    A、What's the meaning of "bottom" B、What is the use of "bottom" C、What is the speech of "bottom"


  • 6. You can enjoy ___________different kinds of sports in college.
    A、doing B、to do C、do D、done
  • 7. We saw the missing boy ________ near the river when we walked on the bridge.
    A、playing B、to be playing C、play D、to play
  • 8. The climate in Shenyang is colder than___________ in Shanghai.
    A、it B、this C、that D、one
  • 9. — Are you going to buy a camera?

    — Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can't decide _______ to buy.

    A、what B、which C、how D、where
  • 10. He was so angry that he could say ______________.
    A、anything B、nothing C、something D、everything
  • 11. My uncle just arrived _____ the airport.       

    A、in B、on C、of D、at
  • 12. Our parents won't allow us ________ in the river alone.
    A、swim B、to swim C、swimming D、swam
  • 13. You're the future of this country. Don't keep asking what this country can do for you. Ask__________ what you can do for this country.
    A、us B、ourselves C、you D、yourselves
  • 14. I didn't find my lost pen _____. I'm sad.       

    A、anywhere B、everywhere C、somewhere D、nowhere
  • 15. —Where's your English teacher?

    —He was___________ those four students.

    A、in B、between C、among D、on


  • 16. 完形填空

        Sometimes animals can help people a lot. I am in a busy neighborhood (街坊). And I1in a tall building. There are ten2in the building and I live on the fourth floor. I have a3. She is Grandma Li, who is seventy. He4passed away and she has no children, so she lives alone. She likes pets very much. She has a cute dog in her house. She5it very much and the dog is also very6to her. And the dog is very quiet and seldom barks.

        I often7her when I am free. Sometimes I play with the dog for a long time. Last night, when I was asleep, it was unusual that the dog kept barking outside my house. Then I thought there might be something wrong in Grandma Li's house. So I8opened the door. As soon as I9, I saw a lot of smoke coming from the window of her house.

        The house must be on fire. I10119 quickly and then the firemen came. They put out the fire soon and Grandma Li was saved. Luckily, she was not badly hurt.

    A、live B、work C、study
    A、streets B、floors C、rooms
    A、classmate B、pen pal C、neighbor
    A、father B、son C、husband
    A、loves B、keeps C、teaches
    A、unfriendly B、friendly C、different
    A、visit B、laugh C、miss
    A、sadly B、happily C、quickly
    A、came out B、came in C、came on
    A、provided B、called C、stopped


  • 17. 阅读理解

        There are more than 20,000 kinds of fish.Which fish swims the fastest? Where are seahorses from? Read on to find out!

        Who is the fastest? It is the sailfish (旗鱼). Its bill (嘴) is long and thin. Its fin islike a big sail (帆). These things help it swim fast. Itcan swim 100 km an hour. That is as fast as a car on the highway.

        Seahorse is a fish! And it is a verydifferent kind of fish. Father seahorses give birth to (生产) baby seahorses. It has a pouch (育儿袋), andthe mother seahorse lays eggs in it. The pouch can carry 2,000 babies at atime.

        Do you know flat (扁平的) fish? Its eyes are on one side of its head. It is a flounder (比目鱼). When flounders are newborns, their two eyes are on differentsides of their head. After about 20 days, one eye moves to the other side.

    (1)、How many kinds of fish are there on the Earth?
    A、200. B、2,000. C、More than 20,000. D、200,000.
    (2)、Which fish swims the fastest?
    A、The sailfish. B、The seahorse. C、The flat fish. D、The flounder.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
    A、The father seahorse. B、The baby seahorse. C、The pouch. D、The eggs.
    (4)、What can we learn from the article?
    A、The sailfish is as fast as a plane. B、Father seahorses lay eggs in the pouch. C、Seahorse is a kind of horse. D、Flounder's eyes are on different sides when they are newborns.
    (5)、Where can we find the article?
    A、In a travel guide. B、In a storybook. C、In a diary. D、In a science magazine.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Do you know whose job is to stop food fromgoing from one country to another? B-E-A-G-L-E-S! Do you know why? Becausethese dogs love food. They are perfect for the job.

        Beagles work at airports in a lot ofcountries, such as Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Theirjob is to sniff (嗅) out food. Thesespecial dogs have special noses. They can even smell food in bags or boxes.When a dog finds a bag with food inside, it sits in front of the bag. If thedog finds the food, the workers will give them something good to eat.

        These dogs don't live in a house becausethe food in houses distracts (干扰) them.Their noses are very important. Living away from people helps to protect theirnoses.

        These working dogs should not be afraid oflarge groups of people or other dogs. They should not be afraid of loud noises.They should feel well when travelling in a car.

        Next time when you're at an airport and seepolice dogs, don't play with then. They are busy. They're working to keep ussafe.

