2021年中考英语专题复习—— 从句 1

试卷更新日期:2021-01-08 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —Have you heard of the basketball team__________ won the NBA championship last year?

    —Of course, it's my favorite basketball team—Warriors.

    A、whose B、which C、who
  • 2. —Will you go to the movies tomorrow?

    —If you don't go, __________.

    A、neither do I B、neither won't I C、neither will I
  • 3. Nobody can hear you ______you speak in a louder voice.
    A、unless B、If C、when D、after
  • 4. —Wow! The school uniforms can tell parents ______

    —Cool! So the children won't get lost easily.

    A、where are their children B、where their children are C、what do their children study D、what their children study
  • 5. —Will you go to Lisa's housewarming party next Sunday?

    —Well, if I__________, I will go on time.

    A、invite B、will invite C、am invited D、will be invited
  • 6. —Do you know ________ to see the Beijing Opera?

    —Yes, you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre.

    A、where can we go B、where we can go C、when shall we go D、when we shall go
  • 7. —Let's go camping if it____________ next Saturday.

    —But nobody knows if it ___________.

    A、is fine; rains B、will be fine: rains C、is fine: will rain D、will be fine: will rain
  • 8. —Dad, can you tell me ____________? I miss her very much.

    —Next week, dear.

    A、where my mum will go B、when will my mum come back C、when my mum will come back
  • 9. He asked ________ Betty came home late last night.
    A、weather B、whether C、where
  • 10. —No one can tell when they ________.

    —When they ________, I'll let you know at once.

    A、return; will arrive B、will return; reach C、will return; arrive
  • 11. In difficult times, there are always national heroes        step up and bring people hope.
    A、whom B、which C、who
  • 12. The BBC's documentary Du Fu:China's Greatest Poet explains        Du's works have been popular for centuries.
    A、when B、whether C、why
  • 13. The Chinese doctors went to Italy to help the patients __________ they knew it was dangerous.
    A、because B、if C、though D、as soon as
  • 14. —Could you tell us ________________?

    — About 400 kilometers.

    A、how far it is from Tongren to Guiyang B、how far is it from Tongren to Guiyang C、how long it takes to get to Guiyang D、how long does it take to get to Guiyang
  • 15. —What did the shopkeeper say to you?

    —She asked me______.

    A、when does the shop close B、where did I see the style C、if I preferred that orange dress D、what else I will buy
  • 16. —Do you believe that humans could live on Mars?

    —I don't think _____________________.

    A、if it comes true B、that it will come true C、why it will come true D、how does it come true
  • 17. —Simon, you look smart in the T-shirt. Could you tell me          it?

    —OK. I bought it in a store online.

    A、where you bought B、where do you buy C、when you buy D、when did you buy
  • 18. —Tomorrow is Father's Day. What's your surprise for your father?

    —The first thing____ I will do is to make a card for him.

    A、who B、where C、whose D、that
  • 19. — Do you like the weekly talk show The Readers on CCTV?

    — Sure. It's a great TV program      can develop the habit of reading.

    A、who B、that C、what D、whose  
  • 20. Not all children ____ watch this video will become a scientist, but some may become interested in science.
    A、whom B、which C、who D、whose
  • 21. —Could you please tell me _____?

    —Sure. On Friday afternoon.

    A、where the book sale is B、when the book sale is C、what the book sale is about
  • 22. —Could you tell me_______________?

    —Sure. Go down the street, you can find it at the second crossing!

    A、where is the supermarket B、where the supermarket is C、when does the supermarket open D、when the supermarket opens
  • 23. My cousin hasn't decided___ this weekend.
    A、how will he go to Shanghai B、how he will go to Shanghai C、how has he gone to Shanghai D、how he has gone to Shanghai
  • 24. —I don' t know if Sam_____.

    —Don't worry. I will tell you as soon as he_____.

    A、will come, comes B、comes, will come    C、will come, will come D、comes, comes
  • 25. —Dear friends, do you still remember ____ three years ago?

    —To realize our dream!

    A、why you came here B、why did you come here C、how you came here D、how did you came here
  • 26. While the lights       to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner
    A、change B、have changed C、were changing D、will change
  • 27. —Could you please tell me         ?

    —Sure. Go to the third floor, please.

    A、which postcards I should take B、what kind of postcards you have C、when I should pay for the postcards D、where I can get some postcards
  • 28. In order to take a pleasant trip to Kunming, Dave emailed me to ask________.
    A、what was Kunming most famous for B、what Kunming was most famous for C、whether is summer a good time to come D、whether summer is a good time to come
  • 29. Our eyesight will become poorer and poorer ________ we keep playing with phones.
    A、though B、unless C、if
  • 30. ____my grandpa is over 80 years old, he still looks strong and healthy.
    A、Although B、Because C、Unless