浙江省新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级上学期期中模拟试卷(1)

试卷更新日期:2020-10-14 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

        Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism (批评), and taught me a great deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the best teachers.

        Parents may be too close to their children emotionally (感情上). Sometimes they can only see their children through the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent.

        Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to force their child to love science, too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car repair?

        Parents usually want to pass on their values to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations (代)need different ways of thinking. When children are young, they believe that their parents are always right. But when they get older, they realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at school may find that his parents don't have wider views. A student who loves computers may find that his parents don't really understand. Sometimes kids have to find their own ways to what they believe in.

        The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us and our teachers teach us. Books and newspapers and television also teach us. All of them are valuable.

    (1)、What CANNOT we know from the first paragraph?
    A、The writer's relationship with parents. B、The main idea of the passage. C、How the writer's parents educate the writer. D、The most important rules in life.
    (2)、What can we know from the second paragraph?
    A、Parents want to protect their children. B、Parents encourage their children to travel. C、It's not right for parents to get close to kids. D、It's dangerous for parents to travel.
    (3)、What may the underlined word "separate" mean in Chinese?
    A、分离 B、经历 C、期望 D、限制
    (4)、Which of the following is WRONG?
    A、Our parents are not always the best teachers. B、Young children believe in their parents. C、Children have the same interests as their parents. D、We can learn a great deal from parents.
    (5)、What's the best title of the passage?
    A、Our best teachers B、How parents protect children C、What should we learn? D、Are parents the best teachers?
  • 2. 阅读理解

        How old do you have to be to invent something: ten, twenty, or thirty years old? How about older? Don't tell K. K. Gregory that. When she was ten(1995), she made her invention, called Wristies.

        While playing out in the snow, her arms hurt because they were cold. She made a warm fingerless(不分手指的)cover that kept her hands and arms warm. She could wear them under her coat. She shared her idea with a few other people, and they liked it.

        She applied for a patent(申请专利)on her idea. Perhaps Kathryn's biggest problem was that adults didn't take her seriously. They thought that the idea must have been her mother's.

        Some people gave Kathryn some good advice. They told her to wear her Wristies so people would see them and ask what they were. By telling people the name of her invention, she was building a brand. Starting business at the age of ten may be not easy for a ten-year-old girl. I hope she can succeed. Good luck, K. K. Gregory!

    (1)、K. K. Gregory invented Wristies to_____________.
    A、play with snow B、keep her feet warm C、prevent her hands and arms from cold D、stop her arms from getting hurt
    (2)、Some adults _____________.
    A、didn't like her invention B、thought Gregory's mother had invented Wristies C、applied for a patent for Gregory D、thought Gregory was too serious
    (3)、According to the last paragraph we can know many people_____________ about Wristies.
    A、didn't know much B、could tell a lot C、shared her idea D、did nothing
    (4)、The underlined word "brand" may mean "_____________" in Chinese.
    A、住所 B、公司 C、品牌 D、名字
    (5)、Which of the following is WRONG?
    A、Gregory was born in 1985. B、Many people liked Wristies. C、People gave Gregory some suggestions. D、Gregory had no difficulty with business.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        We all know that many inventions have changed our life a lot. They play important roles in our daily life. Here are some interesting inventions.


        People refuse to wear helmets because they're thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic. It is just as strong as traditional helmets, but it can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry. Morpher may be available for sale in stores in the near future.


        Have you ever seen the movie Back to the Future? Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie that can tighten or loosen by themselves. Now, thanks to the shoe factory, the dream is realized. When you push a button on the shoe, HyperAdapt can tighten or loosen around the feet.


        Flyte is a light bulb that can float and turn. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January, The company also introduced a lot of similar products, including a planter, Lyfe, which came out in June.

    Little Printer

        It looks lovely and is called Little Printer, This machine can print news headlines(摘要), riddles and other things on a roll(卷) of paper, If you want to make your own little newspaper, don't forget to use it.

    (1)、Morpher is made of _________.
    A、steel B、plastic C、gold D、wood
    (2)、What's the main use of the Little Printer?
    A、To protect our heads more safely. B、To tighten or loosen by themselves around the feet. C、To float and turn in the water. D、To print news headlines, riddles and other things.
    (3)、The underlined word "button" means "_________" in Chinese.
    A、按钮 B、门铃 C、电梯 D、键盘
    (4)、What kind of invention can float in the passage?
    A、Morpher. B、Little Printer. C、Flyte. D、HyperAdapt.
    (5)、Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?
    A、Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie Back to the Future. B、You can make your own little newspaper with the Little Printer. C、Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in February. D、Morpher can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        I've taught thousands of students since came to China in 2011. I've taught hundreds of Chinese English teachers. I've met students who have studied English for 10 years in school. Most of them still make a lot of mistakes, many of which are common grammar mistakes. Why is English so difficult for Chinese students? There are three reasons.

