
试卷更新日期:2020-11-23 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

        Today I Ate A Rainbow is a useful game about our health. It makes eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables fun for kids! In the game, the teachers or parents use a colorful rainbow chart and brightly colorful magnets(磁铁). They know about the fruit and vegetables they eat the whole day, "Sometimes it can be really difficult to get children to eat fruit and vegetables," says Mrs. Welles. "My little son is weak, and he doesn't like fruit or vegetables. He likes to eat junk food. I think this chart can help him know about how much fruit and vegetables he eats every day. I'm sure the idea can work well. "

        Fruit and vegetables have vitamins(维生素), minerals(矿物质) and nutrients(营养物). Many nutrients give fruit and vegetables their bright colors. The brighter, the better! The chart is made up of these important colors: red, orange, yellow and green. The different bright colors show the different nutrients that each fruit or vegetable has. So we can use the rainbow colors as a guide to know what we should eat today.

    (1)、Today I Ate A Rainbow is       according to the passage.
    A、a game about health B、a book about health C、a magazine about fun D、a. TV show about science
    (2)、From the rainbow chart teachers or parents can know       .
    A、what kind of food kids have to eat every day B、many different colors of fruit and vegetables C、the fruit and vegetables kids eat the whole day D、how kids have to make the chart correctly
    (3)、Mrs. Welles' son doesn't like to eat       .
    A、fruit or junk food B、junk food or vegetables C、junk food or sweet D、fruit or vegetables
    (4)、In the chart we can see       kinds of colors.
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    (5)、From the passage we know that     .
    A、all the children like to eat fruit and vegetables a lot B、Mrs. Welles doesn't believe that chart can help her son C、the minerals give fruit and vegetables their bright colors D、fruit with different bright colors has different nutrients
  • 2. 阅读理解

        What do you think robots will be like in the future? Do you think robots will work better than humans? Now come and see the movie Robot.

    Showing hours:

    11th March~ l7th March

    Mon, ~Fri. 10:00 am, 7:00 p. m

    Sat, ~Sun.: 10:00 a. m., 2:00


    Each show will last for 3 hours.

    Place: Town Cinema

    Ticket price: $ 30(day shows)

    $ 40( evening shows)

    Children under 3 years old: free Family package: $110 for 4 tickets(10:00 a. m,2:00 p. m shows)

    $130 for 4 tickets(7:00 p. m. shows)

    Tel: 0633- 8795365

    (1)、How long will the movie be on?
    A、For five days. B、For six days. C、For seven days. D、For eight days.
    (2)、Jim is a high school student. When can he go to see the movie?
    A、At 2:00 p. m. on Sunday. B、At 2:00 p. m. on Monday. C、At 5:00 p. m, on Saturday. D、At 5:00 p. m. on Friday.
    (3)、If Mr. Green and Mrs. Green go to see the movie with their 5-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son on Sunday morning, how much will they pay?
    A、$110. B、$120. C、$130. D、$ 140.
    (4)、What CANNOT people find in the passage?
    A、The name of the movie. B、The name of the cinema. C、The telephone number. D、The e mail address.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        "I am so happy!" said Gorilla. "The Great King Ape is coming for dinner!"

        Chimp was happy, too, and he jumped up and down on the sofa.

        "I will cook a great meal for the Great King Ape!" said Gorilla.

        "I will cook, too!" said Chimp.

        But Gorilla did not want Chimp to cook. He was sloppy. He often made a mess (搞得一团糟). He would ruin her great meal. So she asked Chimp to buy some drinks.

        When Chimp came home, he asked, "May I cook now?"

        "We still need bananas," said Gorilla. "Please pick the best bananas you can find. I want to serve sliced (切片的) bananas for dessert (甜点)."

        Soon Chimp brought back a bag of bananas and put the bag on the kitchen chair. Gorilla walked into the kitchen. She did not see the bag and sat down on the chair. "Oh, no! My bananas! They are mined!" Gorilla started to cry.

        "Don't cry, Gorilla," said Chimp. "I have an idea for a nice dessert."

        Chimp took out a big bowl and a spoon. He peeled some bananas, put them in the big bowl and mashed (捣碎) them with the spoon. Then he added some milk. At last, Chimp put the mix into a small bowl.

        Soon the Great King Ape arrived. He ate up all the food. 'I'm so full. This is the best meal I have had!'" he said.

        Chimp brought out the dessert. The Great King Ape tried it. "Delicious!” he said. 'You are both such wonderful."

       "Thank you." said Gorilla. She smiled at Chimp. "Chimp is a wonderful cook." she thought.


    (1)、What did Gorilla want to do for the Great King Ape?
    A、To teach him how to cook. B、To cook a great meal for him. C、To give him the best bananas. D、To show him around her house.
    (2)、What does the underlined word' "sloppy" mean in Chinese?
    A、挑剔的 B、可靠的 C、马虎的 D、坚强的
    (3)、What happened to the bananas?
    A、Chimp sliced them. B、Gorilla sat on them. C、Gorilla mashed them. D、Chimp made them dirty.
    (4)、What can we know about the Great King Ape?
    A、He arrived late. B、He often made a mess. C、He ate a lot for dinner. D、He took the dessert away.
    (5)、What might Gorilla want to say to Chimp at the end of the story?
    A、See you. B、Well done. C、Don't worry. D、You're welcome.
  • 4. 阅读理解

          Are you planning a Birthday Party for your son or daughter and can't decide what to do? People in different countries celebrate (庆祝) their birthday in different ways.

