
试卷更新日期:2020-12-05 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. Simon is from ________ English—speaking country.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. We planted some flowers ________ the garden yesterday.
    A、at B、on C、in D、to
  • 3. It's about ________walk from my home.
    A、ten minute B、ten minutes' C、ten minute's D、ten minutes
  • 4. —I am thirsty. Is there any water in the fridge?

    —________, but we have some milk. Would you like some?

    A、Nothing B、Much C、Some D、None
  • 5. When traffic lights are red, we           stop and wait.
    A、may B、can C、must D、might
  • 6. —You know what? The graduation party ________ in our school hall on June 14th.

    —Great! I'm looking forward to it.

    A、hold B、is held C、was held D、will be held
  • 7. —Who sings __________in your class?

    — Li Jing does.

    A、most beautifully B、most beautiful C、more beautifully D、more beautiful
  • 8. My mother _________ when I got home yesterday.
    A、cook B、will cook C、cooked D、was cooking
  • 9. —What are you looking for?

    —I'm looking for the ring ______my husband bought me last year.

    A、that B、who C、whom D、it
  • 10. —Which month of the year do you like best?

    —July, the________ month, because summer vacation begins in this month.

    A、seven B、seventh C、six D、sixth
  • 11. We should take care of the earth ________ we can make a better world to live in.
    A、until B、while C、so that D、even if
  • 12. —After the exam, we'll have a long vacation.

    —Yes, but I haven't planned ________.

    A、what I will do B、what will I do C、when I will do it D、when will I do it
  • 13. __________ useful advice Mr Smith has given us!
    A、What B、How C、What a D、How a
  • 14. The king didn't take any notice of the noise in the crowd and ________ with the parade.
    A、carried away B、carried through C、carried out D、carried on
  • 15. —Excuse me, would you mind helping me with the math problem?

    —I'm sorry. ________, I'm in a hurry.

    A、In general B、Of course C、By the way D、In fact


  • 16. 阅读短文,并从各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Mary is going to a private school that costs $15,000 each year. Mary does not have to pay anything1 she has a scholarship (奖学金). Her parents are very poor. Her parents work as workers. Mary has to do well in her lessons every term to keep her scholarship. She pretends (假装) that she is2 so she can have friends. Everyone at the school has nice clothes. It can be hard for Mary to take up with them.

    Mary's friend Patricia was having a3 for her 16th birthday. It was going to be in the ballroom of a hotel. There was going to be hundreds of guests. Mary had to4 a beautiful dress, but she knew she could not5 it. "Mary, what are you going to wear?" Patricia asked. "I think I'll wear the dress I wore at your birthday party last year." she said. Patricia started laughing out loud." You're6, right?" Patricia said. It took Mary over two years to pay off the dress she bought last year. Now she had to get a7 one.

    Everyone would be wearing dresses that8 at least $100. Mary could only spend $30 on a dress. She went to a9 selling old things. She looked around for hours trying to find something good. Mary finally came across a long, red dress. It sold for $300 before, but now10$20! What a good idea! Mary wore the dress at Patricia's party and everyone complimented her.

    A、because B、although C、unless D、while
    A、kind B、rich C、healthy D、cute
    A、class B、meeting C、sport D、party
    A、send B、wear C、make D、show
    A、offer B、provide C、give D、afford
    A、crying B、watching C、joking D、shouting
    A、big B、good C、cheap D、new
    A、cost B、spend C、pay D、take
    A、bank B、restaurant C、shop D、library
    A、only B、near C、almost D、even


  • 17. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误。

    When Jim was young, he liked watches very much. When he was 18 years old, he joined the army, and after a year, he began to teach himself to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him their watches with problems and asked for mending. Jim was always glad to help.

    Jim's captain (上校) heard about this, and one day he brought Jim a watch and said, "My watch doesn't work, can you mend it for me?" "Yes, sir. I can." Jim answered. A few days later, he brought the watch back to the captain. "How much shall I pay?" the captain asked. "Nothing, sir." Jim said. He took out a small box and gave it to the captain and said, "In the box are three wheels from your watch, I couldn't find any places for them when I put everything back."

    (1)、When Jim was young, he liked watches very much.
    (2)、Jim joined the army when he was 18 years old.
    (3)、Jim taught himself to mend computers.
    (4)、One day Jim's captain brought him a watch.
    (5)、Jim succeeded in mending the captain's watch.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    These years people show all kinds of things on the Internet—good food, nice clothes, wonderful vacations and so on. Now showing the number of steps is becoming popular too. Why?

    People are finding it important to be in good health. To keep healthy, many people go to work on foot. When they start walking, they open the step counter app in their phones to record how many steps they walk that day. After a day's walk, some people show the number on WeChat or Weibo. This can make them learn from each other and keep exercising.

    "This helps me to exercise much and keep a good habit." Miss Liu said, "I can also talk about how to keep healthy with my friends on WeChat. We are in the same group to encourage each other to keep exercising."

    Mr. Wu likes to exercise. But in the past he was kind of lazy and didn't want to exercise every day. "After I use the step counter app, everything is different. It's great to exercise with my friends. Sometimes there are prizes for those who walk more steps. I really like it." he said.

