北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog

试卷更新日期:2021-01-18 类型:同步测试




  • 16. 短语填空

    gather around, not...anymore, pack up, crash into, try out for, earn a place, let sb. down, pay off, keep up with

    (1)、These teams are going to the Olympic Games.
    (2)、After supper they the table and worked together.
    (3)、Efforts will sooner or later.
    (4)、A truck went out of control and the back of a bus.
    (5)、My father began to learn how to use a computer at the age of sixty so that he might the times.
    (6)、I promise that I will never my parents .
    (7)、This athlete hopes to in the Olympic team, so he has been practising hard.
    (8)、The teen used to be addicted to online games, but now he surf the Internet .
    (9)、They and went home.



  • 27. 他们正在等的那位教授是史密斯先生。

    The professor is Mr Smith.

  • 28. 这就是我在这儿旅行时住过的旅馆。

    This is the very hotel when I was travelling here.

  • 29. 我认识那个人,他的房子在地震中被摧毁了。

    I know the person in the earthquake.

  • 30. 她是通过考试的女孩之一。

    She is one of the girls .

  • 31. 这是我曾经读过的最有趣的故事。

    This is the most interesting story .


  • 32. 语法填空

    Paul and I, loved basketball and were huge fans of the NBA, were on our school basketball team, The Lions. When we weren't playing on the court, we (watch) a game on TV. My favourite player was LeBron James, and Paul's favourite player was Tyrone, although we (actual) agree that they are champions.

    Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall, which made him the (short) player ever in the NBA. By coincidence, Paul was only 1.6 metres tall, too! Paul knew that (be) shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more. During all those hours of doing jump shots on his own, he used Bogues as his (inspire). Paul believed that if Bogues could make it, he would do it as well, but our coach was not so sure. Paul tried many times just for making the team. He was usually on the bench, being just a (replace), which was really tough on him. he had real skills, worked really hard and had a strong desire (play) for the team, Paul didn't get a chance. He had to wait for it.


  • 33. 阅读理解

    What will most help you lead a long happy and healthy life? Is it making lots of money? Is it a great job that you enjoy? Perhaps it's fame. If you ask a young person, many are likely to give you one of those answers. Or possibly all three.

    Some cultures put more importance on work and money than others. Americans can be obsessed with their jobs and making money. They might feel the need to make lots of money for education, medical care, homes and cars. But it's not just about the money. For many Americans, self­worth is linked to our professional success or failure.

    We could learn about what makes people happy, and what does not, by studying people over the course of their lives. For almost 80 years, Harvard Medical School researchers have been doing just that. The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the most comprehensive studies in history. Since 1938, Henry, one of its professor has followed the lives of a group of men from their teen years to old age. Later, he began to follow their wives and children as well. The study finds that wealth, social position and an important job title do not necessarily lead to health and happiness.

    Robert Waldinger is the current director of the study. He is a professor at Harvard Medical School. Waldinger shared some of the findings with a Harvard Gazette reporter. He said, "The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health." He added, "Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self­care too."

    (1)、What is the questions' function in the first paragraph?
    A、To remind people to keep happy. B、To help people reflect on their health. C、To remind people health is important. D、To introduce the main topic of the passage.
    (2)、Which phrase can replace the underlined part "be obsessed with" in Paragraph 2?
    A、be addicted to B、be aware of C、be upset about D、be tired of
    (3)、What does Henry find by following some men and their family?
    A、Making money is important for Americans. B、Every person should have his or her own goal. C、Seeking after fame can bring people excitement. D、Health and happiness do not only rely on status and wealth.
    (4)、What should we do to keep healthy according to Waldinger?
    A、Try our best to make money. B、Have our bodies examined every day. C、Keeping in touch with our friends regularly. D、Eating or drinking with our friends every night.
  • 34. 阅读理解

    Exercise is good for us. It reduces the risks of dying from all causes, including cancer and heart disease. But many people who work all week have little time for exercise. So, they might try to do something to increase their heart rates over the weekend—go for a long run, take a bike ride or hike in the mountains. But is it healthy to avoid exercise during the work­week and then try to fit it all in during the weekend?

    A new study suggests that, yes, it is healthy. Australian researchers at the University of Sydney did the study. It took place over a nine­year period. During that time, the researchers looked at the self­reported exercise habits and health examinations of more than 63,000 adults in England and Scotland. Then they connected that information to death records.

    The researchers found that people who exercised only one or two days a week improved their chances of living longer than people who did not exercise at all. Even those who are fat could extend their lives by exercising a couple of days per week.

    Emmanuel Stamatakis is the senior author of the study. He says that he found it very encouraging that even people who exercised as little as one or two times a week appear to lower their risk of early death. In other words, their health improves even if they don't meet the suggested weekly amount of physical activity. However, to be in the best health, Stamatakis says more exercise is better.

    The WHO suggests that adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense activity per week. For the best results, the organisation suggests 75 minutes per week of intense physical activity. However, if you are busy with work and family duties, exercise as much as you can.