          Philip Evans, from Paris, smiles to us, "I'm going to be thirty years old next week, so I'm going to invite three very good friends out for dinners. In France, when you have a birthday, you often invite people out. In some countries, I know it's the opposite-the people take you out."

          Mr and Mrs Sato are from Tokyo. Mr Sato is going to be sixty tomorrow. "In Japan, the sixtieth birthday is called KanreKi-the beginning of a new life. The red color is for a new life, so we always give something red for a sixtieth birthday.  Mrs Sato says, "What am I going to give my husband? I can't say. It's a secret!"

          Li Xiaomei from Beijing feels very excited and tells us, "Tomorrow is sixteenth my birthday. It's a special birthday, so we're going to have a family party. I'm probably going to get some money in lucky envelopes from my relatives (亲戚). My mother is going to cook noodles. Noodles are for a long life. "

    (1)、In Paris, someone often ___________ on his or her birthday.

    A、has a birthday party B、has a picnic with friends C、invites friends out for dinners D、eats noodles
    (2)、In ___________, the people call the sixtieth birthday "KanreKi" .

    A、Paris B、Japan C、China D、Australia
    (3)、What does the underlined word "secret" mean in Chinese?

    A、明谋 B、闹剧 C、猜想 D、秘密
    (4)、Which of the following is Not True?

    A、Philips is going to take his friends out to dinners on his birthday B、Mrs Sato will give her husband nothing. C、In China, the noodles stand for "a long life". D、Someone can receive some money on his or her birthday.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?

    A、On birthday, the people are very happy. B、The birthday presents are different for different ages. C、How to celebrate their birthdays in different countries. D、People celebrate their birthdays in the same way.


  • 5. 请仔细阅读1~5五个段落,然后从A~F六个选项中选出和每个段落对应的内容。选项中有一项是多余选项。

     Frank is a junior high school student. He is 15 years old. He likes studying. Today is Tuesday. When he woke up in the morning, he felt sick. And then he had to ask for a day's leave.

     Last Sunday, John visited the City Zoo with his parents. The animals there were very lovely. John liked them very much. After he came back home from the zoo, he decided to keep a pet.

     Kelsey is an outgoing girl. She is also a real movie fan. She spends most of her free time seeing movies.

     Alice is a student in No.1 Middle School, She lives with her parents. Her mother is a hotel manager and her father is a doctor. They are always very busy but they still try their best to take care of her.

     Today is a holiday. In the evening Lily went out to watch the full moon with her family. They ate delicious moonquakes, and fruit. But Lily didn't eat much because she had to control her weight.

    A. Jenny and I are going to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the Max Cinema. Want to join us?

    B. My dog has three little cute puppies. Do you want to keep one?

    C. Happy Mid-Autumn Day! May the joy and happiness around you today and always.

    D. I have a meeting tonight. Your dinner is on the kitchen table you're your homework after dinner.

    E. Do you feel better now? We have an English test tomorrow. Read the sentences on Page 15.

    F. I A new supermarket will open in our neighborhood. I am going to go shopping. Would you like to go there with me?


  • 6. 完形填空

        Annie always loved the state of Hawaii. She read many books about Hawaii l and studied Hawaii at school. She asked her mom 1 they could ever go to Hawaii for their family holiday. "I don't know," said Mom, "Hawaii is far away, and the trip would 2 lots of money." Annie wanted to start 3 her Christmas, New Year, and Children's Day money4 the trip. "That will take a long time," she thought to5

        One day Annie bought a travel magazine. It had a form to fill out to 6 a prize. "Oh my God!" she said to her friend Mandy. "Look at7the prize is —a trip to Hawaii !" Annie was so excited about the8 to win a trip to Hawaii. The trip was for one week.

        A few weeks went by, and Annie's mom got a(n) 9 from the travel company, Leisure Time. They 10 Annie, but she was still at school. Annie's mom talked to them and couldn't 11 it, Annie won the trip to Hawaii. When Annie got 12 , Annie's mom shared the 13 news with her, "Well, you are finally going to make your 14 of going to Hawaii come true," said Annie's mom. "I will start to pack," laughed Annie, How 15 Annie is! If you want to achieve your dream, try your best to make it, no matter how tiny the chance is.

    A、if B、when C、how D、where
    A、spend B、cost C、lose D、pay
    A、looking B、affording C、saving D、searching
    A、at B、in C、on D、for
    A、herself B、myself C、yourself D、himself
    A、win B、know C、remember D、think
    A、how much B、how many C、what D、which
    A、lesson B、chance C、film D、skill
    A、call B、letter C、article D、smell
    A、looked after B、thought of C、looked for D、agreed with
    A、receive B、solve C、produce D、believe
    A、home B、school C、work D、family
    A、harmful B、good C、boring D、terrible
    A、dream B、trouble C、example D、attention
    A、clever B、nice C、lucky D、kind




  • 27. 你校本周要进行英语演讲比赛,主题为“My Dream”。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文为此做准备。

    提示:1)What do you want to be?

    2)Why do you want to be a(n)……?

    3)How are you going to be a(n)……?


        Hello everyone! I'm happy I can share my dream will all of you here.


        No pains, no gains. I believe as long as I try my best, my dream will come tree some day

        Thank you.