人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级上册第二单元Unit 2 My week 单元达标测试卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2017-10-16 类型:单元试卷




  • 8. 选出你听到的句子的应答语(  )
    A、It's a storybook. B、It's mine.
  • 9. 选出你听到的句子的应答语(  )
    A、No,I don't. B、Yes,I am.
  • 10. 选出你听到的句子的应答语(  )
    A、He's very funny. B、I often read books.
  • 11. 选出你听到的句子的应答语(  )
    A、It's Wednesday. B、It's rainy today.
  • 12. 选出你听到的句子的应答语(  )
    A、I have maths and Chinese. B、I love music.


  • 13. 在图片下面写上对应星期的单词。




  • 14. 判断下面每组单词画线部分读音是否相同。

     A.meet   B.feet   

     A.see   B.tea

     A.bed  B.three 

     A.read  B.bread

     A.feed  B.kite 

     A.beef  B.eat


  • 15. 根据图片,选择对应的词组。

    A.wash my clothes

    B.watch TV

    C.play football

    D.read books

    E.do homework







  • 16. 选出每组中不同类的选项。

     A.read       B.play       C.book
     A.Friday  B.Wednesday  C.birthday

     A.sports  B.Monday  C.Friday

     A.weekend  B.science  C.music

     A.maths  B.often  C.Chinese


  • 17. You ________ play sports every day.
    A、are B、does C、should
  • 18. Let's ________ ping­pong.
    A、plays B、play C、playing
  • 19. My brother often ________ stories on Saturdays.
    A、read B、reading C、reads
  • 20. —What ________ Zoom do on Sunday?

    —He often plays with Zip.

    A、do B、is C、does
  • 21. —What do you ________ on Fridays?

    —I have maths class.

    A、has B、have C、like
  • 22. —Where is my Chinese book?

    —Here ________.

    A、is it B、Is it C、it is
  • 23. I often watch TV ________ Sundays.  
    A、in B、on C、at

九、根据图片,将下列句子补充完整 。


  • 29. 选择对应的答句。

    A.No,he is kind.

    B.I often read books.

    C.We have Chinese.

    D.Yes,I do.

    E.It's a football.

    ⑴What do you have on Fridays? 

    ⑵What do you do on Sundays?    

    ⑶Do you often play football here?

    ⑷What's this?                     

    ⑸Is your father strict?             


  • 30. 阅读理解

        Mr He is a great Chinese teacher.He is tall.He is very smart.We have his classes on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.His class is so much fun.He knows lots of funny things and he tells us the funny things.He likes reading books very much.On Saturdays and Sundays,he often reads books in West Park.This is a nice park.It's very quiet.Mr He likes listening to music,too.He listens some music in the evening before going to bed.

    (1)、Mr He is an English teacher.
    (2)、We have Chinese on Mondays,Wednesdays and Tuesdays.
    (3)、Mr He is very funny.We all like him.
    (4)、He often reads books in the park on the weekend.
    (5)、He often listens to music in the park,too.