外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上册Module 10 Unit 1同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-08-25 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 用字母组单词。
    (1)、n i e l
    (2)、l s e c o
    (3)、e u l r
    (4)、q t u e i
    (5)、r a e n l


  • 2. We should stand in line.
    A、起立 B、排队 C、站起来
  • 3. When does the shop close?
    A、关门 B、开门 C、近的
  • 4. Look at the library rules, Mike.
    A、图书馆 B、图书卡 C、图书馆规定
  • 5. —Can you help me?

    No problem.

    A、不行 B、没问题 C、对不起


  • 6. —________ are you going, Sam?

    —To my school.

    A、Where B、How C、What
  • 7. Here ________ my library card.
    A、is B、be C、are
  • 8. Come here and stand ________ line.
    A、on B、with C、in
  • 9. I think English is easy ________.
    A、be learning B、to learn C、to be learn
  • 10. Look at the sign. It ________, "No photos."
    A、say B、says C、saying


  • 11. 西蒙问你现在几点了,假如现在是四点五十分,你应回答:
    A、It's ten to five. B、It's ten past five. C、It's fifty four.
  • 12. 你在图书馆里学习,听到有人在聊天,这时你会说:
    A、Don't walk! B、Please come here. C、Please be quiet.
  • 13. 同学们到图书馆借书,图书管理员想让大家有秩序地借书,他应说:
    A、Please go away. B、Please stand in line. C、Stand up!
  • 14. 在公共场合你大声讲话影响到别人时,你应说:
    A、Oh, sorry. B、Thank you. C、No problem.
  • 15. 新交的英国笔友想跟你学习汉语。你想告诉他汉语不好学时你应说:
    A、Chinese is very easy. B、My Chinese isn't very good. C、Chinese isn't easy to learn.
