牛津上海版(深圳用)三年级下册 Module 2 My favourite things. unit 6 Food and drinks同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-06-07 类型:同步测试

一、 看图,选词填入四线三格中。

  • 1. 看图,选词填入四线三格中。

      biscuit     water      egg      milk








  • 11. 读一读,判断正(T)误(F)。

       It's sunny today. Peter and his friendshave a picnic in the park. They're very happy. Peter: What do you have, Joe?

    Joe: I have someapples. They are so sweet. What about you, Peter?

    Peter: I havesome cakes, some biscuits and some fruit juice.

    Kitty: Wow! Ihave some sweets and some bread. Would you like some bread, Alice?

    Alice: Sure, Ilike bread very much. And I have a kite. Then we can fly a kite.

    Peter: OK,let's have our picnic now.

    Kitty: Goodidea!

    (1)、Peter and his friends are at home.

    (2)、Joe has some sweet apples.

    (3)、Kitty has some sweets and some juice.

    (4)、Alice likes the bread very much.