牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 同步练习(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2020-09-01 类型:同步测试



  • 2. 听录音,选择正确的答句。
    A、I was very happy. B、I went to the cinema with my friend.
  • 3. 听录音,选择正确的答句。
    A、Yes, they did. B、Yes, they are.
  • 4. 听录音,选择正确的答句。
    A、No, he didn't. B、He went swimming.
  • 5. 听录音,选择正确的答句。
    A、That's very noisy. B、I'm sorry.
  • 6. 听录音,选择正确的答句。
    A、That's a good idea. B、It's healthy.



  • 12. 听录音,判断正误。
    (1)、Mr Turtle and Mr Frog are neighbours.
    (2)、They never listen to music together.
    (3)、They don't take a walk together.
    (4)、Mr Turtle is a little noisy.
    (5)、They went to Pond Cinema yesterday.



  • 18. Sam is my cousin. He is my aunt's ________.
    A、daughter B、son C、father
  • 19. ________ are my neighbours.
    A、The Blacks B、The Black C、Mr Black
  • 20. There ________ two apples and a pear on the table.
    A、was B、were C、is
  • 21. —Did the rabbits ________ a hole?   

    —Yes, they ________ a hole yesterday.

    A、dig; dig B、dug; dug C、dig; dug
  • 22. Today many rabbits sleep in holes, because it's very ________ underground.
    A、quite B、noisy C、quiet
  • 23. —________ do many rabbits sleep?  

     —In holes.

    A、Where B、Who C、What
  • 24. It's ________. Don't make a lot of ________.
    A、noisy; noisy B、noisy; noise C、noise; noise
  • 25. We help ________ and they help ________.
    A、them; us B、them; we C、they; us
  • 26. There was ________ owl and ________ rabbit.
    A、a; an B、an; an C、an; a
  • 27. Where ________ they from?
    A、are B、are come C、do




  • 38. 选择恰当的句子,完成对话。

    A. I help people.

    B. I usually get people out of fire.

    C. I'm a policeman.

    D. I'm your new neighbour.

    E. What's your job?

    John: Hello, I'm John Chen. I live in Room 301. I moved here last week.

    Peter: Hello, I'm Peter. What do you do, Mr Chen?


    Peter: That's cool! What do you usually do?

    John: Sometimes I catch bad people.

    Peter: Do you like your job?

    John: Yes.

    Peter: I'm a fireman.


  • 39. 选择恰当的一项完成小短文。

    Sally met her neighbour Mrs Wang this morning.

    Sally: Hello, Mrs Wang! I didn't see you1 Where 2 you?

    Mrs Wang: I went to Shanghai. My daughter studies there.

    Sally: Shanghai is my hometown. I3  there. Did you have a good time?

    Mrs Wang: Yes, I did. We went to the Yu Garden (豫园). It was 4 !

    Sally: Did you eat 5nice food?

    Mrs Wang: Yes, we did. The Xiaolongbao was wonderful!

    A、every week B、last week C、next week
    A、is B、was C、were
    A、were born B、was born C、am born
    A、beautiful B、terrible C、healthy
    A、some B、a C、any


  • 40. 读一读,根据短文内容填空,完成对话。

        My name is Jack. I am eight years old. My father is a cook. He goes to work at five o'clock in the morning. My mother is a shop assistant. She goes to work at half past nine. She comes home at ten o'clock in the evening. When I get up at seven o'clock, my father is working and my mother is sleeping. I go to school at half past seven. After school, I go to my grandma's home. I eat dinner and do my homework there. Sometimes I watch TV and play with my grandma's dog. I like it very much. I go home at eight o'clock in the evening. I go to bed at nine o'clock.

    Miss Li: What time do you go to school, Jack?

    Jack: I go to school at .

    Miss Li: Can you see your father in the morning?

    Jack: No. He at five o'clock.

    Miss Li: What time do you go home?

    Jack: I go home at in the evening.

    Miss Li: Can you see your mother in the evening?

    Jack: No. She at ten o'clock. I go to bed at .


  • 41. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        In the Noise Kingdom(王国), people like to make noise. They did everything loudly. Everyone was a noisy neighbour.

        The king's birthday was coming. He wanted to hear the loudest(最大声的) noise in the world. So all the people must shout together at twelve o'clock on his birthday.

        Everyone wanted to hear the loudest noise in the world. A boy said, "Let's just open our own mouths and listen." All the people heard about his idea.

        At twelve o'clock on the king's birthday, all the people just open their mouths and listen. They heard the sounds of the birds and the rivers.

        The king said, "What nice sounds! I like them." After that, the Noise Kingdom became quiet. People did everything quietly.

    (1)、People in the Noise Kingdom liked to make noise.
    (2)、The king wanted people to keep quiet on his birthday.
    (3)、People did not like the boy's idea.
    (4)、On the king's birthday, everyone kept quiet.
    (5)、The Noise Kingdom was still noisy after the king's birthday.


  • 42. 请试着用英语描述一下自己的邻居,他们来自哪里,做什么工作,他们的家庭成员的情况等。(要求: 语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)