
试卷更新日期:2020-10-15 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    These days, cars are designed using computers. Let's look at how a new car is created.

    First, several 1 talk about the new car and any good ideas that they have. Then they sit down at their computers and 2 many sketches. The best two or three drawings are chosen and then more detailed drawings of the 3 are developed on the computer. You can change the size, shape or color of any part on the computer to see how the car would look and then you can 4 the best design.

    Both the inside and the outside of the car have to be designed. Part of the inside of the car is5so that the designers can sit in it. They can feel if there is enough 6 inside and if they can7everything. Then some cars are built-there are more than 15, 000 parts of a car to 8.

    When everything is known to be 9 the cars are made in the factory. Again, computers are used to make sure that all the parts are 10 as they are needed. The factory usually stays open all through the night so that the car production never stops.

    A、drivers B、designers C、workers D、salesmen
    A、draw B、order C、type D、enjoy
    A、bicycles B、trains C、car D、bus
    A、choose B、buy C、draw D、see
    A、covered B、painted C、locked D、built
    A、metal B、glass C、leather D、room
    A、arrive B、taste C、reach D、make
    A、choose B、test C、show D、repair
    A、safe B、easy C、cheap D、fast
    A、nice B、free C、comfortable D、ready
  • 2. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    What's time? We can't 1 it and we can't catch hold of it. But we can feel it pass by. Time is 2 with us in our life When we wash our faces, time 3 away in front of us. And when we play, time goes away 4 .

    Time is fair to every one of us. If we make the 5 use of it, time will give us a lot, 6 we will miss a lot. The best time will not be found again. Today time is becoming more and more valuable (有价值的) to us. We often 7 people say, “Time is money. Time is life.” It warns us not to waste any time.

    My friend, we must keep in mind, “Time and tide wait for no man.” Now we are still 8 . It is the best time for us to learn 9 . We must make good use of every 10 and be the master of time.

    A、see B、watch C、look
    A、sometimes B、always C、never
    A、runs B、puts C、throws
    A、quick B、slowly C、quickly
    A、best B、good C、worst
    A、but B、and C、or
    A、listen B、remember C、hear
    A、old B、young C、strong
    A、some B、more C、a little
    A、minute B、week C、year
  • 3. 完形填空

    In ancient times, a King had a big stone placed on a roadway. He then hid himself behind a tree and watched to see if anyone would 1 the stone out of the way. Some rich men and an official (官员) came by and just 2 walked around it.

    Many people wished the King to keep the roads3 again, but none of them did anything to get the stone 4 the way.

    There a/an 5 came along. He was carrying some vegetables. When he reached the stone, he 6 his vegetables and tried to push the stone out of the road. After much pushing and pulling, he finally 7.

    After the farmer went back to pick up his vegetables, he noticed a purse (钱包), lying on the road where the 8 had been.

    Inside the purse, there was 9 money and a paper from the King, "The 10 is for the person who gets the stone out of the roadway."

    A、move B、burn C、put D、kick
    A、sadly B、happily C、luckily D、quietly
    A、long B、clear C、busy D、dry
    A、into B、behind C、next to D、out of
    A、king B、farmer C、rich man D、official
    A、laid down B、fell down C、carried on D、put on
    A、stopped B、failed C、succeeded D、started
    A、stone B、vegetables C、king D、tree
    A、any B、much C、little D、no
    A、paper B、vegetable C、king D、money
  • 4. 完形填空

    People all over the world eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa and South America eat it every day. Some people eat almost 1 but rice. Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice. Farmers  2 rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern Australia. No one really knows 3 rice came from. Some scientists think that it started to grow in two places. They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Someone in China 4 about it almost 5, 000 years ago. Another kind 5 grew in west Africa. Other scientists think that rice 6 India, and Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world.

    There are two main 7 to grow rice. Most rice grows in wet soil. People in many countries do all of the work of growing rice 8 hand. This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago. In some countries, people now 9 machines on their rice farms. People use every part of the rice plant. They make rice oil from it. They 10 make baskets, brooms and roofs for their houses. They burn dry rice plants in fires for cooking.

    A、everything B、nothing C、anything D、something
    A、grow B、eat C、keep D、save
    A、which B、what C、where D、how
    A、played B、sent C、won D、wrote
    A、really B、probably C、mainly D、early
    A、came over B、came from C、got back D、worked on
    A、sides B、plans C、ways D、parts
    A、by B、in C、at D、on
    A、make B、begin C、drive D、use
    A、too B、also C、either D、neither
  • 5. 完形填空

        Can you imagine what life will be like in the future? Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now?1do you think of the future?

        People2that life will be probably very different in 2050. First of all, planes will be very3so flying will be very cheap. Everyone will have a small car. Fuel will be new and clean, but expensive. We will4robots everywhere. And space planes will take us around the universe5two hours. Homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so they will be very comfortable. We will use the sun6our homes. Computers will be very small so they will be very7. People will do many things on the Internet.

        At that time, water will become one of our most8problems. In many places, farmers will be in great need of water to9fruit and vegetables.

        By 2050, we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and10again. At that time, our life will become better and better.

    A、Which B、What C、Why
    A、think B、disagree C、plan
    A、small B、slow C、large
    A、make B、see C、watch
    A、in B、after C、for
    A、heats B、to heat C、heat
    A、light B、new C、long
    A、pleasant B、possible C、serious
    A、sell B、grow C、buy
    A、walk B、hear C、run
  • 6. 完形填空

        What do you think of your Chinese? Is it good or bad? If you think you are good at Chinese, you can1the competition named Dictation Assembly of Chinese Characters(《汉字听写大会》). The competition became popular2teenagers.