        Recitation(背诵) is boring. But this is a method that is most often used in teaching English in China. Many teachers say to their students,

    "It's not easy to learn English. You have to recite, recite, recite, recite ...”Not only is this a boring way to learn English, but it is not effective.

        Teachers are not required to be fluent (流利的) in English. When I first came to China, I started talking to the head teacher of the English Department. When I spoke to her. She looked at me as if I was speaking Swahili (an African language). She knew nothing about what I was saying. I said it again very, very, very slowly and clearly. She still didn't understand.

        In China, the focus is on exams. Of course, in America, language students also take exams. However, they learn faster because they learn to speak the language first. This is the natural way that language is learned all over the world. Children listen to their parents and then try to say what the parents say. Writing and reading are taught later in school.

    (1)、From the passage, we know the writer is a ______.
    A、reporter B、writer C、teacher D、doctor
    (2)、How many reasons does the passage mention?
    A、1. B、2. C、3. D、4.
    (3)、The underlined sentence means the head teacher ______.
    A、was very good at speaking English B、could listen to English well C、could not understand the writer D、could write English very well
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Recitation is a good way to learn English. B、Teachers can speak English fluently in China. C、Chinese students learn English in natural ways. D、Most of the students' mistakes are common grammar mistakes.
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、How to learn English well B、How to teach English C、Why English is difficult for Chinese students D、A good way to learn English


  • 5. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。    Spare the rod, spoil the child(不打不成器). Many parents believe it. but it might result in violence(暴力).

         "We are not saying that spanking children must cause violence, but parents are taking it as an example for their children. , they may think that spanking children is a right way and that they may carry that forward and get in trouble at last, "said Jeff Temple.

        In the study, Temple's group interviewed 758 persons. About 69 percent said they were spanked during childhood, and Spanking makes children have poor relationships with their parents later in life. , in order to avoid the punishment, they may tell a lie.

        Parents are the most important people to children and

    A. children learn nearly everything from them.

    B. they thought spanking was natural and that no one was perfect.

    C. A new study showed that physical punishment was not good for children

    D. Spanking(打屁股)may be useful in the short term for children

    E. When children who were spanked grow up


  • 6. 完形填空

        Nowadays, more and more teenagers have too much pressure. They find their1are getting heavier and hours they spend on their homework are becoming2. They think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies. But their parents think the hobbies can3their schoolwork. Should parents allow their children4their own decisions?

        Liu Ying, a fifteen-year-old girl, is a singing star at school. She always wants to be a professional5when she grows up.6, her parents don't want her to practice singing because they think their daughter should study hard to get good7and go to a good university. "She needs to spend more time8her homework because it's9to become a professional singing star," says her father. But Liu Ying really10. "I know my parents 11me. And they hope that I will have a better life in the future. But I am12singing. I should be allowed to make my own decision. Only then will I have a chance to13my dream," says Liu Ying.

        Doctors say lots of pressure14bad for children's development. Society should pay more attention to the health of teenagers. Parents have to own the15attitude(态度) towards the children's development. Although it's normal to want successful children, it's even more important to have healthy and happy children!

    A、schools B、schoolbags C、suggestions D、requires
    A、longer B、shorter C、less D、fewer
    A、put down B、put out C、get out of D、get in the way of
    A、make B、to make C、making D、made
    A、runner B、player C、singer D、writer
    A、However B、Though C、But D、So
    A、jobs B、books C、grades D、dreams
    A、with B、for C、in D、on
    A、easy B、interesting C、possible D、difficult
    A、agrees B、minds C、dislikes D、disagrees
    A、care about B、take after C、look for D、look like
    A、angry with B、serious about C、sorry for D、pleased with
    A、miss B、know C、achieve D、change
    A、are B、were C、is D、was
    A、wrong B、correct C、hard D、simple




  • 27. 昨天你校"发明节"隆重开幕,在今天的英语口语课上,老师要求同学们围绕"你所知道的发明创造"这一话题进行简短发言。请你根据下表的内容提示为此次发言做准备。






    The telephone

    Alexander Bell

    In 1876

    The car

    Karl Benz

    In 1886

    The TV

    John Baird

    In around 1924

        Hello, everyone! There are many inventions that have changed the world. Here's a short introduction of some useful inventions.


        That's all! Thanks!