    Walking is a relaxing and useful way to exercise. Both the old and the young like it. Recording the steps helps people develop a good habit of walking and showing the number can make people more interested in walking. But don't take the number too seriously.

    (1)、Now, ________ on the Internet is also becoming popular.
    A、showing the number of steps B、showing wonderful vacations C、showing good food D、showing nice clothes
    (2)、What does the underlined phrase "step counter" mean?
    A、备忘录 B、计时器 C、计步器 D、秒表
    (3)、According to the passage we know that ________?
    A、more people go to work on foot to save money. B、Miss Liu and Mr. Wu like to exercise with their friends. C、people usually show the number of steps in the morning. D、people don't think it's important to keep healthy.
    (4)、What does the writer think of showing the number of steps?
    A、It can make people relaxed. B、It can make people hardworking. C、It can make people stop driving cars. D、It can make people develop a good habit.
    (5)、What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A、More and more people like to show the number of steps on the internet. B、Many people think only walking can make them healthy. C、It's important to record how many steps people walk everyday. D、Many people like to use their mobile phones when walking.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    There were two men who lived next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and the other was a businessman. Both of them had planted many plants in their gardens. The retired teacher seldom watered his plants and didn't pay a lot of attention to them. But his neighbor was very careful with his plants and watered them often.

    The retired teacher's plants were small, but still looked okay, while the businessman's plants were much bigger and greener. One night, there came a storm with a heavy rain and strong wind. The next morning, both of the neighbors came out to check in their gardens. The businessman saw that his plants had been ripped (撕裂) and were totally destroyed. But the retired teacher's plants nicely stood where they were.

    The businessman was surprised. He went to consult (咨询) the retired teacher. "We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better than you did. How could your plants still be okay?"

    The retired teacher smiled and said, "Because you gave your plants too much attention. You made it too easy for them to grow. I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so they had to grow deeper to absorb (吸收) more water. That is why my plants survived."

    (1)、What do the retired teacher's plants look like?
    A、Big. B、Green. C、Beautiful. D、Small.
    (2)、What did the retired teacher do with his plants?
    A、He often watered his plants. B、He was careful with his plants. C、He paid little attention to his plants. D、He never watered his plants.
    (3)、How were the businessman's plants before the storm?
    A、They looked better than the teacher's. B、They looked worse than the teacher's. C、They grew shorter and thinner. D、They looked the same as the teacher's.
    (4)、The underlined word "survived" means ________ in Chinese.
    A、生长 B、存活 C、枯萎 D、茂盛
    (5)、Which is the best title for this passage?
    A、A businessman and his plants B、Different treat, the same result C、A retired teacher and his plants D、Different treat, different results


  • 20. 阅读短文,把方框中的五个句子分别放回到文中正确的位置上,以恢复文章的原貌。

    You should eat well and get lots of exercise if you want to be a healthy kid.  As for running around with your friends. If you're a kid who wants to be healthy, here are some rules for you.

    If you eat different kinds of foods, you can get the nutrients (营养) your body needs. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

    Drink milk often. But kids need calcium (钙) to grow, and there is enough calcium in the milk. If you are younger than 9 years old, drink 2 cups of milk a day. Children who are over nine years old should drink 3 cups of milk a day.

    Limit screen time. The more time you spend on the sitting—down activities, the less time available for activities, like basketball, bike riding, swimming and so on.  

    Be active.  Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day.

    A. Eat different kinds of foods.

    B. Water is the best drink when you're thirsty.

    C. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on the screen.

    D. For a kid, you should know which activity you like best.

    E. If you're healthy, you can study well and can do all the things you want to do.



  • 26. 从方框中选择单词,并用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

    can   be   design   call   usual   look   hour   worry   they   with

    What do you do with your old shoes? Do you throw them away? Most shoes may end up in a landfill (废弃物填埋场). In fact, shoes are very hard to recycle. Now German shoemaker Adidas has already new shoes that you can break down at home. The new shoes use man—made spider silk  Biosteel (生物钢). To destroy the shoes, put them in water and add a special kind of enzyme (酶). The shoes will decompose (分解) with in 36.

    Some customers said that they were a littleabout the quality of the shoes. A girl said, "I wonder weather the shoes will decompose or not when they are in water. What if we wear on rainy days?"

    "This process is 100% natural." an Adidas spokesperson said. "The shoes will not break down when they  only in water. They won't decompose the special kind of enzyme. The shoes have good quality. Don't worry about their quality."

    The company will put the new shoes on the market by next year. Some young people are  forward to the new shoes. They wait to buy and put them on.


  • 27. 每年4月23日是“世界阅读日”(The World Reading Day)。而随着生活节奏的加快、娱乐活动的丰富和现代化通讯工具的发展,阅读是否离我们越来越远了呢?请根据下表提示,结合自己的观点,合理发挥,写一篇题为"Let's read more books!"的倡议书。



    2)多种娱乐方式; ..






    ... ...




    3)词数:80词左右, 开头已给出,不计入总词数;


    Let's read more books!

    Reading is a good habit. But nowadays more and more people