    (1)、What's beagles' job?
    A、Their job is to find out the bad men. B、Their job is to give food to people. C、Their job is to protect little children at the airport. D、Their job is to stop food from going from one country to another.
    (2)、What does the beagle do when it finds a bag with food inside?
    A、It eats the food. B、It sits in front of the bag. C、It runs to the workers. D、It throws the bag.
    (3)、Why do NOT beagles live in a house?
    A、They often bark at night. B、The food in houses is not good for their noses. C、People don't like them. D、There isn't enough room for them.
    (4)、Which dog can be a police dog?
    A、A dog that is afraid of other dogs. B、A dog that is afraid of loud noises. C、A dog that likes travelling in a car. D、A dog that is afraid of groups of people.
    (5)、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    A、Food B、Airports C、Beagles D、Pet dogs
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Which animals are smart? Your answer may bedogs or elephants. Now one more animal can be added to the list: the sheep.

        Scientists said that sheep could be trainedto recognize (辨认) familiar (熟悉的) human faces, the BBC reported.

        Before testing, scientists let the sheeptake a look at the pictures of four famous people, including former (先前的) US President Barack Obama and British actress Emma Watson. Thenthe sheep went into a room with two computer screens. One screen showed afamous person and the second screen showed a random (随机的) person. The sheep usually walked toward the screen with the famousperson.

        After discovering the animals' ability torecognize famous people, scientists gave them a new task. They wanted to seewhether the farm animals could correctly recognize the same people fromdifferent directions. The animals were still able to recognize them, thoughthey were a bit slower to recognize the pictures than before.

        Finally, the researchers wanted to know ifthe sheep could recognize their trainers from a photo. Photos of their trainerswere shown on screens with some unfamiliar faces. They weren't given anytraining, but the sheep could recognize their trainers.

        The results show that the animals' face-recognitionabilities are similar to those of monkeys and humans.

        The researchers said it might beinteresting in the future to find out whether sheep could recognize differentexpressions on people's faces.

    (1)、In the passage, scientists discover sheep are as _________as dogs and elephants.
    A、quiet B、smart C、kind D、cute
    (2)、Before the test, the sheep _________.
    A、recognized their trainer B、came into a room with a computer screen C、watched a random person D、looked at the pictures of four famous people
    (3)、The test result shows the sheep's face-recognition abilities are_________ humans'.
    A、better than B、weaker than C、similar to D、the same as
    (4)、From the passage, we can infer (推断) that_________.
    A、Obama is the former US President B、sheep only recognize famous people C、scientists tested sheep for their abilities D、sheep might recognize "smile" in the future
    (5)、We can probably find this passage in a_________.
    A、travel guide B、novel C、newspaper D、storybook



  • 25. 在互联网的帮助下,我们可以对世界有更多的了解。

    the Internet, we can learn more about the world.

  • 26. 她对语言很感兴趣。她自学法语和德语。

    She is interested in languages. She studies French and German .

  • 27. 导游带我们到博物馆的入口。

    The guide us the entrance to the museum.

  • 28. 你一到机场就打电话给我。

    Call me you arrive at the airport.

  • 29. 我喝完咖啡后很难入睡。

    It is difficult for me to after coffee.


  • 30. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空

    the second oldest   try one's best   look at everything   make some money   dog show

        Dogs can be good friends for people. They can also be in !

        Well, the US held the 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (威斯敏斯特全犬种大赛) in New York City. This is sporting event in the US.

        To take part in this show, a dog must be 100 percent one kind of breed (品种) .

        On the day of the show, owners to make their dogs look good. Then, they show their dogs to the audience (观众) and judges (裁判) . Judges are : how dogs act, their fur (毛发) and more.

        To be in dog shows like this, it costs around $50,000 to $100,000a year. So why do people do it?

        Some do it to teach people about dog breeds, while others want . But they must love their dogs a lot because they spend so much time and money on them.


  • 31. 阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。

        Many animals around us are smart. Let's get to know some of them.

        Dolphins are smart animals in the sea. Researchers put sea animals to a test. Many sea animals either ran away or fought with the ones in the mirror. However, when the dolphins saw themselves in the mirror, they tried to clean the red marks off their bodies.

        Bees work hard, and they are smart enough to learn something. If they could find the higher line, they would get sugar as a prize. After training for a period of time, the researchers tested the bees. Instead, when the researchers showed them vertical lines (垂直线) , the bees simply flew away, because they knew there was no way to get sugar.

        Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) are very human-like. Researchers showed the numbers from one to nine on the screen. Chimpanzees and some college students were asked to remember where the numbers were after watching the numbers in less than a second. The adult chimpanzees and the college students performed almost the same, but the young chimpanzees performed much better. It was amazing.

    A. They can learn fast and well.

    B. In the test, the researchers made red marks on the animals' bodies and took them in front of a mirror.

    C. So the researchers believed that the dolphins knew the ones in the mirror were just themselves.

    D. To their surprise, the bees found the higher horizontal line quickly and got sugar.

    E. Researchers found a group of bees and taught them to tell which horizontal line (水平线) was higher than the other.


  • 32. May是来自宝安中学(Bao'an Middle School)七年级的一名学生,她是校动物保护俱乐部(Helping Animals Club)的成员,May向Shenzhen Daily的主编写信谈她参加俱乐部的原因和如何保护野生动物的看法。写作内容:




    Helping Animals Club





    protect保护in danger处于危险之中wild野生的environment环境


    Dear editor,

        I am May and I come from Bao'an Middle School. My favorite club is Helping Animals Club.

    Best wishes,
