
试卷更新日期:2020-09-28 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。

    A man and a boy checked into hotel. Later, they went to the hotel restaurant for dinner. The waiters1that the two guests were very quiet and that the boy was unhappy. He seemed to have2interest in his food.

    After dinner, the boy went back to his room, 3the man went to a waiter and asked to see the manager. The waiter asked if there was problem with the service or the room. But the man said that there was no problem of that sort.

    When the4 came, the man took him aside and explained that he was spending the night in the hotel with his fourteen-year-old son. His son was seriously5.He was very soon to receive treatment which would cause him to lose his hair. And the boy planned to shave(剃头) his head that night,because he did not want to feel that the illness was6him. The father said that he would shave his own head as well, in support of his son.

    The man7that the hotel staff would not stare at him or his son when they came to the restaurant for breakfast with their shaved heads. The manager agreed that he woulds tell all the staff about it and that they would act properly.

    The next8the father and the son entered the hotel restaurant with their shaved heads. They saw some waiters attending to their duties9 .They had all shaved their heads, too!

    No matter what business you are in, you can10 people and make a difference.

    A、knew B、noticed C、forgot D、said
    A、much B、more C、some D、little
    A、while B、though C、unless D、if
    A、son B、waiter C、manager D、host
    A、shy B、sad C、angry D、ill
    A、beating B、catching C、hitting D、meeting
    A、heard B、hoped C、ordered D、believed
    A、morning B、afternoon C、evening D、week
    A、after all B、in person C、on purpose D、as usual
    A、treat B、force C、help D、save


  • 2. 请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。

    Peter: Hi, Alice. I'm going with my cousin to a concert next week.

    Alice: When are you going, Peter?


    Alice: What time does the concert start?

    Peter: At one thirty, And it finishes at a quarter past four.


    Peter: We'll go by train. It's too far to ride a bicycle, and there is no subway.

    Alice: OK,  I've only got one hundred dollars.

    Peter: Oh, that's all right. They're only ninety dollars each.

    Alice: Great! That leaves me with ten dollars to get some ice -cream or a drink.

    Peter: You'1I need a jacket because it's cold inside the concert tent Alice: Great! I can't wait.

    A. How will we get there?

    B. It's Tuesday today.

    C. Do you want to come with us?

    D. Is there anything need to bring?

    E. Are the tickets expensive?

    F. What can I do for you?

    G. We're going on Tuesday afternoon.


  • 3. 阅读理解

    Once, a man went to buy a coconut. The sale asked him for ten coins for one coconut.

    “I'll give you five," said the man.

    "You can go to the wholesale market two miles away. You will get a coconut for five coins there." replied the seller.

    So the man walked to the wholesale market. He picked a coconut and said to the seller in the wholesale market, "I'll pay three coins for it"

    The seller told him," If you want a coconut for three coins, then walk three miles to the seashore. "So the man walked to the seashore. "I'll pay one coin for a coconut," he said to the seller at the seashore.

    “I won't sell it for one coin. Why don't you climb up the coconut tree and get it for free?" said the seller.

    The man climbed up the tree, but he slipped and fell to the ground. He broke his leg and had to spend a lot of money on treatment. All this is just for a free coconut!

    (1)、How much did the first seller ask the man for a coconut?
    A、10 coins. B、5 coins. C、3 coins. D、1 coin.
    (2)、Where could the man buy a coconut for 5 coins?
    A、The seashore. B、The wholesale market. C、The coconut tree. D、The ground.
    (3)、What happened when the man climbed up the tree?
    A、He picked a coconut. B、He fell and broke his leg. C、He saw a beautiful seashore. D、He found nothing at all.
    (4)、How far was it from the wholesale market to the seashore?
    A、One mile. B、Two miles. C、Three miles. D、Five miles.
    (5)、What do you think of the man in the story?
    A、He was good at shopping. B、He kept on with his dreams. C、He liked to climb up the tree. D、He wasn't satisfied with present situations.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    The Volunteers for the City Sports Festival



    Li Yu


    Zhou Xue
















    Tour guide








    Helping during the

    City Art Festival in


    Volunteering at an

    animal care center

    in 2013 and 2016

    Teaching children

    music at school in

    the countryside

    Working at an

    animal hospital


    (1)、LiYu helped during the City Art Festival          .
    A、in 2013 B、in 2014 C、in 2015 D、in 2016
    (2)、Zhou Xue is       Alex.
    A、as old as B、three years older than C、two years younger than D、three years younger than
    (3)、Tom and Alex           .
    A、are at the same age B、have the same personality C、come from the same country D、had similar volunteering experiences
    (4)、If someone is hurt during the City Sports Festival,             may be the most suitable to help.
    A、Li Yu B、Tom C、Zhou Xue D、Alex
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the form(表格) above?
    A、Li Yu from China is a tour guide. B、Tom has the same job with Alex. C、Zhou Xue who taught children music is humorous. D、The two girls volunteered at the Olympics.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Hobbies can be anything. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things. But how to pick a hobby?

    Think back to what you loved as a kid.

    Did you like to ride bikes with friends? Did you love to paint or draw? Think about what got you excited as a kid and what you could do for several hours. If you rode bikes, why not get a new bike and go around your neighborhood? If you loved drawing, take a class at an art museum.

    Look at what interests you.

    Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing them. Do you like a cold beer at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make beer at home. Turn what you love into a hobby.

    Look into your skill.

    Some hobbies need skills. If you have little patience, you may not enjoy hand-sewing. But if you love repairing and building things, you can have a hobby like working on old radios or building furniture.

    Pay attention to what excites you.

    What you often talk about can show what you love most. Think about the topics you always go on about. Ask your friends what you talk about most. Then you can decide how to tum it into a hobby.

