牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Unit 9 Great cities of theworld单元检测卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2020-10-30 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、sushi B、dumplings C、fish
  • 2. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、Many B、Most C、More
  • 3. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、places B、palaces C、place
  • 4. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、in the west of B、in the south of C、in the east of
  • 5. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(   )
    A、in the north of B、in the south of C、in the east of


  • 6. 听录音,选择正确的答句(   )
    A、Beijing. B、Shanghai.
  • 7. 听录音,选择正确的答句(   )
    A、I go there by train. B、I went there by plane.
  • 8. 听录音,选择正确的答句(   )
    A、They can find museums palaces and parks. B、They can find Big Ben.
  • 9. 听录音,选择正确的答句(   )
    A、They like eating fish and chips. B、They like eating dumplings.
  • 10. 听录音,选择正确的答句(   )
    A、It's far from Beijing. B、It takes about five hours.



  • 16. 听录音,判断正误。
    (1)、Tom loves travelling .
    (2)、Tom went to Sydney last October.
    (3)、It took Tom about eight hours to get there by plane.
    (4)、Sydney is the capital of Australia.
    (5)、Tom saw many tall buildings , shops and museums there.


  • 17. 根据句意匹配正确的词

    Shanghai      tourists      sushi      buildings      London

    (1)、It is a kind of food. People in Tokyo like it.
    (2)、It's the capital of the UK.
    (3)、They are all around us. People live or work in them.
    (4)、They like travelling. They travel for fun.
    (5)、It is a city of China. It is in the east of China.


  • 18. —Which city is the capital of Japan?


    A、Beijing. B、Tokyo. C、London.
  • 19. —________ can we go to Shanghai from Beijing?

    —By train.

    A、What B、How C、Where
  • 20. Harbin is in the ________ of China.
    A、east B、south C、north
  • 21. It usually ________ me ten minutes to get home from school on foot.
    A、take B、takes C、took
  • 22. What do people ________ doing there?
    A、like B、likes C、liked
  • 23. I played football with my classmates for half ________ hour.
    A、a B、an C、the
  • 24. Many people enjoy ________ in Tokyo.
    A、shopping B、go shopping C、to shop
  • 25. Tourists can find ________ in Paris.
    A、the Great Wall B、Big Ben C、the Louvre Museum
  • 26. My friends like old things. They always go to the ________.
    A、cinema B、restaurant C、museum
  • 27. —How long does it take ________ to Tokyo from Beijing by plane?

    —About three and a half hours.

    A、to get B、get C、gets


  • 28. 句子搭配

    ⑴Where is Hangzhou?                    A. Beijing.

    ⑵Which city is the capital of China?         B. They enjoy shopping.

    ⑶What do people in London love eating?     C. It is in the east of China.

    ⑷How long does it take?                   D. It takes about two and a half hours.

    ⑸What do tourists enjoy doing in Tokyo?     E. They love eating fish and chips.



  • 34. capital  is  London  UK  the  of  the  ( . )(连词成句)
  • 35. from  is  far  Shanghai  away  Beijing  ( ? ) (连词成句)
  • 36. visiting  Great  most  like  tourists  the  Wall  ( . ) (连词成句)
  • 37. Tokyo  the  of  in  Japan  east  is  ( . ) (连词成句)
  • 38. homework  it  twenty  takes  my  about  do  minutes  to  ( . ) (连词成句)


  • 39. This is . It is in the of China. It is the capital of China. People there love eating (饺子).

  • 40. This is . It is the of Japan. There are a lot of tall (建筑). A lot of tourists enjoy shopping there.

  • 41. This is . It is the capital of the . People there love eating fish and chips. Many (游客) like visiting (博物馆) there.


  • 42. 阅读下面的航班时刻表,填空完成对话



    Take­off (起飞)

    Arrival (到达)





    A: Good morning, Beijing Airlines (北京航空公司). Can I help you?

    B: Good morning. I'd like to buy a ticket to next week.

    A: When do you want to fly?

    B: On .

    A: A moment, please. We have a flight (航班) in the morning. It leaves at .

    B: How long does it to get to Guangzhou?

    A: It takes . It will arrive at half past eleven.

    B: OK. I will take the flight.


  • 43. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

    Hello, I'm Tim. I'll go to Shanghai with my parents during the holiday. It's in the east of China. Shanghai is a beautiful city. We will get there by plane. It takes about two hours to get there from Beijing. We can see many interesting places in Shanghai. Most tourists like visiting Yu Garden and the Bund. They also enjoy shopping there. People in Shanghai like eating fish. Everyone has a good time there.

    (1)、Where will Tim spend his holiday?
    (2)、How will Tim get there?
    (3)、How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by plane?
    (4)、What do most tourists like visiting?
    (5)、What do people in Shanghai like eating?


  • 44. 请试着用英语介绍一下你熟悉的城市,可以介绍它的地理位置,那个城市有名的景点或特色等。(要求: 语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)