2021年中考英语专题复习—— 介词 1

试卷更新日期:2021-01-08 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —The scarf in your hand is colorful. Is it ________?

    —Yes, but I'll give it to my sister as __________ birthday present. She likes it very much.

    A、yours, hers B、your, hers C、yours, her
  • 2. Mr. Jackson is a popular writer, and we all like reading _________ books.
    A、his B、her C、their D、your
  • 3. The wild animals are in danger now. Let's protect __________.
    A、they B、them C、their D、theirs
  • 4. —Is this hat _______?

    — No, the red one is ________.

    A、Lucy's; her. B、Lucy; her C、Lucy's; hers D、Lucy; hers
  • 5. —Judy, is that boy with glasses __________new classmate?

    —Yes. Let's say hello to ____________.

    A、we; he B、us; himself C、ours; his D、our; him
  • 6. —Maria, how do you like Journey to the west, one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature?

    —Wonderful! I like____ very much.

    A、one B、them C、it D、its
  • 7. Lily sat on the sofa just now. Maybe the wool scarf is ________________.
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself
  • 8. _________ needs one or two close friends to share his happiness and sadness with.
    A、Someone B、No one C、None D、Everyone
  • 9. —My ruler is broken. Can I borrow_________?

    —Of course. Here it is.

    A、his B、hers C、mine D、yours
  • 10. —Excuse me, I'd like to buy a birthday gift for my son.

    —We have different kinds of new toys for boys. You can choose __________for your son.

    A、that B、one C、it D、either
  • 11. — Hello, are you Mr. Morrison?

    —Yes. That's _______________.

    A、him B、me C、you D、us
  • 12. The baby is too young. Don't leave her at home by_____.
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself
  • 13. Their plants don't grow very well, but ____ look really good.
    A、we B、our C、ours D、ourselves
  • 14. We haven't got       meat for dinner. Let's buy ____chicken.
    A、some; some B、some; any C、any; any D、any; some
  • 15. ________ I do, I do it for you. Do not ever doubt that, my boy.
    A、Whatever B、Wherever C、Whenever D、Whoever
  • 16. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do not worry. Worry never fixes ________.
    A、something B、everything C、anything D、nothing
  • 17. —They won the basketball match yesterday.

    —Great! We are so proud of ________.

    A、they B、them C、their D、theirs
  • 18. —When shall we go swimming, this Friday or Saturday?

    —_____ is OK. I'll be free this week.

    A、Either B、All C、Every D、Both
  • 19. Could you stay a little longer? I have ____ more to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.
    A、something B、everything C、anything D、nothing
  • 20. Many people find that listening to soft music helps ______ to sleep well.
    A、him B、her C、them D、it
  • 21. Frank is a friend of ________. He is a scientist from Canada.
    A、my B、I C、me D、mine
  • 22. Success always belongs to those        have tried their best to make their dreams come true.
    A、who B、whom C、whose D、which
  • 23. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, __________ aren't.
    A、another B、the other C、others D、the others
  • 24. We enjoyed      on the beach yesterday.
    A、ourselves B、our C、us D、ours
  • 25. —It is said that TV program Readers was quite popular.

    —Yes, I watched ______ at eight last Saturday.

    A、it B、them C、that D、those
  • 26. —Is this iPad yours?

    —Yes.My parents bought _____ for my language learning.

    A、one B、it C、other D、another
  • 27. Jessica used to be a manager in a company, but she gave up ___________ job when she became a mother.
    A、she B、hers C、her D、herself
  • 28. My father is a worker.     is very kind.
    A、He B、She C、His D、It
  • 29. —Is this    computer?

    —Yes, it's    . My mother bought it for me.

    A、you; me B、your; my C、yours; mine D、your; mine
  • 30. —Don't be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again,will you?

    —No,I won't.I know  that ______ of us  are perfect after all.

    A、none B、neither C、each D、all