外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上册Review Module Unit 2同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-08-25 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 词组翻译。
    (2)、New City 
    (4)、about eighty thousand people
  • 2. 词组翻译
    (1)、Radio NSE
    (3)、put books on the floor
    (5)、talk to each other 


  • 3. _________a fantastic present !
    A、How B、Where C、What
  • 4. Have you got a book_________ America?
    A、in B、about C、for
  • 5. —What do you do at Spring festival?


    A、We see dragon boat race. B、We have a big family dinner. C、Nothing
  • 6. Shanghai is in the_________ of China.
    A、west B、east C、north
  • 7. I've got a violin, _________ I can't play it.
    A、but B、and C、or


  • 8. ——你有一头大象吗?


    you an elephant?

    —Yes, I

  • 9. 书桌上有一本老师的书。

    There a book of the teacher on .

  • 10. ——你会用英语数数吗?


    you count ?

    —No, I.

  • 11. ——她在做什么?


    —What she ?

     —She is to music.

  • 12. 此处禁止右转。



  • 13. 阅读短文,回答下列问题

        This is my favourite city. It's got about eighty thousand people. There is a long wall around the city. The wall is 30 kilometres long. There are lots of tall buildings and it's got lots of factories. There are also lots of shops and restaurants in this city. This city has got many wide streets. There is also a river. There are often boats on the river. The city has got a beautiful park. You can ride your bike there. You can have a picnic. Or you can go swimming. There is also a very famous library in the city and a big theatre. There are five stations. There are four bus stations and there is one train station.

    (1)、How big is this city?
    (2)、Are there lots of shops and factories?
    (3)、Has this city got a beautiful school in this article(在这篇文章里)?
    (4)、What can you do?
    (5)、What's often on the river?