(浙江)新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册期中复习(题型专练):阅读理解

试卷更新日期:2020-10-15 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

         There are many different places to eat in Switzerland. There are some fast-food restaurants, self-service restaurants and family restaurants. There are also some nice and expensive restaurants. Choosing where to eat is an "experience".

        Food is more expensive in Switzerland than that in most of other countries in Europe. It is much more expensive than in the USA. In Switzerland if you go to a fast-food restaurant, you may easily spend up to 10 CHF (瑞士法郎) for a hamburger, a soft drink and cup of coffee. In a family restaurant, a meal usually costs you between 15 CHF and 50 CHF. Self-service restaurants are less expensive. At a nice restaurant, one person can pay as much as 1,000 CHF just for a bottle of wine.

        In Switzerland a usual dinner always has all kinds of noodles, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. Potatoes are used in many different ways. Vegetarian meals (素食饭菜) are also popular now. This means that salads are very popular. The most important part of dinner is the dessert. Cheese, cakes and cookies are the most popular desserts.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "self-service mean in Chinese?
    A、服务 B、自助 C、优质服务 D、无人售货
    (2)、How is the food in Switzerland according to the second paragraph?
    A、It tastes very good. B、It is much cheaper than most of other countries in Europe. C、It is almost the most expensive in Europe. D、It has the most kinds of food in Europe.
    (3)、Which is the most expensive restaurant in Switzerland?
    A、A fast-food restaurant. B、A family restaurant. C、A self-service restaurant. D、A nice restaurant.
    (4)、What is the most important part of a Switzerland dinner?
    A、The salad. B、Vegetables. C、The meat. D、The dessert.
    (5)、What does the passage talk about?
    A、Something about eating in Switzerland. B、Food is more expensive in Switzerland. C、Vegetarian meals are popular in Switzerland. D、Good restaurants in Switzerland.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        There are popular TV programs about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they are interesting and useful.

        There is a TV program called “PoliceFive”. It goes for five minutes once a week. A TV reporter talks about crimes (犯罪) in the city. He asks people for help because the police station needs their help.

        During the week the TV reporter shows pictures of lost paintings, lost cars and other lost things. When people see pictures of such things on TV, they may remember something and tell the police about it. With their help the police may catch(抓住) more thieves.

        Sometimes the police find a car or something expensive that was lost, and the TV reporter shows them on TV. Then the owner may see them and get them back.

    (1)、“PoliceFive” is     .
    A、the name of a police station B、the time of a TV grogram C、the name of a TV program D、the name of a TV reporter
    (2)、People can see “PoliceFive    .
    A、once a week B、seven times a week C、five minutes every day D、every day
    (3)、This TV program is about     .
    A、cars B、pictures C、crimes D、reporters
    (4)、The police     through this TV program.
    A、let people know who was lost B、ask for people's help C、make the TV audiences(观众) feel interested D、find lost things
    (5)、The police want to     through this TV program when a lost thing is found.
    A、find the owner B、catch the thief C、let people remember D、give out the thing found
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Mrs. Brown lives in London.She has two sons.One is James and the other is Bill. They were born on the same day and they look the same. Mrs.Brown likes them very much and always dresses them in the same clothes,hats,shoes and even socks.

        One day James lost(丢失)his hat when he played football on the playground after school.His mother didn't blame(责备)him because she loved him so much.The next day after lunch she went to a shop with Bill's hat.She hoped to buy the same hat for James as Bill's.She wanted them to have the same kind.She asked the shopkeeper to bring out most of the hats.It took her more than an hour to find the same one.At last she chose(选择)one and said happily,"Excuse me,sir.Could you take it to my car,please?”

        "I'm afraid I can't,madam," said the shopkeeper in a polite(有礼貌的)voice.

        "Why?"the woman asked in surprise.

        "It's your hat,madam,"the man said with a smile."You don't have a new one here."

