
试卷更新日期:2020-10-30 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的读音是否相同
    (1)、have    horse
    (2)、cake      nice
    (3)、tiger    good
    (4)、robot    cap


  • 2. 按要求写词
    (3)、boy (对应词)
    (4)、let's (完全形式)


  • 3. 英汉互译
    (6)、cute and fat 
    (7)、in that box  
    (8)、play table tennis
    (9)、have a try  
    (10)、I can't jump either.



  • 9. I have a________. I like _________.
    A、doll, doll B、dolls, doll C、doll, dolls
  • 10. —__________ balls do you have?


    A、How old B、How many C、What about
  • 11. They _________ cute and fat.
    A、is B、are C、do
  • 12. —Do you have ______ apple?

    —No. I have ______ oranges.

    A、an, / B、an, some C、an, any
  • 13. I have five              .
    A、mangos B、mango C、mangoes
  • 14. —Can Mike play table tennis?

    —Yes, ______.

    A、I can B、he can't C、he can
  • 15. —Can you fly _________, little bird?

    —Yes, I can.

    A、well B、nice C、great
  • 16. — Ouch! I can't skate.

    — __________.

    A、Have a try B、Cool C、Yes, I can
  • 17. —What do you have?

    — _________.

    A、I have some balls B、I can play balls C、I like balls
  • 18. Can you play _____?
    A、a football B、basketball C、the table tennis
  • 19. —What's this?

    —It's ______ little elephant.

    A、an B、a C、those
  • 20. —________ books do you have?

    —I have four.

    A、How many B、What about C、How much
  • 21. —______ those apple trees?

    —No,______ pear trees.

    A、Are; they're B、Are; it's C、Are; They're


  • 22. 左右搭配

    ⑴Do you have any cakes?   A. Yes, I do. They're cute

    ⑵How many balls do you have?   B. How lovely!

    ⑶Look at my toy animals.    C. No, I don't.

    ⑷Can Helen swim?         D.I have seventeen.

    ⑸What do you have?       E. Yes, I can play well.

    ⑹Do you like cats?         F. It's under the tree.

    ⑺Can you play football?   G.I have some grapes.

    ⑻Where is my dog?        H. Yes, she can.



  • 28. —你喜欢熊猫吗?


    —Do you ?

    , I.

  • 29. —你有一些玩具狮子吗?


    —Do you have toy lions?

    — No, I have a toy .

  • 30. —他会踢足球吗?


    he ?

    — No, he can't. He can .

  • 31. —你有多少个贴纸?


    —How do you have?


  • 32. —你会做水果沙拉吗?


    a fruit salad?



  • 33. 根据对话内容判断正误。

    A: Welcome to our school.

    B: Thank you.

    A: Look, this is our classroom.

    B: How nice! How many boys and girls are there in your class?

    A: Nineteen boys and eighteen girls.

    B: Oh, I see. Look, what's behind the door?

    A: Let me see. It's a football. Do you like it?

    B: Yes. I can play football very well.

    A: Me, too. Let's go and play football.

    B: Great!

    (1)、They are in the school.
    (2)、There are(有) nineteen boys in their (他们的) class.
    (3)、The basketball is behind the door.
    (4)、They can play football very well.
    (5)、There are eighteen girls in their school.