新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit 5 Section B 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2021-01-29 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Penny doesn't like English. She thinks it's________.
    A、interesting B、fun C、relaxing D、difficult
  • 2. —Do you like tennis?

    —Yes. But I ________watch it on TV.

    A、not B、only C、too D、everywhere
  • 3. —       your parents have English dictionaries?

    —Yes, they      .

    A、Do; do B、Do; don't C、Does; does I D、Does; doesn't
  • 4. Tom and Jenny are my friends. I often play sports with ______.
    A、they B、them C、their D、theirs
  • 5. Let's ______ and help him.
    A、go B、going C、to go D、goes
  • 6. There _______ a soccer ball and eight __________.
    A、are; basketballs B、are; basketball C、is; basketballs D、is; basketball
  • 7. There is _____ interesting game.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 8. His brother ______ a tennis ball.
    A、have B、is C、has D、there is
  • 9. His father __________ have a ball.

    A、doesn't B、don't C、isn't D、aren't
  • 10. He likes watching sports games, __________ he __________ play them.

    A、and; doesn't B、but; don't C、but; doesn't D、and; don't




  • 21. Mike likes to play basketball. (改为一般疑问句)

     Mike to play basketball?

  • 22. He has a nice pen. (改为复数句)

      nice pens.

  • 23. I have a computer in my bedroom, (改为—般疑问句)

    you a computer in your bedroom?

  • 24. Lucy doesn't have a tennis ball. (变为肯定句)

    Lucy a tennis ball.

  • 25. Jack's tennis is in his room. (对划线部分提问)

    Jack's tennis?


  • 26. 完形填空。

        Hello! Everyone. My name is Bill Green. I'm an 1boy, and I'm 12 years old. I am from Kentucky. Now I am 2No. 7 SHIYAN Middle School. Bill is my first name and Green is my 3 name. This is my 4 ID card. The number is 20180101. This is my brother.5 name is Tim. Now he and I 6 in Chengdu with my parents.

        I have a nice 7! All my school things are in it. Look! These are two 8in it. One is 9and the other one is Tim's. You can see his name on the dictionary. I lost my eraser. If you find it, please call me 10351-9668.

    A、Chinese B、American C、school
    A、to B、 with   C、in
    A、family B、full  C、first
    A、school    B、phone   C、family
    A、Her B、He's C、His
    A、am B、 is   C、 are
    A、 schoolbag B、pencil box C、 watch
    A、erasers B、dictionaries C、watches
    A、his B、hers C、mine
    A、with  B、at C、for


  • 27. 阅读理解

    Jim: Let's play computer games.

    Peter: That sounds good. Where's your computer?

    Jim: I don't have a computer. Do you have a computer?

    Peter: No, I don't. But I have a TV. Let's watch TV.

    Jim: No, it's boring. Let's play tennis. I have a tennis racket.

    Peter: Good. Where is it?

    Jim: On the sofa. Do you have a racket?

    Peter: No, I don't. Does your brother have a racket?

    Jim: Yes, he does. And he has tennis balls.

    (1)、Does Jim have a computer?

    A、He has no computer B、He has two computers. C、Yes, he does. D、No, he doesn't.
    (2)、Jim has a racket. Where is it?

    A、It's on the sofa. B、It's near the sofa. C、It's behind the sofa. D、It's under the sofa.
    (3)、Does Peter have a tennis racket?

    A、Yes, he does. B、He has a tennis racket. C、He has two tennis rackets D、No, he doesn't.
    (4)、Does Jim have a tennis racket?

    A、Yes, he does. B、No, he doesn't. C、He has two tennis rackets. D、He doesn't have a tennis racket.
    (5)、Does Jim's brother have a tennis racket?

    A、He doesn't have tennis balls. B、Yes, he does. C、No, he doesn't. D、He has tennis balls.