        More and more computers and smartphones are used by teenagers. They spend3time on the Internet in playing or chatting. They are used to·4messages by computers and smartphones. Some of them forget to write Chinese characters5. The teachers and parents are very 6it. What can they do?

        Not long ago, they found an interesting game called Dictation Assembly of Chinese Characters. The programme modelled7after the American show National Spelling Bee. Middle school students stand on the stage to write down Chinese via(通过)dictation. Over 150 competitors are from forty-six schools. The audience(观众) are interested in this8kind of competition too. They would like to write down the characters9the competitors were writing them. But they found it was also difficult for them to write down all the characters.

        Is it an interesting competition? Can you be the10?

    A、take part in B、work together in C、join up with
    A、between B、as C、among
    A、too many B、too much C、much too
    A、sending B、send C、sent
    A、at hand B、by hand C、in hand
    A、crazy about B、worried about C、busy with
    A、it B、this C、itself
    A、usual B、old C、new
    A、as for B、while C、as though
    A、winner B、worker C、teacher
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        Mr White is a millionaire(百万富翁).He 1 delicious food. He has a 2 cook, Mr Black. The man can cook all kinds of food. Mrs White asked him to3her last month. Now she thinks she's good at cooking and doesn't want Mr Black to 4 for them any longer.

        Now Mrs White begins to cook for her 5. But Mr White does not like her food at all. He says he won't 6 any food at home if she doesn't stop cooking. The woman says shell 7 another cook.

        This morning Mr White broke a window in a shop. They took him to the 8. The policeman said, "I'm sorry to tell you, Mr White. Or I'll fine(罚款) you ten dollars, or you'll stay in prison(监狱).9 do you want?

        "I'll stay in prison." answered the millionaire.

        "10?" asked the policeman.

        "Because my wife will find a new cook in ten days!"

    A、knows B、likes C、hears
    A、young B、strong C、good
    A、teach B、show C、stud
    A、sing B、work C、write
    A、farm B、class C、family
    A、eat B、buy C、sell
    A、look for B、listen to C、ask
    A、bus station B、police station C、post office
    A、When B、Which C、What
    A、How B、Whose C、Why
  • 8. 阅读下面短文。从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies 1 with the intake (吸入量) of enough food. In the same way, we should 2learning day by day to keep our mental(精神的) power. Learning 3 us with fuel (燃料) for driving us to make our mind 4. Learning is the best way to 5 up with the times in the information age.

        It is 6 to think school is the only workshop for getting 7. Learning should be a never-ending process, from the childhood to the old age. With the world changing so fast, to8 learning will make a person fall behind. What's worse, laziness will come to 9. It will make our mental power dry up. It will surely 10 us not move. So to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong job.

    A、return      B、support C、grow D、remain
    A、get          B、keep C、achieve D、live
    A、takes   B、agrees C、gives  D、provides
    A、smarter   B、faster C、bigger   D、slower
    A、build      B、leave  C、catch   D、light
    A、careful    B、cheerful   C、right  D、wrong
    A、information  B、careers C、knowledge   D、answers
    A、finish          B、stop C、begin D、continue
    A、life      B、school  C、home D、house
    A、decide      B、take C、start  D、make
  • 9. 阅读下面短文—从短文后所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he 1 out with his paints (绘画颜料) and his brushes and 2 from morning to evening, and when it 3 dark, he went back to the farm and had a good 4 before he went to bed.

        At the end of his holiday he wanted to5 the farmer, but the farmer said, "No, I do not want money, but 6 me one of your pictures. Because in a week the money will all be used up, but your painting will still be here."

        The artist was very 7 and thanked the farmer for 8 such kind things about his paintings.

        The farmer smiled and answered, "It's not that. I have a son in London. He wants to 9 an artist. When he comes here next month, I will 10 him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think."

    A、returned     B、left C、went
    A、painted      B、walked C、played
    A、looked       B、seemed C、got
    A、lunch       B、dinner C、breakfast
    A、take          B、spend C、pay
    A、bring         B、borro      C、give
    A、nervous     B、pleased C、angry
    A、saying        B、speaking  C、telling
    A、keep         B、develop C、become
    A、teach         B、show C、lead
  • 10. 根据短文理解, 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳一项填空。

        Some day little cars may take the place of today's cars. If everyone 1 such a little car in the future, there will be less 2 in the air. There will be more parking places in the cities, and the street will be 3. Now the space for one car of the usual size can    4 more than one such little cars. Driving will be 5, because these little cars can go only 50 kilometres an 6. The future cars will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be 7 for going far away. The little cars 8 only two batteries, one battery for the motor, and the other for the horn (汽车喇叭) and the lights. If we still 9 the big cars along with the small ones; we will need to 10 two kinds of roads. That is, there will be some roads for the big fast cars and other roads for the smaller and slower ones.

    A、sits        B、drives    C、sells
    A、noise B、pollution C、space
    A、less crowded  B、poorer C、dirtier
    A、hold B、sit    C、sell
    A、better  B、faster  C、safer
    A、day        B、minute C、hour
    A、careful   B、useful   C、bad
    A、runs    B、makes   C、needs
    A、think        B、park    C、use
    A、build  B、put   C、open