    (1)、James and Bill are ________.
    A、friends B、twins(双胞胎) C、classmates D、sisters
    (2)、Mrs.Brown doesn't blame James because ________.
    A、he's too young B、she loves him very much C、she has enough money to buy a new hat D、the hat is too broken to wear
    (3)、It takes Mrs.Brown a long time to choose a hat because ________.
    A、the shopkeeper doesn't help her B、she can't do it C、it is difficult for her to do it D、there are too many hats in the shop
    (4)、What does the phrase(短语)“in surprise” mean?
    A、兴奋地 B、烦乱地 C、神秘地 D、惊讶地
    (5)、The shopkeeper won't take the hat to the woman's car because ________.
    A、she doesn't pay for(付款)it B、it is the woman's own(自己的)hat C、she buys many things in his shop D、she is strong enough to do it herself
  • 4. 阅读短文内容, 完成下面的任务。

        At the age of 15, most girls are just learning about fashion(时尚). But Madison Robinson is making (A)________(越来越多的) money because of the design(设计) for flip-flops(人字拖鞋) for kids. The shoes sell for about $25 a pair, and they have made at least $1.2 million.

        Madison, from Texas, the USA, (B) came up with the idea at the age of eight. With the help of her father Dan, she could turn her drawings into real shoes.

        Her business(生意) helped her a lot, such as public speaking(演说). And now Madison has a lot of money to pay for her college(大学).  

    “(C) ,” she says. “It's for college.” Madison wants to study business in college. “(D)我想自己做某些事情, ” she says.


    (2)、文中(B)处came up with the idea意思是:

    (3)、Who helped Madison turn her drawings into shoes?



  • 5. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        This is Kate Smith. She is 13 years old. She lives in Guangzhou. She studies in No. 10 Middle School. Her parents work there. They are both English teachers. They are form the UK. She likes eating junk food. She doesn't like playing sports. She has one healthy habit: She sleeps for 9 hours every night.

        Kate Smith has a brother. His name is Jack Smith. He is 11 years old. He doesn't eat junk food. He likes playing sports. He often runs, plays basketball, and goes swimming. He eats fruit every day. He likes eating vegetables. But he has an unhealthy habit: He sleeps for 6 hours every night.

    (1)、How old is Kate Smith?


    (2)、Where does Kate live?


    (3)、What does Kate like eating?


    (4)、What does Jack eat every day?


    (5)、How many hours does Jack sleep every night?


  • 6. 阅读理解
    A poor man has an orange tree in his garden. There are many fine oranges on it. He finds one of the oranges much bigger than the others. It is as big as a ball. the poor man takes the orange to the king. The king is very happy. He gives him a lot of money. A rich man hears of this. He takes his gold cup to the king. He hopes to get much more money from the kind. The king likes the cup very much. He says, “This cup is very nice. I'm going to show you something nicer. Please take this orange.” The rich man is very angry and throws the orange away.

    (1)、The poor man ______.

    A、grows an orange tree B、can make money C、makes cups D、sells fruit
    (2)、The king ____ the orange.

    A、doesn't like B、likes C、wants to buy D、wants to sell
    (3)、The rich man wants ___ form the king.

    A、the orange B、the tree C、more money D、gold cup
    (4)、The king gives the rich man ____.

    A、much money B、the cup C、the garden D、the orange
    (5)、The rich man ___ the orange.

    A、throws away B、likes C、wants to eat D、wants to sell
  • 7. 阅读理解
    A mother and her young son got on a bus in a small city and sat down. The bus conductor(售票员) came to them for their money. The mother said, “I want one ticket to Oxford,” and gave her a shilling (="12" pence).
    The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, “How old are you, young man?”
    The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, “I'm four years old at home, and two and a half on buses and trains.”
    The mother took six pence(便士) out of her bag and gave the money to the conductor. The conductor gave her one and a half tickets.

    (1)、One day the mother took a bus _____.

    A、to a small city B、to get some money C、with her son D、to get a ticket
    (2)、The mother gave the conductor ______ pence in all(总共) that day.

    A、12 B、16 C、10 D、18
    (3)、The mother was _____.

    A、not honest (诚实的) B、honest C、very clever D、not clever
    (4)、The conductor asked _____ how old he was.

    A、the mother B、the little boy C、the bus driver D、the mother and the son
    (5)、The boy was ______ years old in fact.

    A、four B、two C、two and a half D、six and a half
  • 8. 阅读理解

        Joe Smith is a singer. He and his wife like traveling a lot. Every year they visit a small town called Gum Tree in January and July and they sing for people there.

        One summer, they went there by train again. On the first day, they planned to go hiking in the mountains, but it rained a lot. So they decided to go to the only cinema in town and watch a movie there.

