人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册期末模拟试卷( 1 )

试卷更新日期:2020-12-17 类型:期末考试



  • 6. Look ____________ me.
    A、at B、in C、on
  • 7. Let's _____ some cake.
    A、have B、drink C、look
  • 8. A: How many ______?

    B: Five

    A、book B、books C、OK
  • 9. Show ______ your pen.()

    A、my B、me C、I
  • 10. - What's your name?

    -              ()

    A、This is Bai Ling. B、My name's Bai Ling.
  • 11. 迈克想知道张朋几岁了?应该怎样问? ()

    A、How are you? B、How old are you? C、How many plates?
  • 12. 别人向你道谢,你说不用客气,怎么表达!

    A、Thank you. B、You're welcome.
  • 13. 你有6支铅笔,你想告诉李玲,你应该怎么说?()

    A、I have seven pencils. B、I have six pencils. C、I have five pencil.
  • 14. 当你遇见朋友并向他们问好时,你说:  
    A、Nice to meet you. B、How are you?
  • 15. 你想请明友喝牛奶时你说:
    A、Have some milk, please. B、Can I have some milk?


  • 16. 看图,根据首字母和图片提示,把下列短语补充完整。
    (1)、f P

    (2)、 cats

    (3)、t dogs


    (5)、o n

  • 17. 根据首字母填写单词。

    (1)、J is a drink.

    (2)、I'm h, and I'd like some cakes.

    (3)、H you are.

    (4)、We should have an e every day.

    (5)、Lily likes f and rice.


  • 18. 连词成句。

    (1)、your   touch  nose .

    (2)、me   your  show  red  crayon .

    (3)、like   I  hot  dog .

    (4)、birthday  to  Happy  you

    (5)、are  How  you  old ?


  • 19. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

    (1)、How many (plate) are there?

    (2)、I am six (year) old.

    (3)、Can I (have) some juice?

    (4)、What (be) they?

    (5)、What is (you) name?


  • 20. 从方框中选出下列各句的最佳应答语。

    A. Thank you.

    B. Great!

    C. I'm seven years old.

    D. Nice to meet you.

    E. Three.

    (1)、How old are you?
    (2)、How many books?
    (3)、Happy birthday!
    (4)、Let's eat the bread!
    (5)、This is my brother.


  • 21. 阅读对话,判断下列句子的正误。

    Tom: Hi, Lily. Let's go to the zoo.

    Lily: Great! Let's go!

    Tom: Look at the elephant. It's very big.

    Lily: Yes. Look at the panda. It's cute.

    Tom: I like the panda.

    Lily: Me too. Look, what's that?

    Tom: It's a brown bear. It's on the log.

    Lily: Wow, cool!

    (1)、Tom and Lily go to school together.
    (2)、The panda is big.
    (3)、They like the panda very much.
    (4)、The bear is brown.
    (5)、The bear is on the log.