译林版小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-09-30 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Giraffe has a long        , and Elephant has a long          .
    A、neck, ear B、neck, nose C、nose, neck
  • 2. He points         the neck .
    A、for B、to C、at
  • 3. What's          with           ?
    A、wrong, she B、matter, him C、wrong, them
  • 4. She comes            the doctor.
    A、see B、sees C、to see
  • 5. —What's ________ with you?

    —I have a toothache.

    A、the matter B、the wrong C、time
  • 6. — Where is Mike?

    —He has a __________ , he goes to see the dentist.

    A、headache B、cold C、toothache
  • 7. —Do they brush_________ teeth after dinner?

    —Yes, they do.

    A、they B、their C、them
  • 8. —Why _________ she at school today?

    —Because she_________ a cold.

    A、is, is B、isn't, is C、isn't, has
  • 9. —What _________ he do?

    —He_________ drink more warm water.

    A、can, is B、should, should C、is, is
  • 10. —What should I do?

    —You should take_________.

    A、a medicine B、lots of medicine C、some medicine
  • 11. —What's wrong with your_________?

    —It __________. It can't write.

    A、hand, hurt B、leg, hurts C、hand, hurts
  • 12. —__________does he have a toothache?

    —Because he__________ brush his teeth.

    A、How, / B、Why, doesn't C、Why, often
  • 13. —_________does your teacher feel now?

    —She feels __________.

    A、What, well B、How, cold C、How, a toothache
  • 14. —Mum, my teeth hurt.

    —You shouldn't _________

    A、take some medicine B、eat too many sweets C、brush your teeth every day
  • 15. —My foot hurts. _________ you?

    —My arm hurts.

    A、Who are B、What about C、Thank
  • 16. —I feel hot. What should I do?

    —You should_________ your coat.

    A、put on B、turn off C、take off


  • 17. 情景交际。

    A.She should go to bed.

    B.Because I'm ill.

    C.I feel well.

    D.I'm sorry to hear that.

    E.I've got a headache.

    ()1. What's wrong with you?            

    ()2. Helen is ill.                        

    ()3. Why are you not at school today? 

    ()4. What should she do?              

    ()5. How do you feel now?              


  • 18. I should take some medicine.(对划线部分进行提问)

        you  ?

  • 19. Nancy has a bad headache. (对划线部分进行提问)

        with Nancy ?

  • 20. You can't  take some medicine.(用should 代替can )

    You  take   medicine.

  • 21. he , and ,mother, a , toothache, have , his (.)(连词成句)


  • 22. should,  what,  do , they  (?)(连词成句)




  • 28. 翻译词组和句子。








  • 29. 我应该怎么做?

  • 30. 你应该在家多休息。

  • 31. 你不应该吃如此多的糖。

  • 32. —你怎么了?


    —What's   you?

    —I have a  .  I eat .

  • 33. —她怎么了?



    —What's      her?

    —She   a  .

    —She drink some    .

  • 34. —他应该做什么?


      he do?

    —He should     in the morning and   .


  • 35. 阅读短文并判断。

        Lily has a fever. Now she and her mother are in the hospital. The doctor looks over(检查) her carefully. Then he says to her, "Don't worry. You've got a little cold. Take some medicine, drink more hot water and have a lot of rest. You can get better soon. "

        But Lily doesn't like taking any medicine. Then her mother says," If you want to get better ,take some medicine."

         " All right!" Then she takes some medicine.

    (1)、Lily is not at school.
    (2)、Lily has got a little cold.
    (3)、The doctor tells Lily to take some medicine and drink some cold water.
    (4)、Lily does not like taking any medicine.
    (5)、At last , Lily takes some medicine.
  • 36. 阅读短文并判断。

        Tom has a fever. He does not go to school. His mother takes him to the hospital. The doctor says to him, 'You should take this medicine. You should drink warm water and have a good rest.'

        Tom does not like medicine. 'Mum, I don't want to take the medicine,' says Tom, 'Can I drink some cola? 'His mother says, 'No. You should listen to the doctor. Take the medicine and drink some warm water.' 'OK.' says Tom.

    (1)、Tom does not go to school because he has a headache.
    (2)、Tom goes to see the doctor.
    (3)、Tom should take some medicine and have a rest.
    (4)、Tom likes eating medicine.
    (5)、Tom drinks some cola.