浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 Section B同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-09-02 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Sandy wants ___________ a basketball game on TV.
    A、to watch B、watch C、watches D、watching
  • 2. —My brother always plays sports in the morning.

    —Oh, it's a good _______.

    A、question B、star C、habit D、dinner
  • 3. ________lunch, Bill and his brother _______hamburgers.
    A、For; like B、For; likes C、To; like D、To; likes
  • 4. I'm a little hungry now, I only drank some          before I come to school.
    A、bread B、milk C、banana D、noodle
  • 5. — Why do you like eating vegetables?

    —Because I don't want to be       .

    A、fat B、right C、difficult D、healthy
  • 6. —Let's get some       .

    —OK. I want some       .

    A、breads; hamburgers B、breads; hamburger C、bread; hamburgers D、bread; hamburger
  • 7. We like to have tomatoes         lunch.
    A、for B、to C、on D、at
  • 8. 找出下列各组单词中不同类的一项
    A、ice- cream B、potato C、carrot
  • 9. My mother likes strawberries very much, but my father doesn't like        .
    A、it B、them C、its D、they
  • 10. Is she a         star.
    A、run B、runing C、runner D、running



  • 21. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的间,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        My name is Bill. I am an  (England) boy. I have two  (sister). They  (be) Emma and Sally. We have breakfast at home. breakfast, we all drink milk. Emma and Sally like  (egg).   I don't, I like bread for breakfast. We have lunch  school. I like hamburgers with chicken. But they don't. They like fruit  vegetables. We all have dinner at home, Emma and I eat some salad. But Sally doesn't. She (like) carrots. We often eat  (fruit) for dinner.


  • 22. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。

    A. How about bananas?

    B. What fruit do you like?

    C. That sounds good, but I don't like hamburgers.

    D. That's OK.

    E. Sorry, I don't have apples.

    F. Do you like it?

    G. For lunch, I like chicken and salad.

    Maria: Let's have hamburgers and chicken for lunch.


    Maria: Then what do you like?


    Maria: OK. Let's have chicken and salad.(3)

    Peter: I like apples.

    Maria(4) How about strawberries?
