2021年中考英语专题复习—— 数词

试卷更新日期:2021-01-08 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. About __________ of the students don't like studying online in my class, because they can't discuss with their classmates.
    A、one three B、one thirds C、one third
  • 2. —How old is your daughter?

    —______. We had a special party for her_____birthday yesterday.

    A、Nine; nine B、Nine; ninth C、Ninth; ninth D、Ninth; nine
  • 3. —We'll celebrate the       National Day this year.

    —That's really exciting.

    A、seventy B、seventeen C、seventieth
  • 4. There are        people in Dale's family. They live on the        floor.
    A、five; nine B、fifth; nine C、five; ninth D、fifth; ninth
  • 5. —Which month of the year do you like best?

    — July, the _________ month, because summer vacation begin in this month.

    A、seven B、six C、seventh D、sixth
  • 6. Our country is 70 years old this year. We will celebrate her _____ birthday on Oct. 1.
    A、the seventieth B、seventieth C、the seventy D、seventy
  • 7. Every year, ________ books are given away to the poor children in the countryside.
    A、thousand B、thousands of C、thousand of
  • 8. We asked 1,000 students from Hope Middle School about what kind of books they love. Here are the results.

    According to the pie chart above,       of the students love science books.

    A、ten percent B、fifteen per cent C、a quarter D、half
  • 9. It's my daughter's birthday today. She's ___________years old.
    A、eighteen B、eighteenth C、the eighteen D、the eighteenth
  • 10. This Saturday is my _______ birthday. Welcome to my party!   

    A、fourteenth B、the fourteenth C、fourteen D、the fourteen
  • 11. My father gave me a bike on my                  birthday.(  )

    A、ten B、a tenth C、the tenth D、tenth
  • 12. Two months ago, China tested its ___________ aircraft carrier (航空母舰) built completely on its own.
    A、one B、first C、the one D、the first
  • 13. There are _____ months in a year. December is the _____ month of a year.
    A、twelve; twelve B、twelfth; twelfth C、twelve; twelfth D、twelfth; twelve
  • 14. —What are you going to do this Saturday?

    —I am going to the old people's home to celebrate Mrs. Green's______ birthday.

    A、ninty-ninth B、ninety-ninth C、ninety-nineth
  • 15. A year is divided into ______ months. August is the ______ month of the year.
    A、twelve; eight B、twelve; eighth C、twelfth; eight D、twelfth; eighth
  • 16. During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with ______trees around.

    A、thousand of   B、thousand     C、thousands D、thousands of
  • 17. Susan's mother looks so young. It's hard to imagine she's already in her ______.
    A、sixty B、sixties C、sixtieth
  • 18.       of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school.
    A、Two fifth B、One thirds C、Three fifth D、Three quarters
  • 19. Nowadays, ______ of the old people in the area _____ used to dancing on the square after supper.
    A、two third; is B、two thirds; is C、two thirds; are
  • 20. —What do you think of the environment here?

    —Wonderful! ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.

    A、Two fifths; is B、Two fifth; is C、Two fifths; are D、Two fifth; are
  • 21. This is my ____________day to be here.
    A、a second B、the second C、second
  • 22. __________ visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.
    A、Thousand B、Thousand of C、Thousands D、Thousands of
  • 23. Tibet receives       foreign visitors from January to April each year.
    A、thousand of B、thousands of C、several thousands
  • 24. They worked for________ days, and finished the________ task successfully.
    A、twelve; two B、twelve; second C、twelfth; two D、twelfth; second
  • 25. —Dear, how is your homework going?

    —Oh, mom, I've just finished __________ of it.

    A、second three B、two third C、second threes D、two thirds