浙江省新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上学期期中模拟试卷(7)

试卷更新日期:2020-10-14 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

        Friends are very important in everyone's life because friends are always there when we need them. It's great to have many friends, and I can't think about my life without my friends.

        My best friend is Lisa. When I first met her, I was five. She is one year older than me. Now we are in the same class-in the 8th grade. She is tall and quite thin. She has long curly blond hair and blue eyes. I.am not so beautiful. Sometimes I wish I could be as beautiful as she is.

        My name's Molly. I am tall enough but a little fat. Lisa and I like doing lots of things together and talking about different things. She always helps me with my math and I sometimes help her with her English and history. I had to make a report (报告) on science once, but I didn't understand what the teacher said. The next day, I read it in front of the class. But the teacher told me that my report was wrong and all my classmates laughed at me. I felt very bad about myself. Lisa was the only one who didn't laugh at me. She tried to be nicer than anybody else and made me happy.

        I am a shy person and sometimes I feel that people don't understand me. Lisa is friendly and everybody loves her. She is also smart and she can deal with (解决) everything. I am happy to have a friend like her.

    (1)、Lisa always helps Molly with her ________ .
    A、math B、English C、history D、science
    (2)、What does the underlined word "understand" mean in Chinese?
    A、理解 B、遵循 C、听见 D、跟随
    (3)、Why did Molly feel bad after reading the report?
    A、Because Lisa did better than her. B、Because she didn't read it aloud. C、Because her classmates laughed at her. D、Because the teacher didn't understand her.
    (4)、Which of the following words CANNOT describe Lisa?
    A、Shy. B、Friendly. C、Popular. D、Smart.
    (5)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Lisa is taller than Molly. B、Molly is more beautiful than Lisa. C、Lisa has brown hair and blue eyes. D、Molly is happy to have a friend like Lisa.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Calabash brother (葫芦兄弟) live in the Calabash Mountain with their grandfather. They are all very brave. They wear different clothes. The red calabash is the oldest of the seven brothers. His strength is powerful. His body can be bigger or smaller. But he doesn't have his own ideas. The orange calabash has two bright eyes and big ears. He can see and hear far places clearly. The yellow calabash's body is very strong. Nothing can injure(伤害) him, but he is arrogant(傲慢的). The green calabash is the god of fire. He can eat fire and make fire. The cyan(青色的) calabash can drink water and make flood. The blue calabash is the cleverest of all.

        Nobody can find him when he makes himself invisible. And the purple calabash has a magic gourd(葫芦). The gourd can absorb(吸收) everything.

        One day a pangolin(穿山甲) broke the cave and two monsters came out. They were Monster Scorpion(蝎子精) and Monster Snake. The calabash brothers must fight with them and save the world, unluckily, their grandfather who helped them beat the monsters was killed by the monsters finally.

    (1)、How many calabash brothers are there?
    A、Five. B、Six C、Seven. D、Eight.
    (2)、What does the red calabash look like?
    A、He is strong. B、He has two bright eyes. C、He has two big ears. D、He has a hard head.
    (3)、If there is a fire, it may be caused by the       .
    A、red calabash B、orange calabash C、green calabash D、cyan calabash
    (4)、What does the underlined word "invisible" mean in Chinese?
    A、微不足道的 B、看不见的 C、暴露的 D、赤裸的
    (5)、According to the passage, which is the writer's opinion?
    A、He doesn't like the yellow calabash at all. B、He believes the calabash brothers can do anything. C、He feels excited because he knows the calabash brothers. D、The calabash brothers are all very brave and clever.
  • 3. 阅读理解


    Type: 3D cartoon comedy

    Running time: 95 minutes

    Merida, a princess, refused to marry a person that she dislikes. This causes trouble for her family and the whole country. Merida turns to a witch(女巫) for help. In doing so, her family and the country are in danger. Merida must save her family and the country before it is too late.

    The Grey

    Type: Action

    Running time: 117 minutes

    The Grey is based on the short novel Ghost Walker written by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers. It's about a number of oil men who are in trouble in Alaska after a plane crash(空难). They have to fight against grey wolves that threaten their lives.

    Mirror Mirror

    Type: Comedy

    Running time: 106 minutes

    You must know the story of Snow White. Would you like to see this story again? Come to see Mirror Mirror. It's a comedy about Snow White. Lily Collins and Julia Roberts are the main actresses in this interesting movie.


    Type: Documentary

    Running time: 78 minutes

    This movie is directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. It's a 2012 nature documentary film about a young chimpanzee named Oscar. He is alone in the African forests until he is raised by another chimpanzee. The chimpanzee takes care of Oscar like his own child.