        There were only nine people in the cinema hall. When people saw the Smiths, they started to clap(鼓掌). Joe was excited and said to his wife, "Aha, I cannot believe people here all know me and they are friendlier than I "thought. They must like my songs."

        Then a young man said to them, "Thanks for your coming! The cinema shows the movie only after ten people buy the tickets. There're eleven now, so the movie will be on soon."

    (1)、Joe Smith and his wife visit the small town       .
    A、once a year B、twice a year C、once a month D、twice a month
    (2)、How did the Smiths get to the town?
    A、By plane. B、By bus. C、By train. D、By car.
    (3)、The Smiths        because it rained a lot on that day.
    A、went hiking B、climbed the mountain C、slept in the hotel D、went to the movies
    (4)、We can know the Smiths       .
    A、like going hiking in the mountains B、are unfriendly to people C、often sing for people in town D、like going to the cinema
    (5)、The people in the cinema welcomed the Smiths because       .
    A、they could watch the movie then B、they all knew Mr. Smith well C、they liked Mr. Smith's songs D、they wanted to be friendly to visitors
  • 9. 阅读理解

        I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But when I read the word Pisa, I was thinking of pizza. I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza. It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world, I thought.

        Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I then knew that it was Pisa and not pizza. But there was still something special about it for me. The tower got its name because it really did lean to one side. Some people want to try to fix it. They are afraid it may fall down and they don't want it to lean over the city.

        I do not think it's a good idea to try to fix it. The tower probably will not fall down. It is 600 years old. Why should anything happen to it now? And, if you ask me, I like what it looks like. Nothing is perfect. It seems to say.

        And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting. Let's take the tower in Pisa. Why is it so famous? There are many other older, more beautiful towers in Italy. But the Leaning Tower of Pisa is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it.

    (1)、This passage is about     .
    A、Italian pizza B、Italy's problems C、how the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its name D、why the writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa
    (2)、The writer used to think Pisa is       .
    A、in Spain B、not very famous C、not the same as pizza D、the same as pizza
    (3)、The Leaning Tower of Pisa is     .
    A、modern B、falling down C、600 years old D、60 years old
    (4)、The writer     .
    A、doesn't like what the tower looks like B、likes what the tower looks like C、thinks it's the most beautiful tower in Italy D、doesn't like towers
    (5)、The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because     .
    A、it's old B、it's perfect C、it sells pizza D、it's imperfect
  • 10. 阅读理解

        There is a saying in China that goes, "Women hold up half the sky." Now, let's look at some famous women who have a big influence in China.

        China's Women's Volleyball Team Profession: Sportswomen Key word: Persistent Achievement: After a 12-year wait, China's Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics. The team are now. regarded as national heroines, proudly carrying the flag of China's Olympic glory(荣耀) that first flew 30 years ago.

    Dong Qing

    Profession: TV hostess Key word: Intelligent Achievement: As a well- known Chinese television hostess, she is the face of two cultural shows Chinese Poetry Conference(会议) and Readers. The shows are redefining(重新定义) audiences' opinions on traditional culture and seeking the beauty of life.

    Dong Mingzhu

    Profession: Businesswoman Key word: Thoughtful Achievement: Dong Mingzhu has changed GREE from a small factory into the world's largest maker of air conditioners based on sales. Dong has won the award "Top 10 Economic Figures in China".

    Wu Yishu

    Profession: Student ‘Key word: Wise Achievement: Wu Yishu, a senior high school student from Shanghai, is the champion of Chinese Poetry Conference. Her rich knowledge of classical poetry impressed everyone and she has become famous online."

    (1)、When did China's Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal first?
    A、In 1986. B、In 1996. C、In 2002. D、In 2016.
    (2)、Dong Qing is famous for/as        .
    A、a television hostess B、the beauty of her good life C、her rich knowledge D、the award "Top 10 Economic Figures" in China
    (3)、What do you think the underlined word "GREE" in the third form stands for?
    A、A name of a famous person. B、A large supermarket. C、A name of a great factory. D、A good TV program.
    (4)、Which of the following words can best describe Wu Yishu?
    A、Persistent. B、Intelligent C、Thoughtful. D、Wise.
    (5)、Who can you see on the same TV program according to the passage?
    A、The women players and Dong Qing. B、Dong Mingzhu and Dong Qing. C、The women players and Dong Mingzhu D、Wu Yishu and Dong Qing.