浙江省新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上学期期中模拟试卷(5)

试卷更新日期:2020-10-14 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

        Three students are giving their opinions about what a good friend should be like.


    I think a good friend should be honest (诚实的). That's more important than any other thing. And it is where a real friendship starts. If a person isn't honest, he may lose his friends' trust.


    I think a good friend has to be generous (慷慨的). Here being generous doesn't mean he has to give his friends money or clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way.


    In my opinion, a good friend should understand his friends. When there's something wrong between him and his friends, he must put himself in his friends' place and think more of his friends.

    (1)、What does the underlined sentence mean?
    A、To be honest is the most important. B、To be honest is as important as other things. C、To be honest is not very important. D、Honest people get more things than others.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "trust" mean in Chinese?
    A、夸奖 B、批评 C、理解 D、信任
    (3)、Jerry would like to make friends with people who ________.
    A、give him money B、know him very well C、tell him their ideas and feelings D、give him some clothes
    (4)、Mary thinks friends should ________.
    A、often visit each other B、often go to different places C、understand each other D、help each other
    (5)、Which of the following is NOT true?
    A、The three students are talking about what they think a good friend should be like. B、Cindy thinks honesty is the base (基础) of a good friendship. C、Mary would like to make friends with people who think more of others. D、Being generous means being very clever.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Yasutaro Koide, the world's oldest man, died at the age of 113, in Nagoya, Japan on January 19, 2016. But along with his many years, Koide also left us with a piece of advice for a long and fruitful life.

        Koide was born on March 13, 1903. He learned sewing and worked as a tailor(裁缝) for a men's clothes shop in most of his life. He moved to live with his daughter when he was 107 years old. When he turned 110, Koide could still read newspapers without glasses and could eat well without dentures(假牙). In August, 2015, Guinness World Records confirmed(认证) that he was the world's oldest man.

        Koide always loved sitting in front of his sewing machine, enjoying making all kinds of clothes by hand. Being a tailor was his only and last job before his death.

        When he was given the world record in 2015, he told reporters about his secret of living a long life, "No smoking or overdrinking! Be happy about everything. Never overdo things. Work and live with happiness.

    (1)、Yasutaro Koide was       years old when he got Guinness World Record.
    A、107 B、110 C、112 D、113
    (2)、What does the underlined word "sewing" mean in English?
    A、Buying clothes. B、Making clothes. C、Selling clothes. D、Wearing clothes.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Koide used to have lots of jobs. B、Koide lived in Fukui all his life. C、Many Japanese like to be tailors. D、Koide liked his work all his life.
    (4)、According to Koide, the secret of living a long life is       .
    A、drinking a lot B、eating well C、working hard D、living happily
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、The oldest man in the world B、The oldest woman in the world C、Some ways to live a long life D、The importance of living happily
  • 3. 阅读理解

        These days traveling is getting more and more popular around the world. Four friends went to different Chinese cities on vacation last winter.







    visited the History Museum and the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑), ate delicious food, bought something special

    went there by I train; first snowy and then sunny; wonderful



    visited the Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼),the Wuhan Zoo and Wuhan University, met her Internet friend, Ma Lili

    went there by ship; rainy and kind of cold; interesting



    visited the West Lake ( went boating, walked along the lake, took photos), ate something special, met someone interesting

    went there by train; first rainy and then fine; relaxing



    went to the beach, swam and went diving(潜水), tried paragliding(滑翔伞运动),ate fresh seafood, talked to. some Americans in English

    went there by plane; always warm and sunny exciting

    (1)、Who took the train to get to their travel places?
    A、Peter and Maria. B、Maria and David. C、David and Nancy. D、Peter and David.
    (2)、Where did Maria visit on her vacation?
    A、The museum. B、The zoo. C、The lake. D、The beach.
    (3)、What did David do on his vacation?
    A、Went shopping. B、Visited his friend. C、Tasted special food. D、Went swimming.
    (4)、What was the weather like when Nancy was in Sanya?
    A、It was snowy. B、It was rainy. C、It was fine. D、It was cold.
    (5)、From the passage, we know that       .
    A、David went to Sanya on vacation, too B、Peter took lots of photos on his vacation C、Nancy met some friends on her vacation D、the four friends had a good time
  • 4. 阅读理解

        I like listening to music in my flee time. My favorite song is Another World by One Direction. I also like reading books and one of my favorite books is The Old Man and the Sea. But I like making clothes best. I think it is very interesting.


