
试卷更新日期:2020-10-14 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 判断下列每组单词是否同类

    mountain     river           right

    doctor        driver          dancer

    shop         restaurant       map

    thousand     hundred        million

    postcard      email           strong


  • 2. Look         this map.
    A、at B、on C、of
  • 3. _______ is her hobby.
    A、Running B、Runs C、Runing
  • 4. 选择与画线单词不同类的一项:I can have another Chinese stamp.
    A、from B、some C、any
  • 5. This song _______ good.
    A、sound B、sounds C、sounding
  • 6. Do you ___ stamps ? 

    A、collect   B、collecting  C、make
  • 7. There are three _______ on the desk.
    A、letter B、letters C、a letter
  • 8. Are these ____maps? Yes, they are.                  (   )

    A、you B、your C、we
  • 9. She can _______ some English.
    A、spoke B、speak C、speaks
  • 10. —______is your ruler? 

    — It's about 20 cm.

    A、How long B、How old C、How big
  • 11. — What's your hobby?

    — Oh, I like keeping (饲养) _____.

    A、a cat pet B、a pet cat C、pets cat




  • 22. 给下列句子选择合适的答语

    A. It's in the east of America.

    B. Beijing has got about twenty million people.

    C. It's in the east of China.

    D. Yes, it is.

    E. It's about two thousand kilometres long.

    (1)、How long is it?
    (2)、How big is Beijing?
    (3)、Is it in your town?
    (4)、Where's Shanghai?
    (5)、Where's New York?




  • 33. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。

        I'm Mike. I'm an English boy. I'm a pupil. I have a friend in China. His name is Xiaoming. Yesterday I got some postcards from him. From the postcards, I know there are lots of beautiful places(地方) in China. Look! This is the Changjiang River. It's the longest river in China. It's about 6, 300 km long. This is the West Lake. It's in Hangzhou. And this is the Huangshan Mountain. It's in Anhui and it's very famous. I like this one best. It's a picture of the Great Wall, It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long. China is so beautiful that I want to visit it someday.

    (1)、Mike has a friend in Canada.
    (2)、Last year, Xiaoming sent some postcards to Mike.
    (3)、The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.
    (4)、The Huangshan Mountain is in Anhui.
    (5)、The Great Wall is more than twenty kilometres long.