北师大版初中英语七年级上册 Unit 3 达标测试卷

试卷更新日期:2021-01-21 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —___________ is your bed?

    —It's beside the desk.

    A、Who B、What C、Where D、Which
  • 2. My ruler is on the ground. Please help me__________.
    A、pick up it B、pick it up C、pick up them D、pick them up
  • 3. These shoes are mine. __________ are over there.
    A、There B、Theirs C、Her D、She
  • 4. Please__________ this diary in your desk.
    A、put B、puts C、to put D、putting
  • 5. —__________ sweater is this?

    —It's my father's.

    A、Who B、Whose C、When D、What
  • 6. There__________ a river and two parks near my home.
    A、are B、is C、be D、have
  • 7. —Are there__________ lakes near your home?

    — No, there aren't.

    A、some B、any C、a D、an
  • 8. I usually go__________ in the morning.
    A、run B、runs C、running D、to running
  • 9. I ______ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school.

    A、never  B、hardly  C、seldom D、usually
  • 10. For your homework, I want you to remember the names of all the planets in__________ correct order.
    A、our B、your C、its D、their
  • 11.  — Why are you standing, Alice?

     — I can't see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting ______ me.

    A、behind    B、next to  C、between D、in front of
  • 12. —Is there a shop near your home?


    A、Yes, it is B、Yes, there is C、No, it doesn't D、Yes, it does


  • 13. 完形填空

       Look at the bedroom. It is very big1 tidy. It's Kate's. A computer is2 thewindow. The computer is new. It is from her father3 her tenth birthday. She likes it a lot. It ison a desk. There4 also some books, two5 and a pen on the desk. Kate often6 her homework in the room. She often uses thecomputer to help to do the home work. You can7 some flowers in the room. They are nice.

       She has a brother.8 name is Jack. He is only 4 years old. Sheloves him very much.

    A、and B、or C、but D、so
    A、near B、on C、in D、under
    A、in B、at C、on D、above
    A、is B、are C、am D、be
    A、ruler B、eraser C、notebooks D、CD
    A、do B、does C、to do D、doing
    A、see B、to see C、sees D、seeing
    A、Her B、His C、Their D、Its


  • 14. 阅读理解

       One afternoon David plays football in front of a house with hisclassmates. A young woman comes up and asks him, "David, is your father at home?" "Yes, he is." answers the boy. Then the young womangoes to press the bell (按门铃). The bell rings and rings, but no one comes to open the door. Theyoung woman gets angry (生气) and calls to him, "You tell me your father is at home, don't you?" "Yes, my father is at home, but my homeisn't here."

    (1)、David and his classmates are_____________ a house.
    A、in B、at C、in front of D、behind
    (2)、A young woman comes up and asks__________ a question.
    A、David B、David's classmates C、David's father D、David's friend
    (3)、Is David's father at home?
    A、Yes, he is. B、No, he isn't. C、We don't know. D、Only David knows.
    (4)、No one comes to open the door because___________.
    A、David's father doesn't want to meet her B、there is no one in the house C、David tells her a lie D、his father is playing football
  • 15. 阅读理解

       This is Jim's room. It's a nice room. There are some pictureson the wall. There is a bed, a desk and a chair in his room. There is a sofaand a bookcase, too. The desk is between the bed and the bookcase. Hisschoolbag and pencil case are on the desk. There are some pencils, a pen and aruler in the pencil case. Jim's sofa is near the desk. His baseballis under the bed.

    (1)、The desk is between the____________ and the___________.
    A、sofa; bookcase B、bed; bookcase C、bed; sofa D、sofa; chair
    (2)、Jim's pencil case is___________.
    A、on the desk B、next to the desk C、under the D、on the sofa
    (3)、Jim's bed is near the__________.
    A、sofa B、plants C、desk D、chair
  • 16. 阅读理解

       "Where is the supermarket?" a man asks Peter.

       "The supermarket? You have to cross abridge and then turn right."

       "And is the bridge long?"

       "Not very long. Thirty metres."

       The man says "Thank you!" to him and then goes towards thebridge.

       Suddenly the man hears someone shouting something.

       "Stop!"says Peter, "I'm sorry, sir. I made a mistake (错误) just now. You knowthe bridge is forty metres long. If you go thirty metres and then turn right,you'll fall into the river!"

    (1)、Where does the man want to go?
    A、A hotel. B、A library. C、A post office. D、A supermarket.
    (2)、Why does Peter ask the man to stop?
    A、Because he wants to play a game. B、Because the man should turn left. C、Because he is afraid that the man will fall into the river. D、Because he's a bad man.
    (3)、What kind of man is Peter?
    A、A lazy man. B、A careless man. C、A bad man. D、A man who likes to be exact (精确的).
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Dear Mona,

        Can you bring these things to me? My maths book, my jacket and my dictionary. My maths book is on the bed.

        The jacket and the dictionary are on the sofa, Eric. 



    Dear Frank,

        Your uncle's tapes are in the bookcase. Please take them to school. He needs them.



    Dear sister,

        I need my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table.



    Dear Mike,

        Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I can't bring them to you.



    (1)、Where is Eric's dictionary?
    A、On the bed. B、On the sofa. C、On the bookcase. D、On the table.
    (2)、Are Mike's CDs on the table?
    A、Yes, it is. B、Yes, they are C、No, they aren't. D、No, it isn't.
    (3)、_________ are on the bed.
    A、Eric's maths book and Mike's jacket B、Eric's maths book and Frank's jacket C、Mona's maths book and Mike's CDs D、Mike's jacket and Frank's tapes


  • 18. 阅读短文, 回答下列问题

        Hello, I'm Lucy Look at the map of our neighborhood. The bank is next to my house. The school is next to the bank. There's a library on No. 3 Street, not far from my home. I enjoy reading there.

        Where is the hospital? Can you find it? It's on No. 2 Street. When I get sick (生病), the doctors can heal me.

        There is also a big supermarket in our neighborhood. I can buy a lot of things there. It's across from the bank and my house. But the post office is far from my home. If I want to post a letter, I have to go along First Avenue and turn right at the turning. Go along No. 1 Street and turn right again, and the post office is on my left.

        It's a good place to have fun. Welcome to my neighborhood!

    (1)、Where is the bank?
    (2)、Is there a zoo next to Lucy's house?
    (3)、How does Lucy get to the post office from her house?
    (4)、Where is the hospital?
    (5)、What can Lucy do in the library?


  • 19. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,写一篇不少于50词的文章。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给的提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你真实的姓名和校名。



    提示词语:bed, chair, desk, TV, books, shelf, , schoolbag, next to, near, on

    提示问题:· Where is the shelf?

    · Where are the books?

    · What do you think of the room?

        This is my bedroom.



    提示词语:housework, dirty, everywhere, under, toy, look, book

    提示问题:·Where are the toys?

    ·Where are the books?

    ·What's above the bed?

        Tom doesn't like doing the housework.