牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级下册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2021-01-17 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Wendy is a pleasant girl. Everyone in her class wants to make friends with her.

    —I like her too.

    A、ordinary B、clever C、nice
  • 2. —How did it happen?

    —It is a mystery to all of us in the hall.

    A、easy to be remembered B、simple to be told C、impossible to be explained
  • 3. The next stage is to make a detailed plan.
    A、step B、smell C、site
  • 4. We went to play against a team from a country school.
    A、in disagreement with B、in agreement with C、in opposition to
  • 5. Do you know the man with black glasses is a star?
    A、famous person B、good person C、kind person
  • 6. The children will take photos with the panda separately.
    A、not together B、carefully C、luckily
  • 7. It appears that all the students like the new teacher.
    A、seems B、says C、happens
  • 8. —Which blouse did she take, the blue one or the pink one?

    —She decided on the pink one.

    A、chose B、provided C、disliked
  • 9. Dirty water ________ into the river, or it will pollute the environment.
    A、shouldn't pours B、shouldn't be poured C、not should be poured D、should be not poured
  • 10. —How often do you feed your pet dog?

    —It _______ food every four hours.

    A、must be given B、must give C、must be gave
  • 11. —Can the magazine _______ from the library?

    —No, it can't.

    A、take away B、taken away C、is taken away D、be taken away
  • 12. —You look so beautiful today. The shoes _______ your dress well.

    —Thank you.

    A、match B、wear C、like
  • 13. —_______ good marks, you must study hard.

    —OK. I will study hard from now on.

    A、Getting B、To get C、Got D、Get
  • 14. Great changes          in our hometown since ten years ago.

    A、have happen B、have taken place C、happened
  • 15. The story book is so interesting. Many children like to read _______.   

    A、it B、this C、that D、one


  • 16. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,选择可以填在横线上的最佳选项。

        It was a fine spring day with beautiful flowers in the park. A young man arrived early and waited for his 1 under a big tree. But he was so short-tempered (性急的) that he wasn't in the mood to 2 the scenery.

        Suddenly, an angel appeared, "Here is a button (按钮). If you don't want to 3, just turn the button to the right. You can skip over (跳过) any time period if you want to."

        The man happily held the button and turned it softly. Oh! How amazing! His girlfriend appeared before him and was gently 4 him! "How I wish our wedding ceremony could be held now!" He turned the button once again. A great wedding 5 in front of him. The beautiful bride (新娘) was standing next to him and the band was playing 6 music. He lost himself in it deeply.

        The 7 in his heart kept coming out: I also want a big house with a garden in the front. He turned the button. Then he wished for children. All of a sudden, a group of lovely children were playing 8 in the huge living room. Again, he jumped at the chance to tum the button to the right.

        How time flew! Before he could see beautiful flowers in the garden, everything had been covered in deep snow. Looking at himself again, he found his hair totally 9. He had already become so old.

        He felt so sad. He would rather enjoy life step by step than watch it go by in such a hurry. He quickly turned the button to the 10.

        Once again, he was waiting for his lovely girlfriend under that big tree.

    A、angel B、girlfriend C、teacher
    A、judge B、find C、enjoy
    A、wait B、move C、work
    A、quarreling with B、laughing at C、smiling to
    A、discovered B、found C、appeared
    A、sad B、cheerful C、serious
    A、wishes B、questions C、secrets
    A、rudely B、angrily C、happily
    A、shinning B、white C、black
    A、left B、right C、up


  • 17. 阅读理解

        McDull is a cartoon pig character that was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brian Tse. Although McDull made his first appearances as a supporting character in the McMug comics, McDull has become a central character, attracting a huge following in Hong Kong.

        McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. He has a heart of gold, but he isn't very smart and ordinary in every way; nevertheless, he has many dreams.  However, every time he tries, he fails; he is disappointed, but tries again, exploring other dreams. In this way he creates his own colourful world. He lives his life simply and naturally. He is not perfect, but his attitude towards life, namely never giving up, makes him a popular character.

        The first McDull movie documented his life and the relationship between him and his mother. As in the comics, McDull is a piglet who lives with his mother, Mrs Mak, in Hong Kong. He is a kindergarten student. He has a happy school life with his classmates including geese, tortoises and other pigs. McDull and his mum love each other very much. McDull tries his best to make his mother proud of him and his mother tries hard to give McDull a happy childhood. After realizing his dream, McDull sets himself another target: to become an Olympic champion just like female windsurfer Lee Laishan.

    (1)、Who created McDull?
    A、Alice Mak. B、Brian Tse. C、Mrs Mak. D、Both A and B.
    (2)、Which of the following statements is RIGHT?
    A、McDull is a female pig. B、McDull has a heart of gold. C、McDull is very smart. D、McDull isn't ordinary in every way.
    (3)、What's McDull's attitude towards life?
    A、He lives his life simply. B、He tries and he fails. C、He never gives up. D、He is not perfect.
    (4)、Which of the following statements is WRONG?
    A、Mrs Mak loves McDull very much. B、Mrs Mak tries hard to give McDull a happy childhood. C、Mrs Mak lives in Hong Kong. D、Mrs Mak lives with McDull and her husband.


  • 18. 语法填空

        Steven Spielberg is a famous American filmmaker (电影制作人). When he was  middle school, he wanted to make a film.

        After his father gave him a tiny video camera his twelfth birthday gift, he became more interested in making (film). He had an idea for a movie, he had no money. He started a tree-planting business and made his film  the money he got.  He never stopped  (make) films, even after many film schools rejected him.

        Today he is one of (famous) filmmakers in the world. His movies are about those brave and kind people. His  (character) often fight for what is good. Some of  (he) films are about his Jewish background, such as Schindler's List. Spielberg said, "I don't dream that much at night because I dream for a living." He encouraged people of all  (age) to achieve their dreams.


  • 19. 这些花必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。

    These flowers    every day, or they will die.

  • 20. 你要是告诉妈妈我把表丢了,就会给我招来麻烦。

    You'll if you tell Mum that I've lost my watch.

  • 21. 我第一次得到语文老师的鼓励。

    I by my Chinese teacher for the first time.

  • 22. 如果你想获得成功,你必须尽你最大的努力。

    If you want to , you must try your best.

  • 23. 当我陷入麻烦时,她会站在我这边。

    She would stand by me when I was .