    (1)、How many documentaries are mentioned in the passage?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、Which movie lasts the longest time?
    A、Brave   B、TheGrey   C、Chimpanzee   D、MirrorMirror
    (3)、Which statement about the movies is true?
    A、MirrorMirror is directed by Lily Collins and Julia Roberts. B、The Grey directed by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers is based on a short novel. C、You can't see many beautiful natural sights in Chimpanzee. D、Brave is about a princess who obeys her heart.
    (4)、Who starred in(主演) one of the movies?
    A、Lily Collins and Julia Roberts. B、Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. C、Ian Mackenzie Jeffers. D、Merida.
    (5)、Where can you probably read this passage?
    A、In a nature magazine. B、In a storybook. C、In an entertainment newspaper. D、In a science book.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Alisa was walking around the swimming pool. Her friend Maria was waiting for her. "Come on, Alisa!" Maria said. "Let's jump off the diving board (跳水版)."

        "No way! I can never go that high," said Alisa.

        "Don't be scared," Maria said. "It's really fun."

        Alisa walked away and sat on a bench.

        "You go. I'll watch you," said Alisa.

        "You don't know what you're missing," said Maria. Then she climbed up the tall ladder (梯子). It made Alisa scared just thinking of being up there.

        Maria jumped off the board and then climbed out of the pool. She walled to Alisa. "Come on, Alisa; just try it. It's wonderful!" she said.

        Alisa looked up at the board. Maybe it was time to try something new. OK, she said. Alisa climbed up the ladder for the diving board. The water looked far, far away. She wanted to turn back to climb down the ladder, but that would be too embarrassing. There was only one thing to do.

        Alisa walked to the edge (边缘) of the board. Then she closed (闭上) her eyes and jumped. She got into the water in no time. "Wow, so wonderful! I like it!" she shouted.

    (1)、What did Maria ask Alisa to do?
    A、To go swimming. B、To climb down the ladder. ' C、To jump off the diving board. D、To walk around the swimming pool.
    (2)、Where was Alisa when Maria climbed up the ladder?
    A、In the pool. B、On the bench. C、Under the ladder. D、On the diving board.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "embarrassing" mean in Chinese?
    A、复杂的 B、残酷的 C、贪婪的 D、难看的
    (4)、At last Alisa thought diving was          
    A、scary B、enjoyable C、dangerous D、important
    (5)、What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A、Friends have the same habits. B、Diving is good for young people. C、Never be afraid to try something new. ' D、Young people should play more sports,


  • 5. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题(注意每题后的词数要求)。

        Lily lives in Beijing with her parents. She likes swimming very much. She is in a swimming club. She swims for two hours every day. She often gets tired after she has a swim. She thinks she needs a lot of energy. It is important for her to keep healthy.

    She will change her diet because she wants to be healthy. She ate a lot of junk food between meals before. She had cakes, biscuits and candies, and she hardly ever ate fruit and vegetables. Now she knows that junk food is not good for her health, so she hardly ever eats it

        Now, she always eats a banana and some bread for breakfast, and then she often drinks a glass of juice or milk. She eats a healthy lunch every day. Sometimes she has rice with fish and an apple for lunch. For dinner, she usually eats meat and vegetables.

    (1)、How long does Lily swim every day?(不超过3个词)
    (2)、How does Lily often feel after she has a swim? (不超过4个词)
    (3)、Why will Lily change her diet?(不超过6个词)
    (4)、What does Lily always eat for breakfast now? (不超过5个词)
    (5)、How often does Lily have rice with fish and an apple for lunch?(不超过1个词)


  • 6. 完形填空

        Mike Tam is a 16-year-old boy. He has many good 1 —He exercises every morning and reads books every night. He is doing well in studies and his favorite 2 are science and history.

        Both of Mike's parents are good swimmers. When Mike was four years old, his father 3 to teach him how to swim. After two months of learning, Mike could swim 4 a fish.

        Each week, Mike has to spend at least 16 hours 5. He spends two hours practicing swimming every day before school. After morning practice, he goes to school by bike. He likes riding bikes, 6 it is good for his health.

        On Saturday, he gets up at 7: 00 a. m. He swims in the swimming pool for four hours. After that, he goes home to do his homework. He 7 watching movies, so he goes to the cinema every Sunday. "It is 8 to watch movies with my friends," he said. His parents often go to the swimming pool on weekends to encourage (鼓励)9 when they don't have to work.

        Mike doesn't mind spending a lot of time practicing. "I love swimming, and practice can help me get good 10 in competitions (比赛)," he said.

    A、programs B、habits C、dreams
    A、books B、subjects C、colors D、symbols
    A、started B、disliked C、forgot D、followed
    A、into B、across C、over D、like
    A、practicing B、drawing C、cleaning D、driving
    A、or B、although C、because D、but
    A、enjoys B、finishes C、stops D、remembers
    A、tidy B、relaxing C、boring D、difficult
    A、her B、me C、you D、him
    A、uniforms B、results C、rules D、prices




  • 27. 假如你是Jack,前不久班里做了一项关于家庭成员所喜爱的节目的调查。下面是调查结果,请你根据表格中所提供的信息写一篇短文.














         I'm Jack. There are three people in my family We like different TV shows.