    (1)、What is the benefit of having hobbies?
    A、Making you smart. B、Letting you try new things. C、Making your life exciting. D、Letting you love many things.
    (2)、If you love reading, what might be your hobby according to the passage?
    A、Writing stories. B、Repairing old radios. C、Making food at home. D、Studying at an art museum.
    (3)、How can you find out what excites you?
    A、Think about what you loved as a kid. B、Look at what you are good at. C、Learn to try many new things. D、Ask others what you talk about most.
    (4)、From the passage, we can learn that       .
    A、if you are skilled at something, you can pick it as a hobby. B、if you don't like something, you can make it your hobby. C、the thing you loved to do as a kid can't be kept as a hobby. D、the thing you talk least with your friend can be your hobby.
    (5)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A、How to write books. B、How to excite a kid. C、 How to find a hobby. D、How to try new things at home.
  • 6. 阅读理解

    The weather of Antarctica(南极洲)is cold, cloudy with heavy snow. Most parts of it are covered with ice sea for 10 months. Though it is dry and seldom rains, scientists in Antarctica have gotten their first crop of vegetables that they grew without earth. As one part of a plan, it will help astronauts to study fresh food about other planets. If the plan is successful, people will have some space to plant vegetables and fruit.

    Researchers at Germany's Neumayer Station III say they have planted 3.6 kilograms (about 8pounds) of salad green vegetables, including 18 cucumbers and 70 carrots in a high technology greenhouse(温室),while the temperatures outside dropped below -200C. In this way, they can eat fresh vegetables in time.

    The German Aerospace(航天航空) Center DLR, Daniel Dchubert, which was the leader of the plan, said on Thursday," Scientists hope to get 4 to 5 kilograms of fruit and vegetables a week in May.Maybe the plan can turn into reality."

    While NASA has successful grown green plants on the International Space Station, DLR's Daniel Dchubert says the Antarctic plan decides to produce a wider range of vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions and so on. People might grow them on the Mars or the Moon one day.

    We know people depend on agriculture since the beginning of human history.

    Without agriculture, people can't live for many years. At the same time, the development of agriculture needed some conditions, including environment, temperature, weather and so on. The technology develops quickly. People will plant the vegetables on the Mars sooner or later.

    (1)、What's the weather like in Antarctica according the passage?
    A、Sunny and cold. B、Cool and snowy. C、Dry and rainy. D、Seriously bad.
    (2)、From Daniel Dchubert's words, we can learn that         .
    A、Antarctic plan will produce more kinds of vegetables B、more vegetables might be grown on the Sun or the Moon C、Antarctic plan may be useless to other planets, like the Mars D、Green plants will be grown on the International Space Station
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、3.6 kilograms is 9 pounds. B、No people are living in Antarctica. C、People will plant vegetables on the Mars. D、Scientists in Antarctica can't grow vegetables.
    (4)、What's the meaning of the underlined word "agriculture" in Chinese?
    A、航天. B、工业. C、农业 D、服务业.
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、Green vegetables in Antarctica. B、Special weather in Antarctica. C、A great plan about vegetables. D、Planting green vegetables.


  • 7. 阅读短文,回答问题及翻译划线部分的句子。

    Do you often run outdoorsto keep healthy? Have you ever thought about how running helps to clean up theearth? Sometimes a creative mind can bring us a win-win(双赢) situation.

    Plogging began in Sweden(瑞典). The name "plogging" comes from two words -theSwedish(瑞典的) word "plocka",which means "to pick up", and the word "jogging", whichmeans "to run slowly". A Swedish man called Erik started the movement.

    He saw rubbish here andthere when riding to work each day. He became worried about the dirtyenvironment and decided not to go to work by bike any more.

    Then he began to run towork and pick up the rubbish. ①To his joy, more and morepeople followed him and soon the new way to exercise became popular.

    Many people choose plogginginstead of just jogging because they think plogging is a good way to help cleanup the earth. Sometimes rubbish is difficult to collect because it may scatter(散落) all around. But if the runners pick up the rubbish on the way,it is quite different. After all, many hands make light work.

    Another reason is thatplogging burns more calories(卡路里). According to a research,plogging for 10 minutes burns 48 calories, while usual jogging for 10 minutesburns about 39 calories.

    Everyone on the earthshould play a part in cleaning it up!②是我们一起采取行动的时候了。So ready? Let's plog tomorrow!

    (1)、What does "plogging" mean?
    (2)、After Erik saw much rubbish,did he continue riding a bike to work?
    (3)、Why do people chooseplogging?


  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Preparing for meals is tiring. You may have to spend hours  (get) everything ready for cooking. Now in China, new mobile apps are here to help.

    These apps provide you meat, fish, and vegetables, almost everything you need for a meal. You can order whenever you like and make a (decide) on the time for (they) to arrive. If you like, the food can(make) for a certain dish. Some apps guide you to cook step by step can make cooking much  (easy).

    Compared with the traditional way (go) to the market, mobile apps save your time and energy. With such  new use of the mobile phone, you can enjoy a more (relax) life.


  • 9. 假定英语设上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语音错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加或个单词的删除,其他错误为单词的修改。







    I was interesting in playing football because a small accident. One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground. Suddenly a football fell just in the front of me and almost hit him. I stop the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground. To everyone surprise, the ball went into the net. All the football player cheered loudly and said that I was talented in football. From now on, I started to play football with classmates after school. I am a good player now.


  • 10. 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Alan作为交换生来到中国学习,他对学校不允许学生带手机进入校园的规定感到困感和不满,请你给他写封电子邮件, 谈谈你对此项规定的看法,帮助他排解困感。词数80左右。







    3)文章的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Alan,

    I'm sorry to know that you are not happy these days.


    Yours, Li Hua