2021年中考英语专题复习—— 动词时态 1

试卷更新日期:2021-01-08 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —Alice, have you finished learning the whole book?

    —Not yet, So far, we __________ six units.

    A、learned B、have learned C、learn
  • 2. Be quiet. Your grandmother __________ in the room.
    A、sleeps B、is sleeping C、seep
  • 3. We               each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.
    A、don't see B、didn't see C、won't see D、haven't seen
  • 4. If you take this train, you            in Shanghai in five hours.
    A、arrive B、will arrive C、arrived D、have arrived
  • 5. Bob, you ____________in this city since 2018. How do you like it?
    A、lived B、live C、have lived
  • 6. —Jack, I'm busy doing the washing. Can you give me a hand?

    —Wait a moment. I ___________the bed.

    A、am making B、will make C、was making D、have made
  • 7. It has been two months since my father ________ for Italy.
    A、was left B、left C、leaves
  • 8. —The coffee's finished!

    —Oh, sorry! I        to the shop to get some.

    A、am going B、was going C、went D、have gone
  • 9. I don't know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma        me at an early age.
    A、teaches B、taught C、will teach D、has taught
  • 10. — Peter, have you ever been to the English Corner?

    —Oh yes. I ______________ there to practice speaking once a week last term.

    A、went B、go. C、have gone D、will go
  • 11. —What are you doing on Saturday morning?

    —Well, it's going to be sunny, so I ______a picnic with my friend.

    A、have B、had C、have had D、am having
  • 12. Tom won't go to bed until his father      back from work.
    A、will come B、came C、comes D、come
  • 13. Could you tell me ____this morning?
    A、what time you had breakfast B、where have you been C、how did you get there D、why will you leave earlier
  • 14. Each of us _____ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.
    A、has B、have C、will have D、had
  • 15. —How many letters          you            to your mother?

    —109 in all, since 2016.

    A、has, written B、have, written C、did, write D、are, writing
  • 16. It_________. Please take an umbrella with you, Annie.
    A、rains B、is raining C、rained D、was raining
  • 17. Sorry, I didn't see you, because I_________ a picture.
    A、draw B、drew C、was drawing D、have drawn
  • 18. — I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then?

    — Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard.

    A、walked B、was walking C、am walking D、will walk
  • 19. —Have you ever been to Shanghai?

    —Of course. Actually, I _________there for six years but now I live in Taizhou.

    A、worked B、was working C、would work D、have worked
  • 20. —Jenny, your new tape player looks great.

    —Oh, it's not new. I ____it for three years.

    A、buy B、have had C、bought D、have bought
  • 21. —You'd better take an umbrella. The weather report says it     in the afternoon.

    — Thank you. I will put one in my bag.

    A、will rain B、rains C、is raining
  • 22. Next week, each student in the class ____ a small gift from their teachers.
    A、receives B、received C、will receive D、has received
  • 23. — Hi, I didn't see you at John's birthday party last night.

    — Oh, I ________________ the book report at that time.

    A、prepared for B、prepare for C、am preparing for D、was preparing for
  • 24. —Uncle Sam said he ________ my birthday party, but he never showed up.

    —That's Uncle Sam. He forgets everything!

    A、will attend B、would attend C、has attended D、had attended
  • 25. —My car ________ yesterday. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?

    —I'm sorry I can't, I'm ________ Dalian tomorrow morning.

    A、breaks down; flying at B、has broken down; flying at C、broke down; flying to D、had broken down; flying to
  • 26. —Tom, what's your dad doing?

    —He ________ my bike.

    A、repairs B、will repair C、has repaired D、is repairing
  • 27. —Didn't you hear Dad call you?

    —No, I didn't. I ______ with Jack on the phone.

    A、am talking B、would talk C、have talked D、was talking
  • 28. Look! They _____ about the solution to the network problems again.
    A、argue B、are arguing C、argued D、were arguing
  • 29. —Alex, why didn't you answer my call at nine last night?

    —Sorry. I ___ my mobile phone at home. I ___ basketball in the park with my friends.

    A、forgot; played B、forgot; was playing    C、left; played D、left; was playing
  • 30. —What great progress Huawei ________ in recent years!

    —No wonder it is widely known in all parts of the world.

    A、is making B、has made C、makes D、made