
试卷更新日期:2021-01-28 类型:期中考试


二、听录音,用1,2, 3, 4, 5给下列图片排序。(共10分)


  • 12. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、By bus. B、To America.
  • 13. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、Yes, I did. B、Yes, I do.
  • 14. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、Yes, I will.   B、No, she won't.
  • 15. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、It's in the east of China. B、It's in New York.
  • 16. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、They are on shelf. B、I went to the zoo.



  • 22. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、where B、when C、who
  • 23. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、children B、watch C、Christmas
  • 24. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、morning B、actor C、north
  • 25. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、borrow B、show C、now
  • 26. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、book B、soon C、look


  • 27. Lingling ____got some photos .        

    A、has B、have C、is
  • 28. It's _____________________ the west of China.
    A、on B、in C、for
  • 29. Did you ____________________ with your mother and father.
    A、go B、went C、going
  • 30. I met them ___June .     

    A、in B、on C、be
  • 31. Last year, she ____________________ a lovely time there.
    A、have B、has C、had
  • 32. Where did you go for your holiday ? I ___to Yinchuan. 

    A、go B、went C、going
  • 33. I will ___home at seven o'clock.            

    A、am B、is C、be
  • 34. I drew a dragon ____________________ a piece of paper.
    A、on B、in C、out
  • 35. I made a kite ____________________ my sister.
    A、to B、for C、in
  • 36. Don't _________ this food. It's bad for your health.
    A、ate B、eating C、eat


  • 37. 情景对话。

    A. Will you help me?

    B. Thank you.

    C. What about chopsticks?

    D. How about a kite?

    E. How are you?

    Sam: Hi, Daming, 

    Daming: I'm fine. thank you. I want to take a present for my cousin. 

    Sam: Of course, I will.

    Daming: He's got chopsticks.


    Daming: That's a good idea. But what kind of kite?

    Sam: A dragon kite. I think he will love it.


    Sam: You are welcome.


  • 38. 句子匹配。

    ⑴Where is Shanghai?                A. Of course. Here you are.

    ⑵Can I see them?                    B. In July.

    ⑶Will you have breakfast at six o'clock?  C. I played football.

    ⑷What did you do yesterday?         D. Yes, I will.

    ⑸When did you go to Jinan?         E. In the east of China.



  • 44. 阅读理解
        My name is Billy. I'm a boy. I am eleven. I'm in China now. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I like Chinese food. But my parents don't. They like bread. I have a nice room. There's a bed, a desk and a chair in it. There are many books on the desk. I like books. I often read books in the evening.
    (1)、Billy is ________________________.
    A、a boy B、eleven C、in China D、A, B and C
    (2)、Billy's father is ________________________.
    A、a teacher B、a doctor C、Chinese D、a worker
    (3)、Billy likes ________________________.
    A、Chinese B、Chinese food C、bread D、English.
    (4)、Billy has a ________________________ room.
    A、nice B、big C、small D、good
    (5)、Billy often reads books ________________________.
    A、at home B、after class C、in the evening D、at school
  • 45. 阅读理解

    Yesterday was Saturday, and Zara got up at seven o' clock. But it was raining and she couldn't go out to play, she felt bored. She helped her mum made a cake. After that she was hungry. She ate the cake with mum. That's delicious. She was very thirsty, so she drank some water.

    Then the rain stopped. Zara went out to play, and she was very happy.


    (2)、Yesterday was Sunny. (判断正误)
    (3)、Zara got up at 8 o'clock. (判断正误)
    (4)、She didn't help mum. (判断正误)
    (5)、After she helped mum, she was hungry.(判断正误)
    (6)、She drank some water. (判断正误)
    A、饥饿的 B、口渴的 C、高兴的

    — Did she eat cake?

    — _________________________

    A、Yes, she can. B、Yes, she did. C、No, she didn't.


  • 46. 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。

    get    library    parents    put    taxi

    (1)、I sticks on it.
    (2)、Did you go with your ?
    (3)、She's a driver.
    (4)、How did you the moon?
    (5)、Let's make a home .


  • 47. 介绍自己的爸爸:你爸爸今年40岁了,他是一名医生。他每天早晨喝牛奶。每天7点钟去上班。每天晚上8点钟到家。他非常喜欢他的工作。

    提示:forty, doctor , drink milk, seven o'clock, go home, like...very much.

    My father