    (1)、In which part of a website can we find this text?
    A、Science. B、News. C、Sports. D、Health.
    (2)、What can we learn about the study?
    A、It was carried out in three places. B、It lasted for more than nine years. C、It studied both children and adults. D、It was led by Emmanuel Stamatakis.
    (3)、What does the study find?
    A、A little exercise is better than none. B、We'd better do exercise on weekdays. C、Fat people usually live shorter than thin people. D、Exercise habits have a big influence on death.
    (4)、What does Emmanuel Stamatakis suggest doing?
    A、Paying attention to the risk of early death. B、Trying to do more exercise if we have time. C、Getting at least 150 minutes of activity a week. D、Avoiding doing much intense physical activity.
  • 35. 阅读理解

    Before you were my teacher, I thought that teaching was the last thing I wanted to do. Why would someone want to come in every day and attempt to instruct students, many of whom couldn't care less, or to get paid very little compared with the work he or she put in?

    You may have thought that the only thing I was learning from you was the course, but that's not all I learned. From reference books to funny jokes, you made each class exciting. You always tried to make class charming so that we could be excited about learning. However, those days have gone by.

    Whenever I was confused and needed extra help, you were the exact one to turn to. I would walk into your room for help and there would be several kids. You ran from one student to the next helping each one through their confusion. You could have gone back home after the bell rang. Instead, you chose to stay and care about what your students did.

    You didn't only care about my learning, but you also cared about other things I was involved in. At the beginning of the year, we wrote down our hobbies and interests. You remembered what we wrote, too. I had missed class for track meets (田径运动会) and when I came back the next day, you would ask me how it went. Many of the teachers never bothered to ask what I liked to do.

    These things showed me the value of teaching. They showed me how much of an influence a teacher can have on a student. I want to be the one that influences students and pushes them towards success. I want students to leave my classroom thinking that their time was worthwhile (值得的). I want to be the inspiration for them that you were for me. Whenever it gets hard for me to continue on this path, I'll remember you and what you did for me.

    (1)、What did the author think of teaching before the teacher taught him?
    A、Dull but worthwhile. B、Boring and low­paid. C、Honourable but dangerous. D、Challenging and easily­attacked.
    (2)、How did the author find the teacher's class in Paragraph 2?
    A、Disappointing. B、Difficult. C、Wonderful. D、Common.
    (3)、Why did the teacher ask his students to write down their hobbies and interests?
    A、To understand them better. B、To involve them in more activities. C、To treat them differently. D、To control them in a better way.
    (4)、What does the author think the value of teaching lies in?
    A、The care and passion that teachers have. B、The process of students' forming a good habit. C、The successful students whom a teacher has taught. D、The influence on students' development in the future.


  • 36. 任务型阅读

    After Steve Jobs died, his friend Larry Ellison said something like this. "There will never be another Steve Jobs." Larry wrote this list of Steve's life lessons to remind us all.

    ⒈Love what you do.

    Sure Steve became a billionaire when he brought Apple back. Apple was his calling-even after he got fired from the company. We all have bad jobs at one point in our lives. But the question is: Am I in the right job? Have I found the right company? Life doesn't go on forever.

    ⒉Don't do it all by yourself.

    Steve learned a great leader can't do it all by himself. He needs people. They must be talented. They must be given the opportunity to succeed and fail. In short, we have to learn to be a great leader if we want to see our great ideas and hard work truly have an influence on the world.

    Apple was always the best at creating a new product that meets the exact needs of users. It's empathy (同感) that helps Apple achieve this. Whenever the user has the first touch with a new Apple product, he says "Wow, it's just what I need." Remember: You're King in the business world if you know exactly what consumers desire.

    ⒋Don't mess around with your health.

    That's the most important lesson from Steve's life. It's great to learn from him but, the fact is that he should still be here if he had treated his cancer properly. Instead, Steve chose a naturopathic (自然疗法) solution that wasn't effective. When he finally decided to take his doctor's original advice, it was too late.

    A. They must be inspired.

    B. Be the best in your field.

    C. Take your health seriously.

    D. Get on our right path now.

    E. Will this lead to a successful career?

    F. Put yourself in the other person's shoes.

    G. What are the key things that we could learn from him?


  • 37. 语法填空

    The ratio (比率) of overweight people participated in a survey increased from 29% in 2012 to 31.5% in 2016, and number of highly overweight people (rise) to 550,000, creating a serious headache for (medicine) services. The increase of highly overweight people was (particular) sharp among those in their 20s. The numbers came from a study of physical examinations (publish) by the Health Insurance Service.

    According to the survey, the highly obesity (肥胖) rate among young people can be a result of their (addict) to salt intake and soft drinks from childhood. Eating too much salty food is considered as a main factor leading to health problems. Besides, drinking soft drinks is also to blame because it makes people more likely (gain) weight.

    The result may affect the new lifestyle of those people. (cut) down on salt can be hard, repeated training to prefer less salty food is necessary. Start by adding half as much salt to your dinner as you normally do.