        In my free time, I like reading books, drawing and playing volleyball. I also enjoy talking with my friends and playing the piano. I have piano lessons every Thursday and Sunday.


        In my free time, I often help my parents do the housework. I clean the rooms, wash the dishes, walk the dog and help my sister with her studies. But my favorite thing is cooking. I want to be a great cook in the future (未来).


        I like doing volunteer (志愿者) work inky free time. I go to the old people s home with my classmates twice a month. And sometimes I go to the market to help old people. I also help clean the park in my neighborhood.


    (1)、Emma thinks making clothes is       
    A、easy B、difficult C、interesting D、boring
    (2)、How often does Bill have piano lessons?
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Once a month. D、Twice a month.
    (3)、What does Tina want to be in the future?
    A、A cook. B、A teacher. C、A singer. D、A guide.
    (4)、Who does Jessica go to the old people's home with?
    A、Her cousins. B、Her friends. C、Her parents. D、Her classmates.
    (5)、Who like reading books in their free time?
    A、Bill and Tina. B、Emma and Bill. C、Tina and Jessica. D、Emma and Jessica


  • 5. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        There is a new student in my class this term. His name is Jack. Jack is tall and has short curly hair. And he sits next to me. At first he didn't talk to anyone. He always played basketball alone after class. Most of us thought he was not an outgoing boy.

        A month later, he started to talk with others. And sometimes he told jokes to make us laugh. I knew that he played basketball well. So I asked him to teach me. With his help, I got much better at basketball. And I found he was really different from me. He is more outgoing and funnier than me, but he isn't as hard-working as me. So I always get better grades. We both love music and we often share our CDs. Now we are in the school basketball club and we go there together twice a week.

    (1)、What does Jack look like?
    (2)、What is Jack good at?
    (3)、Who is more hard-working, Jack or the writer?
    (4)、What do they often share with each other?
    (5)、How often do they go to the basketball club?


  • 6. 完形填空

        If you want to have true friends, you should be a true friend yourself. Wonder 1 you can do? Here are some tips.

        2 and cry together

        Laughing with a friend is the best, 3 sometimes crying brings you closer (更亲密的) together. Don't be 4 to be yourself when you stay with your friends. Share your 5 feelings with your friends. Then friends will know each other 6 better.

        Be a nice gift giver

        Gift-giving isn't just for birthdays or holidays-it can be a fun way of making your friends 7 special! But you don't need to buy 8 gifts. Making things by yourself 9 your care, because you put time and ideas into your 10.

        Stand up for him or her

        If someone 11 your friend, don't just stand there quietly. Do 12 about it! You can try to 13 a smart way to solve (解决) the problem and make others look at your friend differently. Sometimes it's necessary 14 you to make him or her feel better. It may not be 15, but it's what a good friend should do!

    A、who B、when C、what D、how
    A、Think B、Laugh C、Sing D、Dance
    A、because B、but C、if D、or
    A、bored B、tired C、surprised D、afraid
    A、true B、difficult C、funny D、boring
    A、so B、very C、much D、quite
    A、keep B、feel C、look D、get
    A、expensive B、interesting C、useful D、real
    A、lets B、wishes C、helps D、shows
    A、friends B、birthdays C、gifts D、holidays
    A、laughs at B、looks at C、thinks about D、talks to
    A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing
    A、find B、ask C、start D、teach
    A、of B、for C、to D、with
    A、strict B、sorry C、easy D、smart




  • 27. 本单元话题主要是用形容词或副词的比较级和最高级形式等描述自己的家乡。






    Red Star








    Blue Sky

    not very good

